Jillian Michaels Body Revolution or Insanity??

Please help me choose which to do after my 30ds is finished.....I like 30 minute workouts but a bit more is okay too....I just want to see the benefits in the end:)


  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I haven't done Insanity, but I really like Jillian. I enjoy her style, and I like the rotation of the DVDs that changes things up every couple of weeks. She also has modifications where you can make the workout harder if you want to.
  • cc141
    cc141 Posts: 55 Member
    I haven't done insanity either but I have a ton of beachbody workouts. JMBR is the first workout that I look forward to doing and don't dread and one that I've actually stuck with. I've just finished my second week and i love it.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Jmbr is a 90 day program that starts off at a mid range level and quickly gets hader. The nice part is that it's only 30 minutes. If you like 30ds, you'll like this one also. Insanity is hell from day 1 and goes for 60 days. Videos are in the 40-55 minute range. My advice is to preview them on youtube. Should get a good idea from there.
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I really appreciate the time you took to reply.

    I do enjoy the 30ds, and I am adding about 20 minutes of cardio to the beginning or end of it. I want results faster :)

    I think I will start with the JMBR and then see where I'm at.....My stamina is MUCH better then when I started 30ds but still, it's kind of weak.

    Thanks again!!
  • haleyjester
    haleyjester Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I really appreciate the time you took to reply.

    I do enjoy the 30ds, and I am adding about 20 minutes of cardio to the beginning or end of it. I want results faster :)

    I think I will start with the JMBR and then see where I'm at.....My stamina is MUCH better then when I started 30ds but still, it's kind of weak.

    Thanks again!!

    What kind of extra cardio are you doing? Are you doing it literally right before and after or llater in the day.
  • cynpin34
    cynpin34 Posts: 41 Member
    I own both.

    Jillian I've made it 3 weeks in. i like it...but I'm not sure what made me stop...I like the idea of being done my workout in 30 min. I think I've just sorta gotten bored.

    I am currently doing Insanity and am in my 3rd week and I love it. I don't know, it feels different...its intense, I feel accomplished each day.

    My plan is to do insanity and then try out Jillian again afterwards as I want to focus on my running again and can do that with JM videos

    What I love about insanity...
    You SWEAT! I've never done a workout where I actually had sweat drip and hit the floor...gross maybe but damn it feels good. You feel SO Accomplished When that workout is done, you feel like you can take on the world.
    I like that the 'video participants' are human too and will stop to take breaks when needed.
    No equipment necessary. ( I'm not a big fan of using the resistance band with JM)

    I honestly didn't think I could do insanity and kept saying 'I'll try it when I lose more weight'...but I had a co-worker convince me to do a video with them and it was a MAX video (which is in month 2 of the program...RE:HARD) and I got to the end of it...my calves were sore for about 4 days...but I did it and right then and there I decided I would try the program.

    I would agree to check out online videos before committing! Good Luck in whichever you choose!!
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    I would go with Body Revolution. When I did Insanity a few years back it was bad for my knees. I still have small problems with my right knee because of all the plyo.
  • saragregg
    saragregg Posts: 38 Member
    If results are what you want. Insanity is the way to go. I did a few 30DS videos and it was just too easy. I don't have much to loose so my weight has not gone down much but I expect it to in this month or my second round.I have lost inches around my waist, thighs and arms...and oddly enough my ankles. The most important result(for me at least) Is how well I do now compared to how I did on the first day. Just try a single insanity video and you'll see what i mean. Just don't push yourself too hard. Don't expect to be able to get through the video with out a lot of breaks. It's tough but so worth it.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I guess that really just depends on what you like.

    Insanity is way more intense, but I can imagine that some people find it too intense and would rather "take it easy". JM's workouts are too boring and slow for me also.
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    Someone asked me:

    What kind of extra cardio are you doing? Are you doing it literally right before and after or llater in the day.

    I do my cardio at the same time of the day as the shred. Sometimes one video right before the Shred and then one right after.
    These are the cardio videos I do:

  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I have done both and my success has been different with both. I LOVE JMBR and not so much with Insanity. They are both different. The first time I did BR I found the biggest body transformation. Insanity was all cardio..................

    I hope you enjoy whatever you choose.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Ripped in 30, I found it a lot harder than shred :)
  • maisid
    maisid Posts: 69 Member
    What I love about insanity...
    You SWEAT! I've never done a workout where I actually had sweat drip and hit the floor...gross maybe but damn it feels good. You feel SO Accomplished When that workout is done, you feel like you can take on the world.
    I like that the 'video participants' are human too and will stop to take breaks when needed.
    No equipment necessary.

    That is also what I LOVE about insanity, the amount of sweat being produced. And YES, it sounds nasty and it is gross in a way, but it feels sooooo good. You feel amazing afterwards and sweat in place I didn't think were able to produce sweat (for instance knees, also, you hair will be soaked)

    Another thing I love about Insanity is the fast results, I am in much better shape ( I can now sprint to the bus without panting for the next 10 minutes) and my body feels amazing.

    Also, if you do try to eat as clean as possible you WILL get results, I lost 14 lbs in a matter of a week in week 3 of Insanity. The first couple of weeks you might not lose any weight, but you def. will in the second month.

    So, as you can tell, I am a huge fan of Insanity and it feels great to work out. The only thing I DO NOT like about Insanity is the restday, I am restless when I can't do the workout, I feel terrible on sundays and it makes me feel like Insanity has become a drug to me.. lol
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    Both sound great!

    Can anyone point me to a good preview of the Insanity of JMBR workout??? How does the Insanity program work? Does it change every day?
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    I haven't done any of Julian's programs but a lot of people on here say good things about them. I did Insanity early this year and really liked it. In month one the workouts don't exceed 35 mins, month two they go to 40-55 depending on the day of the week. Very challenging and fun. Also, you don't need extra equipment. I vote for Insanity!
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Sorry... I didn't answer your question. Yes, the workouts change. You never do the same workout two days in a row except on your recovery week between month one and month two. PM me if you have any other questions. I'd be happy to answer them.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    We own both.....I love the JMBR and my husband does the Insanity. I do not have the time for a 60-90 minute workout. JMBR workout are on a bout 30 mins and your done. I love her style of working out.

    Good Luck with which ever one you go with!
  • champagndrea
    champagndrea Posts: 21 Member
    Last summer I tried Insanity and got to about 25 days ... then I quit. I've been doing a lot of Jillian Michaels workouts (No more trouble zones (great workout!), boost metabolism, killer abs and yoga) they're great workouts and easy to stick with because they aren't completely draining.
    However, I love Insanity. I've started it again recently now that I'm in better shape and it's a lot of fun. Shaun T is very motivating and you definitely won't get bored. The 45 minutes fly by. During the "cardio recovery" days I'm still doing the No More Trouble Zones from JM because I really like the idea of adding some strength in with my cardio.

    I'd say, if you're ready for a challenge go for Insanity. If you think you may need to work your way up to it, then go with Jillian Michaels.