Quick rant

Sorry to use this as my outlet, but I am going to scream at someone soon.:explode:
I am so fed up with keeping below my calories, and carbs for a while now quite successfully, exercising at least the suggested amount, being told at the end of the day that in 5 weeks I could weigh 112lb and then staying at current weight (120lb) for weeks on end with no sign of decrease.
Rant over. Thanks.


  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Why are you staying well below your calories? you should be aiming to hit the target. or just below not way below.

    That may be why you are not losing as body is counteracting it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    do you by any chance have your calorie goal set to lose 1lb per week or higher?
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    You do realize that for that suggested amount to come any where near true you have to eat that exact same thing every day for 5 weeks, exercise the exact same way with the exact same factors (HR, intensity, length, etc...) every day for 5 weeks? Seems silly to rant at something so unrealistic as that. I have stopped paying any attention to that number.
  • Flicked through your diary, on the whole you seem to have been regularly netting about 1000 calories. That isn't enough. Your body is an intelligent machine, when it isn't getting enough fuel it economizes; reducing your muscle mass in preference to fat mass, reducing your BMR, diverting energy away from non-essential body functions (hair, digestion etc) In addition, there are days when over half your calories are made up of muffins, cookies, crisps and sweets, which aren't the best way to fuel your body. Try replacing them with more nutritionally balanced foods, which will fill you up for longer. You can still eat them, but them making up such a high percentage of your diet probably isn't going to be helping your weight loss.

    In addition, weighing as close to goal weight as you do, you need to make sure your weight loss goal is set to at the most 1lb a week, but probably 0.5 lb a week. 1200 net may not be enough for you anyway. It's all about trying to find the calorie zone where you're eating less than you use in a day, so your body uses its fat reserves to service the deficit, but eating enough so it can function normally and not start to hang on to fat to protect itself from the future threat of starvation.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member

    No, seriously. I plateaued around 121-122lbs for the longest time but when I started lifting the weight seemed to fly off like a week or so after. At the very beginning (first week or two) your weight might not budge since you might be retaining some water, but it's a plateau buster for sure.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Flicked through your diary, on the whole you seem to have been regularly netting about 1000 calories. That isn't enough. Your body is an intelligent machine, when it isn't getting enough fuel it economizes; reducing your muscle mass in preference to fat mass, reducing your BMR, diverting energy away from non-essential body functions (hair, digestion etc) In addition, there are days when over half your calories are made up of muffins, cookies, crisps and sweets, which aren't the best way to fuel your body. Try replacing them with more nutritionally balanced foods, which will fill you up for longer. You can still eat them, but them making up such a high percentage of your diet probably isn't going to be helping your weight loss.

    In addition, weighing as close to goal weight as you do, you need to make sure your weight loss goal is set to at the most 1lb a week, but probably 0.5 lb a week. 1200 net may not be enough for you anyway. It's all about trying to find the calorie zone where you're eating less than you use in a day, so your body uses its fat reserves to service the deficit, but eating enough so it can function normally and not start to hang on to fat to protect itself from the future threat of starvation.

    Not sure whose diary you flicked through but I never eat muffins, rarely eat cookies (once in acouple of weeks and not at all this last month or so), never eat crisps...
    Yes, I do eat chocolate regularly, it's my treat if I'm under.

    Also, Roosco Bosko, I don't regularly net under 1000 cals, hardly at all.
    My weight loss is set for 0.5lb per week.
    And I tried the eat more to weigh less... I did a month at 1350 and put on almost 7lb, so decided not to continue.
    I do regular walking but have never been interested in strenght training. My exercise fits around family, work and dog walking.
    I just seem to be fed up with it all at the moment.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Also, Roosco Bosko, I don't regularly net under 1000 cals, hardly at all.

    Never said you did, just said you should eat to target not way under.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    yeah that you'll be such and such in five weeks in so demotivating. I hate it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I do regular walking but have never been interested in strenght training. My exercise fits around family, work and dog walking.
    I just seem to be fed up with it all at the moment.

    if you do what you've always done. you'll get the results you've always got!
  • I went to your profile and clicked through to your diary from there, if there's a glitch with MFP then I apologise. But the first thing I see on the diary I'm looking at is net calorie intakes (subtracting exercise calories from gross intake) from today backwards of 954, 982, 871, 852, 950, 816, 929... etc. From the last 3 weeks or so I can see a chelsea bun, pinwheel cookies, cream slice, flumps, malteasers, rocky road, christmas cake, doughnut, meringue nests, lemon drizzle cake... etc. Again, if for some reason I'm not on your diary, I apologise, because what you've responded doesn't tally up with what it says in the diary, and the suggestions I gave were based solely on that.. I'd be a total hypocrite if I suggested to anyone to forgo treats, I'm a mint chocolate addict! But in this diary, the cream slice on 06/04 was over 30% of their total daily net calories, that's why I was flagging it up. Best of luck with the weight loss in future!