Need motivation and willpower

slimby2012 Posts: 6
edited January 20 in Motivation and Support
I go swimming everyday for the past 2 weeks but haven't lost a pound I need to find the motivation to help me stay eating healthy I start the day of great by having my breakfast I come home from swimming and have a good lunch with fruit but then my diet goes downhill after that as I end up having something I definitely should NOT be having like chocolate or curry ect. I'm also allergic to gluten and wheat but yet I always end up eating something that has wheat in it. It's like I'm drawn to eat what I'm not suppose to have and that nothing will satisfy me until I eat the wrong food. I really need the willpower to try and stick to a balanced diet especially for my health. I don't know how to start!!!!! :(( I feel like a failure


  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    Swimming is good. Add some resistance or weight exercises and aerobics that will get your heart working.

    Plan your meals.

    At least have an idea of what you're going to eat. Go through your house and THROW AWAY any and all wheat/gluten-containing foods.

    Go grocery shopping and pick up healthier foods. Make your own curry. That way you can control portions and what goes in it.
    Eating out should be rare. Carry snacks and food with you if you think you're gonna be out long, or plan EXACTLY what you will order if you eat out (something healthy and gluten-free).

    Don't focus on what you can't have. Forbidden foods are tempting. There is nothing forbidden. Everything in moderation. You need to change your mindset. Losing weight and getting healthy and strong is about focusing on what you're adding to your diet (fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats) -- and not about what you're taking away.

    Heck, when you add a lot of healthy stuff, there isn't much room left for other stuff. That other stuff becomes the occasional treat quite easily.
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    Swimming is good. Add some resistance or weight exercises and aerobics that will get your heart working.

    Plan your meals.

    At least have an idea of what you're going to eat. Go through your house and THROW AWAY any and all wheat/gluten-containing foods.

    Go grocery shopping and pick up healthier foods. Make your own curry. That way you can control portions and what goes in it.
    Eating out should be rare. Carry snacks and food with you if you think you're gonna be out long, or plan EXACTLY what you will order if you eat out (something healthy and gluten-free).

    Don't focus on what you can't have. Forbidden foods are tempting. There is nothing forbidden. Everything in moderation. You need to change your mindset. Losing weight and getting healthy and strong is about focusing on what you're adding to your diet (fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats) -- and not about what you're taking away.

    Heck, when you add a lot of healthy stuff, there isn't much room left for other stuff. That other stuff becomes the occasional treat quite easily.

    This 100%
  • henn1230
    henn1230 Posts: 12 Member
    Swimming is good. But, for some reason, it also increases people's appetite more than other exercises. Try alternating swimming with other exercises and you may find that you have more control over what you eat. And yes, get rid of everything you should not eat in your house. It is as wasted on your hips as it is in the trash.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I find when my weight stays the same my inches are shrinking. Have you taken your measurements lately? Plateaus are common. Hang in there - obviously your are on the right track to a better lifestyle.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    motivation and willpower both come from inside of you.

    inspiration? that you can get from a magazine, a picture, a movie, or whatever.

    but the first two things come from inside you. you need to want this. you need to decide that you want this.

    Most of you want sleep more than you want success!
  • Try this website: -- they have lots of good starters for a gluten free lifestyle... I don't know if you have a Whole Foods or even a Winco, but there are now a lot of grocers that are carrying gluten free products, you just need to ask where they are... Gluten free has come a looooong way and the products out now, actually taste GOOD!! :)
    As the others have also said, meal planning is essential and that will help you stay on track. Also portion control is huge! if you eat smaller portions, instead of large meals, you'll feel better and not be over full... Water is another big thing, your body loves lots of water!
    Try to purchase a digital scale and weigh your food, if you log your food here, it will be that much easier to calculate how much you've eaten. Also, really try to stick to the recommended serving size... If you're craving cookies and milk, for example, eat a serving of cookies (probably 2 or 3) and 1 cup of milk. You'll satify the craving without totally blowing that craving out of porportion...
    Once you get used to your new lifestyle, it will become second nature! You aren't supposed to deprive yourself, but don't go overboard either!
    Best of luck to you! I know you can do it!!! :)
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    ^^ I want sleep!!

    I second the trashing the foods you don't want in your diet.
    Then planning out meals and going to the marketto stock up!

    Make sure you eat right after your workouts. plan your snack times and stick to them.

    There are some great gluten-free groups on here and are very supportive!
    They can probably give you insight and ideas!

    You gotta want the change more than you want chips. Believe me, I want chips!!
    Knowing that you CAn succeed if you try is hepful too. Remember that! You just gotta keep at it.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    Swimming does seem to increase the appetite more than some activities. Perhaps the reason you feel out of control in the afternoon and evening is that you are not consuming enough calories earlier. Try having some protein snack before and after swimming. Protein tends to satisfy longer and if you are more satisfied, you may not have the cravings later. Also, if you are trying to only eat at like 1200 calories or some such amount that will not be enough with the swimming and you will then find yourself hungry because you body does need more calories. :)
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