Looking for friends for motivation and tips!

To make a long story short, I want to become fit. I lost weight before but didn't think I looked right. Instead of building muscle mass to my lean body, I decided to gain the weight back. I realized that wasn't such a great idea so now I'm back to trying to loose. I'm currently at a stand still and looking for tips and motivation to be in the best shape of my life.


  • kindinicia
    kindinicia Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I understand how you feel because its can be so hard to get up and start. At the moment I'm 152 pounds and trying to get to 135 pounds which I haven't seen on the scale since grade 8. I weigh in December at 171 and started changing what I eat. I cut down on the amount of meat in my diet so instead of eating meat 7 days a week I cut it down to three/four and increase the amount of fruits and veg in my diet. I gradually took out white rice, noddles and bread (which was the hardest thing to do) and use brown rice. At the moment I workout at home to videos on youtube three days out the week .

    I hope this helps,
