Over wheight children???



  • bayaderka
    bayaderka Posts: 53
    Those are great changes! I don't know what else to improve upon especially if you enroll him in karate. There is nothing really to improve upon more but if he is not at a healthy weight just check with a nutritionist. At the very least he will not get bigger because the diet changes are quite healthy.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I have made lifestyle changes in our whole family, I really never kept junk in the house, but I have been fixing more fat free meals, brown rice instead of white, wheat bread instead of white, Fresh veggieis and fruit instead of canned, no sugary cereals, chicken and fish instead of beef.

    They are fighting me on it but I have already lost 8 pounds because of the change, in the last 3 weeks. I think my son may even feel better. I notice a difference just in his behavior not having the sugar he was eating.

    The biggest thing to remember is that children lose weight differently then we do because their bodies are still growing. But you are doing everything so right! I truely wish that my parents would have taken this appraoch when I was a child instead of my brother and I watching them going on crash diets and the falling off the wagon. It really messes with a child's psyche when they watch a parent struggle with their own weight. I started "dieting" and getting up at 6am to "workout" when I was in the sixth grade.

    Keep up the great work mypal1!!!! You're a great inspiration :flowerforyou:
    See if your gym offers a program for kids staying in shape. Maybe he can go for 2 days out of the week. Its better than nothing....
  • Courtney
    Courtney Posts: 20
    Try making it a game for him and giving him rewards for small accomplishments. Tell him that you challenge him to get healthy. Set the rules: no junk food, minimal amount of excersize, healthy food choices. When he succeeds, give him a small reward, like allowing him to have a friend sleepover or maybe buying him a new article of clothing that he wants or taking him to an amusement park for a day. Whatever you do, don't reward him with food. My sister used to be very overweight and she wanted to be an actress, so my mom told her that once she lost 60 pounds she would take her on an audition. It worked. My sister is now healthy because my mom got involved and gave her something to work toward.
    You need to remain involved though because if he has never cared about healthy eating he probably doesn't know how to do it. Make it a fun experience for the both of you and the entire family and give him alot of positive feedback so that he knows he is doing a good job and that will motivate him. Good luck to you and I'm interested to see how things turn out.:smile: