Need major help I don't like much vedge and hate salads!!



  • brutalbaby
    brutalbaby Posts: 87 Member

    I did start to eat broccoli but I found the more I ate it the more I started to dislike it again, I was literally gulping it down with out chewing to try and rid of the taste lol. But I will try it again as never tried it with soy sauce so that sounds good as will disguise the flavor more :D

    p.s do you mind if I add you, :)

    Don't use broccoli as your vegetable barometer! Broccoli in particular, but all of the brassicas, have glucosinolates that some people can taste, and others can't. It's genetic. Most people who can taste the particular glucosinolate compound in that vegetable hate the vegetable. If that's the case for you, you won't "grow out of it," it has nothing to do with your maturity level or openness to new foods, or anything else. Contrary to what your parents said, you won't learn to like it!

    That said, in addition to the other suggestions on this thread, if you are interested in trying salads (most greens don't have that problem - though if you don't like broccoli, don't count on liking cabbage or kale, either...), be aware that there is a huge variety of flavors of greens most people are never exposed to.

    I used to think I hated salads. I'm allergic to iceberg and romaine lettuce, which certainly had something to do with that, since that's most of what you'll find in stores and restaurants. But then I started an organic farm, and started growing lots of different types of lettuce and other greens. And, what surprised me, and many of our customers, is just how flavorful, and what a diversity of flavors, the available salad greens are if you look a little closer to the source. And, also, what a difference in flavor the difference in age of a couple hours vs. a week or two between harvest and consumption (most of the "fresh greens" in the grocery store spend about a week getting there, and another 4-7 days on the shelf before you buy them and put 'em in your fridge for a week...). Other fruits and veggies also benefit greatly with freshness.

    So, you may want to consider looking for a local farm or CSA that would let you sample right out of the fields. You may find you really like some veggies, even salads!

    Wow now that really is interesting!! I never knew that it could be a genetic thing. I suppose you are right its all about experimenting first with tastes and even better the fresher they are!! Thanks!
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    Not a veggie fan either but eat them in sauces ( tomato and mixed veg for pasta) and soups - nice disguise! I do eat a lot of different fruits. Often eat late at night, same as you. Still managed to drop 65 pounds over nearly a year and 3 pound in past fortnight on this site. Just try for healthy options where possible. Got to live in the real world. Good luck.
  • brutalbaby
    brutalbaby Posts: 87 Member
    Not a veggie fan either but eat them in sauces ( tomato and mixed veg for pasta) and soups - nice disguise! I do eat a lot of different fruits. Often eat late at night, same as you. Still managed to drop 65 pounds over nearly a year and 3 pound in past fortnight on this site. Just try for healthy options where possible. Got to live in the real world. Good luck.

    Now that is a great loss, thank you for the encouragement and its true I do want to live in the real world and not be some robot :)
  • I've learned to put raw veggies Ina roaster covered lightly in olive oil and seasoned. Back them at 450 until tender. Usually about 20-30 minutes. They taste great!