I love Coke



  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    :( This is so sad how many people are addicted to Coke...I had a friend who would drink at least 4litres per day.

    The dentist was starting to pull his teeth out at age 18. I have not seen him for years...(he would be about 25 now)...but I'm fairly confident he has dentures.
  • weesinglane
    I'm a little saddened... I read 'I love cake' and was all disappointed when it was in fact coke!


    Lol... yea cAke over cOke for me, any day.
  • Sassybmom
    Sassybmom Posts: 146 Member
    Fellow Coke-a-holic... down to 1 a day with subbing iced tea. I drink a LOT- like 1-2 gallons of fluids a day- usually 48 oz of that was Coke (now it's just 12 ;))
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I used to drink regular Coke.... but I had to quit it cold turkey. I haven't had a Coke since l started here... nearly 11 months. Not saying I wouldn't love to have one, but I won't. I now drink an occasional diet ginger ale.
  • peggysue218
    peggysue218 Posts: 126 Member
    Pop is fine as long as you only drink the zero calorie versions. I am in medical school and I am currently working with a physician whose patients have diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, etc. and he tells them to drink as much diet pop as they want - just no regular pop. Some people are hung up about the "chemicals" or whatever, but it's nothing to lose sleep over. There are people dying in the world.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Stick to the non-caffeine diet coke if you're addicted.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    I'm with ya man! Well, the older me is. I've been a heavy coke drinker all my life and whenever my mom brought up how she drank diet coke I almost gagged. It was so flavorless. It was like an insult to the taste buds. I never thought I would drink it...

    Until the past few months when I started getting serious about dieting and the more I paid attention, the more I was like "do I really wanna drink all my calories everyday? What a waste! That could be food in my tummy". So I switched to coke zero. Now I'm so used to it that when I have a regular coke, I almost feel like spitting it out because it tastes SO syrupy and sweet. Almost makes me sick.

    I'm mostly a water and tea drinker now, but if you need a fix, I heavily suggest cherry coke zero. Or regular zero. Whichever. You get used to it quickly and you're not drinking your calories
  • TamandAbby
    I am just coming off of coke zero. the diet stuff is so horriable. I have read about people being diaganosed with ms from the diet stuff including coke zero. If you have to have one have a regular coke. I swithched to throwback pepsi because it has real sugar too much bett tham hfcs. I did this by adding the pepsi it has helped. I wish you the best in your journey.:smile:
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    I used to be a major coca cola addict myself. I drank a *LOT* of the stuff. I gave it up for nearly a year a couple of years ago, then relapsed. I went back for about a year, and then I'm back not drinking it. I think it will stick this time. I really don't want diabetes.

    Now the stuff with HFCS just tastes nasty! I will have a Mexican coke once in a great while, but it's been a good two months since I've had one.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    Pop is fine as long as you only drink the zero calorie versions. I am in medical school and I am currently working with a physician whose patients have diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, etc. and he tells them to drink as much diet pop as they want - just no regular pop. Some people are hung up about the "chemicals" or whatever, but it's nothing to lose sleep over. There are people dying in the world.

    Diet coke is a big time NO GO for me. I get SOOOO sick if I have even a tiny bit of it. I get the worst migraine headaches from even a tiny bit of it. Fortunately I can detect a it by taste even if a little is mixed in. Back when I was a regular drinker of coke, I'd sometimes notice some in regular coke, particularly with fountain drinks. I'm sure it's because someone wasn't being careful and got some diet mixed in.

    It's something that I don't miss since I gave up drinking regular coke.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I've been drinking full Coke and Pepsis all my life, last year at this time I was doing 3-5 16 oz bottles/day. I somehow managed to cut it down to 2 at the most and would drink half a bottle at a time. I never planned to stop it, just cut back a lot. In mid February I just suddenly stopped it out of the blue. It's been much easier than I thought these past seven weeks, I had a bunch of bottles in my pantry, just gave them to the skinny neighbors next door. I don't know if I'll give it up forever, but for right now I good without it.