My weight is fine but I'm feeling so unhealthy :(

I'm not doing this to lose weight as such, I weigh 43 kilograms (I am very short so this isn't as ridiculously low as it seems, although still lower end of average for my height I think).

My problem is with over-eating, binging I guess you would call it, and just that I feel like I am in a constant cycle of over eating, feeling guilty and sick, beating myself up, and then doing it again. It is depressing and all consuming. I worry about it to the point of distraction. I am always making plans and goals and then changing them, altering them a million times or breaking them and feeling terrible about myself as a result.

I used to exercise a lot more so didn't feel as guity about the over eating, but the exercise was a bit too obsessive. Now I have more things in my life (serious relationship, full time work and online TAFE study, family, friends etc) and so I am no longer 'obsessed' with exercise. I still like to do it but don't beat myself up anymore if I can't do it every day, and I tend to do more moderate pace walking and some yoga/pilates, rather than really hard core intensive workouts.

I actually feel like i need to go a bit back the other way and exercise more again, somewhere in between what i used to do and what i do now.

I am always feeling bloated and uncomfortable from eating too much unhealthy food. Yet I seem to have quite a busy social life and there's always food around.

In some ways i LOVE food, I love cooking, talking about it, preparing it, eating it, trying new restaurants etc. But in other ways I hate it because it causes me so much guilt and anxiety.

I figured this site might allow me to gain back a sense of power and control over what I eat and be and feel healthier again. Fingers crossed!

Is anyone else on this site in my position or is everyone else just trying to lose weight? I just want to maintain my weight but get healthier habits and stop worrying and feeling guilty abut food all the time.


  • JessicaDumont2
    JessicaDumont2 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey, I'm almost in the same boat as you. :) I'm not really here to lose weight, I am just looking to tone up and get healthier.

    I felt the same way as you. I drank soda non stop and ate unhealthy food and always felt bloated and sluggish. I had to throw out all the sweets in my house and stop drinking soda. Not even three days into it, I already felt way better.
    Then I started exercising for about 30 mins a night, and i feel great. I've been at it for about two weeks. :)

    Feel free to add me. :) seems like we have almost the same goal.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Check out my blogs... I can totally relate to food obsession, binges, or whatever you want to call the. I developed lots of ittle tricks o mce i figured out what my issues seemed to be. Good luck...
  • matisse216
    Try not to obsess over it.
    It actually sounds like you have a mild case of OCD.
    We have a lot of patients come into our chiropractic clinic with it,
    and we suggest going strict gluten free for a month and seeing how they go.

    The gut is referred to as the second brain, as this is where we feel emotions
    (butterflies in the tummy, dropped stomach, punch in the gut) are all things we say and feel in our gut.
    If you don't take care of your second brain, it can cause depression, ocd, ibs, backpain and other mental problems.
    Gluten actually irritates the gut.

    We aren't able to process it properly.
    Some people can do it better than others, but I believe that all people can benefit from being zero gluten.
    Unless you give it a try you will never know!

    It can also sort skin problems out, energy levels, bowel movements, and overall happiness and confidence.

  • deegeyspazms
    deegeyspazms Posts: 56 Member
    Check out my blogs... I can totally relate to food obsession, binges, or whatever you want to call the. I developed lots of ittle tricks o mce i figured out what my issues seemed to be. Good luck...

    Awesome blog - I love the way you eat - savouring each mouthful - putting the cutlery down between mouthfuls.
    I have to remember to stop myself loading the fork up whilst still chewing and not really thinking about the food I'm actually eating. Thanks for the reminder!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I can so relate - there are lots of people like this!!

    Eventually we'll develop a healthy relationship with food.
    I got a lot better for a while, then got a little of track, and then better again. It just takes TIMEEE for a complete mental shift to happen.

    Best of luck!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Check out my blogs... I can totally relate to food obsession, binges, or whatever you want to call the. I developed lots of ittle tricks o mce i figured out what my issues seemed to be. Good luck...

    Will read, thank you :)