Weight loss at a standstill

Has anybody had a few weeks with no weight loss and then begin to lose again?
Thanks for any input.


  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    Yep..... Mine lasted about a week each time. Just change up your routine, eat a little more or less depending on your calorie range and most importantly... DON'T GIVE UP!
  • Thanks!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Yep. The scale didn't move for a month and a half for me, and I realized that my calories were way off. Reset at a higher level, waited a couple of weeks for my body to adjust, and bam, it started moving again. A couple of things to consider: It's possible that there are other factors that could be causing your body to hold onto fat reserves. Depending on what they are of course, I'd say they will pass if you stick with your routine, depending on what it is. Some people have had standstills last a long time. It may also be time to readjust your calorie and macro levels. Depending on how much you've lost since you last set them, they may need readjusting. If you've lost close to 10 pounds since then, it's probably time to change them. Make sure that you are eating at a reasonable deficit. Unless you are morbidly obese, it's a bit unrealistic to expect a loss of more than a pound-a pound and a half a week. Setting your minimum calorie level at a goal more than that, can actually work against you. It may also help to shift your exercise routine around some. The body tends to adjust to what we're doing. Either way, hang in there, it will start moving again eventually. (If you need help re-evaluating your caloric goals, check out http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/952996-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy)
  • In my experience, don't freak out about a week where the scale doesn't move. Even 2 weeks could be normal variation. If it hits three weeks in a row, you're probably stalled.

    The folks above basically said it, but you have to change things up. The just worked for me. The scale hadn't budged in 4 weeks and I was a little worried that my calories might have been TOO LOW. So I actually took a weekend and intentionally ate a little above maintenance, then locked down Monday morning back on the plan. The did the trick!
  • Thanks everybody for the feed back. Will try some changes today. :smile: