
Hey all, Was just wondering how everyone has gone from being completely unfit (me atm lol) to being reasonably fit as in able to run a fair distance. I'd also like to find out how you fit excerising into your routine, i'm a student and i'm thinking it's going to be difficult Im usually in college full time.

How did people start excerising, did you go for it and push through the pain barriers or did you build up gently as in 15 mintues a day for a week then the following week 20 and so on?


  • dynamohum
    dynamohum Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, my son is in university, he gets up at 6a.m. to go to the gym, before classes. At first he found it hard but he persevered for a month and now it is just part of his day. He eats well though, I taught how to cook for a few days at a time thus he saves time most nights, ex. cooking extra rice or potatoes for the next night, He eats out sometimes but mostly cooks. He has six courses so there is not alot of time left in a day and he has lots of assignment, (engineering). Start slow, always stretching and read online, not muscle building stuff that will come. Remember once you start to build muscle, the muscle helps to burn fat, so bonus. Goodluck lots of good info out there but some bad too, so good judgement, dont bail. You can do it, do it for yourself and your future.
  • stages95
    stages95 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the advice it's appreiciated. I'm in a similiar boat with assingment work alongside exams in June. I definately want to lose weight as I feel unhealthy and tired all the time.
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    I've tried a lot of things! Gym's don't work for me because either I don't have time, can't afford the day care (I have kids), or I'm not feeling like being surrounded by a ton of people while I work out. So I do things at home and outside. To keep up a routine I have to find a time that I know I can do every day. I wake up at 5 AM every morning to meditate for an hour and so I'll be adding an hour video to do at 6 after my meditation. In addition to that when I get a chance I go for walks or go hiking or play basketball with my kiddos. If I just have a ton of stuff to do and can't "set aside" time to work out then I incorporate it into my day. Taking the stairs, parking further away, doing lunges and other movements while cleaning to keep my heart rate up, etc.

    The key with exercise is you have to want it and make time for it. Make it a priority. If you try to "find" the time for it you'll never be consistent. Decide and then commit to making it work!