
so i decided to make fridays my weigh in day..last friday i was down 4lbs (after my first week yay! i realize some is prob water weight) well today i get on and no change..none at all! i am frustrated. i was pretty good about sticking to my cals...a couple days i went over but only by a couple hundred. and i exercised 4 times since i last weighed in and burned over 500 cals each time.

could it be my lack of water drinking? im trying but im not drinking half as much as i should i at times i drink a lot of crystal light..could that be hurting me?



  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    It could be your water. It could also be just your body. You won't lose weight every week. You might also try increasing your workouts to six days a week.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    It happens to all of us, alot! Womens bodies tend to fluctuate often. Whether it be water gain, hormones, when you exercise your muscles are repairing and tend to hold water as well. Just keep up the good work and it will come off! Dont focus on the scales, they are evil.....try measuring, you will see inches falling off!
    And yes drink water.....I personally think it is best to drink H20 without the crystal lite, but if you gotta start somewhere, it is better than soda. Try adding plain water a little at a time each day drink more and less crystal lite.

    Good luck!!
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    I hear ya lady. It is tough and frustrating. I have voiced the exact same concerns. Just keep doing what you know is healthy for your body. The weight/inches/size loss will follow!
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you....I gained 6 lbs the first 2 weeks and then gained 2 lbs. Tomorrow I'll have my official weigh-in and was hoping to lose that 2 lbs, but I stepped on the scale today and still only down 4 lbs. I'm going for it today and trying to drink (gag) all the water down. I don't know why, but when I make myself drink the water I just gag.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Are you losing inches? You could be gaining some muscle weight which will add weight but slim down the inches. I'm also noticing cycle related patterns. I lose more weight the week before my period than any other.

    Keep at it!

  • herky
    herky Posts: 68 Member
    It's okay, i think we are all going through the same problem at some point. I have gotten back on track and been pretty good since mid-May, and I STILL haven't dropped any pounds. But since my measurements in April, I have lost 5 inches in my stomach, plus a few in my waist and butt. So if you are working out regularly and sticking to your calorie limit most days, it will be affecting your body in a positive way, but maybe not immediately in the scale. which I know sucks. I get frustrated nearly every time I step on the scale, but just keep a positive attitude and stick with it!! GOOD LUCK!
  • dgsland50
    dgsland50 Posts: 8 Member
    Increasing your workouts is a good idea, but the type of workout is important. I have 111 lbs to loose according to my Dr. I have noticed after almost two months that is it important for me to do two things. First of all, I never eat all of my available calories that it shows me I can eat. I try to stay under them just slightly. I try not to eat any of the bonus calories I gain for workouts.

    Second, I have to do both Cardiovascular and Strength training 5 to 6 days per week or I stop loosing. Cardiovascular workouts burn calories only as long as you do the exercise. Strength training workouts break down muscle mass and forced your metabolism to burn stored fat to repair the muscle, and thus continues burning calories long after the exercise is over.

    It is not a fast process, but tracking my progress over the past 4 weeks has shown me I can drop between 1 and 3 pounds per week.

    An added bonus I have found is my strength training curbs my appetite and gets ride of hunger pains for several hours.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    I feel your pain as have had a lot of the same problem myself but since I started drinking a mix of teas things have improved a lot. Every morning I make up a mix with 4 green tea bags, 1 peppermint tea bag & 1 digestive tea bag I let that steep for some time then add more water & about 5 ounces of low sugar cranberry juice & some lime juice; I end up with about 2 litres which I keep in my fridge & drink throughout the day & since then my only complaint is lots of trips to the loo but my water retention is solved.
    For health reasons the only exercise I am able to do is breaststroke swimming but luckily that burns more calories than anything so depending on my health I swim for 4 to 7 hours a week . Must work in the end so don't give up.
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    thanks everyone who responded! after i posted that i had to run an errand and sitting in the car i did feel like my tummy was a little smaller. im just at the point where i always get with diets...end of week 2 if i dont lose weight i get frustrated and throw in the towel. i dont want that to happen this time!

    im doing more like circuit training..mix of cardio and weights. im doing jillians 30day shred and some walk away the lbs...some yoga..just plain walking..and a bootcamp workout which is circuits
  • constancelawson
    constancelawson Posts: 32 Member
    thats great, just keep going, watching what you eat on here has helped me out so much. it is a stubborn and slow process, but dont give up, stay on course, it will pay off :)