Weight Watchers group

I haven't been very happy with the results that I have gotten from MFP but, I love the message boards, it's free and you can talk to people about struggles. I'm just wondering if anyone else has done weight watchers? I did it abou 3 years ago and lost 50+ pounds and kept it off for a while until stress and parenthood kicked my *kitten* but, I think I am interested in doing it again.
I have all of the books, a calculator, resources and a few other things for the points plus program. Is anyone interested in me starting a forum for the WW PP program and sharing all of my information, recipes, how to find your points value online and how to do all of that? We could do weekly "meetings", I could share my information... it could be fun. Is anyone else interested in joining the program? I would be happy to help out! We could also somehow track exercise...
I will stop after a certain amount of people joined but, we could have a group of great girls and guys who want to lose the weight using portion control and willpower!? :)


  • GenesisBates
    GenesisBates Posts: 4 Member
    ~ just a lil comment, but the chocolate covered katie blog has lots of delicious, healthy (and vegan i believe) breakfast chocolate dessert recipes. I think she's starting to include the weight watcher points so.. theres that :) ive tried several of her recipes and they're delicious.
  • GemmieH
    GemmieH Posts: 55 Member
    I would love to join, if you still have space
  • bethann0316
    I did weight watchers for years...lifetime member, then fell off the wagon but yes I lost 30 pounds too. Count me in if there is room.
  • tecarmon
    tecarmon Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join as well
  • Raven413
    Raven413 Posts: 86
    Still have room? I'd love to join. I just joined WW online but I'm not real happy with the online community.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,460 Member
    I'm a lifetime member. I'd love to join.