Water is disgusting



  • space_case
    space_case Posts: 89 Member
    I gave up Diet Coke and any artificially sweetened drinks (Crystal Light, Mio, coffee with equal, etc) 3 weeks ago, and I kind of hate water too. Or, plain water at least.

    I have to have something added to my water unless I'm working out and it has to be ice cold.

    I've taken to True Lemon and Tazo Iced tea bags. Flavors of choice are the Passion and Green Tea.
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    try seltzer-- it's fizzy and has a little sweetness to it.
  • luvriden
    luvriden Posts: 52
    AMEN! I hate water too! I used to drink a 6pk of diet coke a day sometimes. I completely quit the soda and now drink flavored water. I started drinking the AquaFresh rasberry or mixed fruit. Did that for a month, then started to split 1 bottle into 2 bottles. I also chug my water 8 oz. at a time and just get it over with. I drink my 8x8 glasses or more a day of the flavored water. That is the only way I can drink water. HTH
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Unfortunately, some people just cannot get used to the taste. Several of my students have sensory issues and drinking water is just painful. Their parents provide them with high-moisture lunches with cucumber and celery etc. every day to help out. With one of them, if I offer him water, he'll sip and spit it out, so that's a pretty clear message he's not wanting to drink it!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Get a good water filter and make yourself get into the habit of drinking it. It's kind of like brushing your teeth; not fun but necessary. (actually, I do know a few people who don't consider brushing teeth necessary, and ewwwwwwwwwwwww!)
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Personally, I can't like the after-taste of sugar substitutes in diet coke. I walk around with the taste in my mouth for hours afterwards. The good thing with that is that I happily drink water rather than suffering that weird chemical taste over everything else I eat.

    Have you tried having just a little bit of lemon or lime in the water? The water where I live how tastes really odd compared to where I used to, and I had to struggle to get used to drinking it. I would keep a jug of water in the fridge, with a slice of lemon in it, to be able to drink enough water. I still do that in summer, when it so often is tepid when it comes out of the tap.


    Oh lord yes.... that after taste just about turns me inside out!
  • wcso911mn
    wcso911mn Posts: 68 Member
    My disdain of water stems from attending Basic Training in the Air Force. We were required to drink 3 8oz glasses of water with each meal (lukewarm water at that). Ever since then, if I don't need to drink water, I won't. However, I know that it's the best thing for me, so I'm trying to incorporate it into my eating habits more and more. I will either put lemon in it, or lately I've been using Wyler's Light Pink Lemonade single packets. Pour half a packet into 16oz of water and -VOILA!- you have pink lemonade! Half a packet is 5 calories.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Oh such sacrilege! I love water...would you like it better with bubbles in? Some people I know use a soda stream to fancy it up!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Yes a soda stream is great! And for variety I shake a few drops of Angostura Bitters into it. Makes you feel you are having a real drink. But you could try lemon juice, lime juice, anything you like. As long as you are getting 8 glasses of liquid a day into you you should be fine, it's a myth it has to be water. I mostly drink English tea with semi skimmed milk. Just stay off the sugar and too many diet sodas, but those are fine in moderation.
  • Kris61290
    I agree with the people that say you just need to get used to it. Years ago I used to hate water and ONLY drink pop.. ONLY! Then when I got out on my own and had no money I stopped buying/drinking it and started drinking water because it was free. Now.. I HATE and cannot drink pop!! Cuz I haven't drank it in years. I can only drink water. So yeah I think you need to get used to it maybe..
  • mdhughes33
    If none of the above suggestions work you will just have to drink it until it starts to taste good. It's the truth really.

    Exactly. You will adjust. You have to cut back on soda.
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    I agree, it really is nasty. I use the brita water filter pitchers (one at home and one at the office) to eliminate that metallic taste. I drink about 2 gallons a day
  • ssmith31
    ssmith31 Posts: 2 Member
    You could purchase a filtered water bottle. My favorite thing to add to water is True Lemon or Lime. Google it-it is wonderful-all natural dehydrated citrus fruit.
  • melissabakes
    Adding a big slice of lemon to my water bottle helps me :)
  • lilyhel
    lilyhel Posts: 77
    I love water, I really drink a lot, but sometimes I find a weird tasted water... Changing the filter or the water brand when it's bottled usually works for me...
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    You could try sparkling water. Some are flavored naturally and not with aspartame. Read the labels.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    right, people say im crazy when i say i literally CANNOT drink water, fruit tea has been suggested and that's disgusting too, ive been drinking around 2 pints of diet coke a day for the last few months, as well as 3 cups of tea with semi skim milk a day.

    is there any suggestion of how i can get water into me without it tasting so gross?

    Many Thanks,


    you wouldn't be saying this 14 miles into a 20 mile training run.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    A squirt of lime juice helps me drink mine.
    Also, I hate brushing my teeth, but I still do it to maintain a healthy mouth. It's a basic discipline you need to practice.
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    Another vote for Sodastream. I hate still water but when I buzz it up in my sodastream & add a little lemon or lime I can drink it forever. And you won't have a million bottles to recycle~
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    i love water, and I drink it all day long. Can't imagine how it could be disgusting unless as others have said, you need a serious filter on your tap water.

    I have found that some bottled waters taste better than others. I usually buy the Kirkland stuff from Costco, tastes fine to me. But that is only for carrying extra water or times when I can't bring my regular reusable bottle with me - Contigo's autoseal bottles are my fave - I have one with me all day long, and fill it from the dispenser on my fridge, which has a filter on it.

    I easily drink 8+ cups a day, depending on how active I am, how hot it is outside, etc.