Hello, I'm new here.

I just joined MFP about a week or so ago and am trying to fill in as much information as I can on the food and exercise logs (those certainly are helpful!!). I am hoping to lose 20-30 pounds and get back to a healthy weight and regain some energy that I realize is gone. I've finally gotten sick of trying to "will" the weight away and am trying out different types of exercise that will keep me interested and not hurt since I've never been an athlete and pretty much always hated exercise.

Looking forward to seeing how this goes!!


  • beckslite
    beckslite Posts: 125 Member
    I've only joined recently and am loving it. I've tried loads of diets before but can never stay with it. Using mfp has surprised me with how much I love it. Good luck on your journey xxx
  • wingo1983
    wingo1983 Posts: 5 Member
    First off, congratulations on deciding to change your life for the better. Using the MFP app is invaluable and the method that worked best for me was to just log everything, and I do mean everything. It was tedious but I go as far as individual bottles of water, to a daily multivitamin, just to get in the habit and make sure it stays a strong one.
    Keep up the good work, I'll be rooting for you.
  • Sheila8605
    Sheila8605 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been on MFP for a few weeks now but only recently explored the site online. I just turned 51. I'm 5'2" and when I started I weighed 215 lbs. My goal is to get in shape and to actually see my 6 pack abs. I've really struggled with being overweight for most of my adult life and bought into the idea that I took after my grandmother and would always struggle. This, of course, lead me to give up when most diet plans got hard. I lost most of the weight and got down to a comfortable 135 lbs when i was in my 30's but gained it back after several tragedies and challenges in my life. What I realized was that I didn't take after my grandmother. Nor was I destined to struggle with my weight. I was a normal, healthy weight growing up,. Period. It wasn't until after I got out on my own that I began gaining weight. I attribute much of it to being abused as a child. When that happens, we generally have a distorted or disconnected relationship with our physical being. No more! I spent most of my adult life working to get my head together (i.e., emotionally healing from my childhood) but I neglected my body.
    On Valentine's Day, I gave myself the gift of a 7 day juice fast in preparation for a complete lifestyle change. This followed giving up coffee and a daily habit of Diet Coke (I rarely consumed water for weeks at a time.) On March 2nd, my 51st birthday, I gave myself the gift of quitting smoking after 36 yrs! I got on my treadmill and began going to the gym. I also gave up all processed foods and pretty much stick with vegetables and fruits, with some fish and chicken mixed in here and there.
    Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, where the disk in the spine slips forward. Its been painful but I've started working with a physical therapist. There are a lot of exercises I won't be able to do but plenty that I can do, with some adjustments. The weight loss has been slow (14 lbs so far) but steady. I prefer it that way so I can strength training and give my skin time to spring back. The key is to get healthy. The weight loss will follow from that. So, this setback is not anything I'm going to let get in my way.
    I really like the daily food diary on my phone. It is a huge help in keeping me on track and accountable. I wish everyone lots of luck on their journey as well.
  • antsyonisland
    antsyonisland Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you! I'm looking forward to finding my hip bones :smile: I'm 5'6" and got up to 165ish and know that I would feel much better around 130. I have a really small frame and once I got over 160 I could really feel it and knew that I needed to get in shape. This seems like a great community and I love all the support and hearing what is working for others (didn't even think about logging all of my supplements and vitamins!!).

    Interesting about the spinal issues -- my mother is actually having surgery for Spondylolysis in a couple of weeks, and that is another reason I have started working out a lot in the water in an effort to strengthen my core and hopefully avoid the back issues that run in my family. I'll be interested in hearing more about your PT.