Help!!what's my problem??

Hi everyone,
I'm on weight loss journey for 3 months. I've lost 13 lbs so far. This means my weekly weight loss is 1 lbs. I've done 30 min HIIT everyday and my daily calorie intake was 1400cal. Till this week I've thought losing just 1 lbs weekly is because of my high calorie intake. So, for this week I did two-a day workouts and kept my intake calories 1200. The result is just 0.8. I don't know why I'm losing too slowly or my expectations are so high. What's my problem? Please help me!!


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Thirteen pounds in 3 months is great. I know you want the weight gone "today", like most people, but realistically it drops off at various rates, but it's all good as long as you keep healthy eating and exercise as your focus. It will happen, so just appreciate the new habits you're forming and know that each day brings you better health and eventually you'll reach those goals.
  • zeprose
    zeprose Posts: 74 Member
  • bonnielyn2013
    bonnielyn2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Are you taking measurements? I bet you are losing inches while gaining muscle.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You may have lost less after adding more workouts and less food, because your body is wondering "where'd the food go??!" and it doesn't want to let go of anything! :tongue: Not very scientific, but still...

    Food is fuel - you suddenly asked your body to go farther on less fuel - a bad combination that will, over time, hinder and even stop weight loss. Like the previous poster said - 1 lb a week is excellent, I'd stick with that. Although how much do you have to lose - looks like maybe 25lbs or so from your ticker? That's not a huge amount, so anything over 1lb a week is too aggressive a goal.

    We don't have to starve or go gonzo on the workouts to lose weight. Like I said, food is fuel, feed the body properly, put it through some good exercise and it will respond by burning the fat and maintaining your lean body mass. I've been chowing down on 1800+ calories a day, with my average workout being 60 minutes, 5-6 days a week, for about a year, with much better results than when I was eating much lower and trying to exercise more for huge burns every day. I look and feel so much better, dropped that last stubborn 10lbs, lost fat and inches and had to go buy new jeans. Yay!

    Read through this thread, run your numbers through the tools provided, and follow all the steps - it's long, but very thorough, and excellent information:

    Best move I ever made was following the Road Map way of eating.
    Are you taking measurements? I bet you are losing inches while gaining muscle.
    Not likely on 1200-1400 cals a day - building muscle requires eating at a surplus, not a deficit. Inches lost, maybe - always a good idea to measure because the scale doesn't always tell the whole story. But it's not muscle gain.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Thirteen pounds in 3 months is great. I know you want the weight gone "today", like most people, but realistically it drops off at various rates, but it's all good as long as you keep healthy eating and exercise as your focus. It will happen, so just appreciate the new habits you're forming and know that each day brings you better health and eventually you'll reach those goals.

    ^ This.

    What's the rush? You're doing fine. In fact, you could probably eat more and work out a little less... I highly recommend you build habits that you can sustain forever. Working out twice a day is a recipe for burnout.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    You may not be eating enough.Have you calculated your TDEE? Depending on how much you want to lose, you should be eating 20-30% less than your TDEE. It's usually a higher amount than people think, especially if they're exercising. Google TDEE and find a website that will calculate it for you, then eat the calories it recommends for weight loss. You should start seeing better results!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You won't really be able to tell how much weight you will lose, given its only a week after you made a change. My weight will stay the same for a week, sometimes 2, then I will drop 3 or 4 pounds at the next weigh-in.

    When you say "intake calories" is that net or gross? Your net should be at least 1200. Two a day workouts are fine, I do them all the time, but don't drop your calories too low. You might not feel it after a week or two, but it will catch up to you and you will be hungry or losing energy and having cravings. It will be harder to stick with it and then easier to fall back into old habits.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I looked back over a few days of your diary, I hope you don`t mind?

    It seems like you are eating a good variety of foods.

    I think your weight loss is really great and on track.

    I know we all wish to lose weight very fast, but it really is better to take it slow and steady.

    that way your body has time to adjust to the lower calories but most of all it gives us time to tone/strengthen it to fit in with the weight we are losing.

    Keep on going x
  • cicijewel
    cicijewel Posts: 3 Member
    Don't think 'what's my problem'...think 'what's my challenge'... Good weight loss so far, don't stress...slow and steady pays off. I am on year two Paleo and have 90 pounds off...45 to go...just keep on keepin' on. Other than that, the 'challenge' is not only calories and is your macronutrients breakdown ? Carbs at or under 100 grams per day ? Watching added (good : coconut oil, avocado) fats ? Lots of protein to build muscle during your process ? Drinking lots of water ? Taking fish oil ? Making your own clean food to stay away from preservatives and additives you don't want ? Getting plenty of sleep (stress keeps the fat on !) ... For me, it is all about tracking what I am eating, looking back at good loss weeks and staying focused. I always ask myself if what I am eating is moving me toward my goal. Don't over exercise...your body does need recovery days...sometimes my good loss shows up on a week I decide to NOT hit the gym for 3 days so my muscles can recover. It is a big science project !!! Lately, I have been eating my fats in the morning (chicken thigh, avocado and coconut oil or ghee with an apple), leaner lunch (chicken or fish with spinach, cucumber and a grapefruit) and a green smoothie for dinner (protein powder, spinach, kale, dandelion greens, almond milk, frozen blueberries and frozen strawberry whipped up in a Nutri Bullet machine). I will do this for a week or so and then change out the dinner for meat and veggies. I only cook in coconut oil (a medium chain triglyceride). I try not to snack...if I do, it is warm almond milk with some raw honey and cinnamon at night...or, if I am really hungry, I just need more protein. Also, replace those glycogen stores !! If you are really working out hard, have some sweet potato on those days...that really helped me !! I have to continually figure my macronutrients on energy out days = more carb, non workout days = more fat. Good luck and don't stress it...this is a life journey, not a quick lose-it deal. Once you reach your size goal, you still have to figure out how much you can eat to maintain your hard earned results. Also, keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, so you may reach your desired size goal without reaching what you think that number on the scale reads ! Best of luck !! Oh...and...have you used a BMR calculator online to figure out how many calories your baseline should be for age, weight and activity ? That is something I check back on occasionally. My biggest challenge is to just eat enough ...I can see what I should have, then eat 500-700 calories less per day to get that good pound a week loss.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Sounds like your doing well keep in mind if you do the exact same workout everyday yourbody will get use to it. Try mixing it up
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Thirteen pounds in 3 months is great. I know you want the weight gone "today", like most people, but realistically it drops off at various rates, but it's all good as long as you keep healthy eating and exercise as your focus. It will happen, so just appreciate the new habits you're forming and know that each day brings you better health and eventually you'll reach those goals.

    ^ This.

    What's the rush? You're doing fine. In fact, you could probably eat more and work out a little less... I highly recommend you build habits that you can sustain forever. Working out twice a day is a recipe for burnout.

    Double Ditto
  • zeprose
    zeprose Posts: 74 Member
    thank you all:)