please help! i cant stop bingeing!!

Okay my eating has gotten so out of hand. I eat and eat all day long. I mean constantly munching on everything. Cookies, brownies, tuna, tomatoes, etc. It's like I'm never really full. I get headaches and feel I'll but I'll still have a cookie or two for "snack". It's like all day is food time.

Everyday I say "oh I messed up by eating blah blah, so I'll start eating better tomorrow" then I end up eating every unhealthy thing in the house. I can't keep saying it, I have to start a different lifestyle. But yet it feels so hopeless.

Any suggestions to help with stopping constant bingeing?
Any foods I could munch on that wouldn't be super high in calories but still satisfy my sweet tooth?

Thanks a million. :)


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I satisfy my sweet tooth a couple of ways -

    Dark chocolate, the 72% cacao or darker kind. Keep it in the freezer, and only take out a square or two, and eat them one square at a time, letting it melt in your mouth. Grab a handful of raw almonds with it - tasty snack!

    Or plain Greek yogurt, topped with fresh berries or other fresh fruit, and drizzled with honey. The honey & fruit makes it sweet, and a good Greek yogurt is smooth and creamy - it's like dessert.
  • SophieA9083
    Eat two good mouthfuls of protein before you eat anything else, and then wait a bit. Drink lots of water, you will eventually start eating less, some days you may be hungry, you are welcome to look last months food diary for when I was fending for myself, don't pay attention to this month whatever you do!
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    I do the best when there is absolutely nothing in the house I would feel bad about binging on. I keep tons of fresh veggies and fruits. No processed / packaged snack food in the pantry. You can't eat what you don't have.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I love chocolate, so I make sure I drink 2 chocolate protein shakes a day, I buy "Epic" protein from GNC. As long as I have around 100g, protein a day, I no longer have cravings.
  • wjohner
    wjohner Posts: 1 Member
    Always carry water with you and a real lemon so you can squeeze some in your water. It takes my food cravings away.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 955 Member
    I have a lot of self talk when it comes to mindless eating. I've finally gotten to the point where I will eat something healthy - carrots, fruit, and wait at least 10 - 15 minutes. If I'm still hungry I go for Fiber One cereal - only 80 cal. for 3/4 cup. That usually does the trick. If you are drinking alcohol, forget having control, that will do you under every time.
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    For sweets I make sugar-free jello with lite cool whip -- almost "free" -- or I make sugar-free chocolate pudding with cool whip. Sometimes I make a WW Pumkin Mousse with pumkin, sugar-free vanilla pudding and lite cool whip -- can eat a lot of that without doing damage. But it does take will-power - no way around it.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Thisisnotadiet
    Thisisnotadiet Posts: 89 Member
    All the above is good advice, but it's a mental thing. Work on mind most of all. I feel you totally, b/c I have a similar problem too. I have now controlled the munching by logging on MFP before to eat it. This gives you an idea of the calories. Even better, I log my entire day the day before, so if I feel I want to munch I know whether or not I can do it within my calories. Having said that, I repeat, it's a mental thing and I don't have a good advice as to how to block it. I am working on it myself. At the end of a good day, I will go over my calories even though I am not hungry anymore (diary is open, you can see good days vs bad days). One lesson that I learned here is not to hate yourself for the bad days. It is useless. Remind yourself that you are human and thus not perfect, and that it is OK. Also, I try to think why I want to munch and try to connect my feeling with the food I want to eat, and ask why I want to eat. Often I am bored, or I simply I know I have to do a job (i.e. ironing, reading, working in the evening) and I am not in the mood, thus I eat. It helps a bit. So far, it has not solved the issue totally for me, but it has helped.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This is not about what you are eating. It's about you not exercising any control over your own behaviour.

    You may want to consider talking to a therapist.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Get rid of the junk in your house, then the temptation is gone. Sugar free jello pudding is yummy, or look on here for some great low cal desert recipes (like cake in a mug) that can take care of your sweet tooth without a lot of calories. Also, post some motivational sayings, or pictures of what you want to look like, clothes you'd like to be able to wear, etc around your kitchen to make you think before you eat. If you have a friend that can motivate, call him/her when you feel the urge to binge come on. If you just feel like you can't resist the urge, to take a walk, jump rope, so some squats, sit ups, etc. You can do this, just have to find your will-power!!
  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    I have no "hide the ice cream from yourself and then be very introspective before you tear into it" advice. I was at about the same place as you before I started this (153) in February and I just stopped eating the junk. I lost a few pounds, I felt better, I looked better and then it got easier to stop eating the junk because I didn't want to go back to 153. Just. Stop. Eating. It. Regardless of what I just said, I'm not a jerk and I would love to help you fight the crappy stuff, so friend me if you like!
  • 141by2016
    141by2016 Posts: 179
    You are set to 1200/day, and for many that is just too low. You may be binging because you aren't eating enough regularly. Look at this and think about eating more. Good luck!
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    at the start of this, i used to want to snack ALL THE TIME so I started drinking more tea. You can get it in every flavor imaginable, my favorite is love tea #7 from david's tea. It has chocolate, strawberries, and rose petals in it.
    Really helped me with my snacking.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You might find this Mfp group helpful.
    Lots of us there struggling with the same sort of issue, and we have a challenge each month to beat the 'binge monster', so to speak.
    It is a very supportive group.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Try intermittent fasting? Doesn't need robe drastic, just block off a part of the day in which you DO NOT EAT. I find if I've made the decision not to eat until noon then I can walk past the biscuit tin whereas before I was a monster!

    Good luck with it :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Try intermittent fasting? Doesn't need robe drastic, just block off a part of the day in which you DO NOT EAT. I find if I've made the decision not to eat until noon then I can walk past the biscuit tin whereas before I was a monster!

    Good luck with it :)

    This too. I started 16/8 IF six days ago, and have not had a binge since.
  • Masalamommy
    join OA
  • maginsburg
    What works for me is to just keep busy--go for a walk, drive, ride your bike or go visit a friend. If you stay home STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    get that bad food out of the house! if you live with others and they eat it, tell them and have them either remove it or someplace where you cannot find it.
    drink drink drink that water. fill up on that to leave less room.
    find something to keep you busy. are you bored a lot? stressed? depressed? happy? find out what it is going on emotionally causing you to binge, and try to work on that.
    go for a long walk. keep your hands busy. doing a gel mani yourself is time consuming, if you get a uv light, regular nail polish and the gel coat, it takes an hour for the regular color to fully dry before you can seal it so for that hour u cant use your hands.
    make some crafts, if i have the urge to binge i start making a friendship bracelet, bc they keep my hands busy and can take a few hrs depending how many colors i use.
    try and go out with people to keep your mind off things.
    read a book, play a sport, go for a walk with the dog, do exercises, take a long drive.
    also, there are over eater annonymous groups that meet in person, online and the phone. also the eda has phone meetings, in person and online too if you want support and advice from others going through the same thing
    good luck!