How is anyone making out with Crossfit at home?

I found a Crossfit at home workout list I've been doing.

It looks like this:

15 Burpees
15 Squats
15 Half Situps
15 Tuck jumps
15 Back extentions
15 Lunges

I'm sore but happy that I feel this working. I've lost 38 lbs since January and now I'm more focused on building muscle. I've seen ladies that crossfit and they look amazing! I'm not sure I could ever get to that point but I would sure like to try. I'm a stay at home mom and homeschooler. We live in a remote country setting and its summer weather for only 3 months of the year. Indoor would work best for me. So the going out to a Crossfit gym is out of the question. I've lost my weight with walking on my treadmill and eating only real food. Nothing processed or sugary. Juicing and eating largely organic plant based diet and wild meat IE Elk, Deer, ect. I'm 41 and I'm not sure what is a reasonable goal or how to achieve it? I was interested to see if anyone had an idea of a schedule I could try? Thank you in advance for your time! : )


  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
  • melissaledis
    a cross fit schedule?
  • MVPJess
    MVPJess Posts: 20 Member
    I guess ? I'm doing the said list above and treadmill. Not really sure what else I should do. I feel the energy to try to add on to what I'm doing but I really don't know when or how to do that. I'm to intimidated to go to a crossfit place and ask. Crossfit at home may not be a popular thing?
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    There's a great app -- WODBox -- that posts the WODs from a bunch of CrossFit boxes including CrossFit HQ ("Box Feed"). It also has a hopper that lists all the named WODs with their descriptions. Another free one is XLog. It has a hopper too, it just doesn't have the Box Feed that WODBox has. Both have a journal feature where you can log your counts and times for the named workouts. WODBox Pro has a "Genius" feature where you tell it what equipment you have and it'll throw you a WOD using what you have.


    E.T.A.: These are Android apps. They're probably on iPhone too or you can find iPhone-specific apps that do the same thing.
  • quirkyone1
    I'm posting in here to try to remind myself to post some links I have to at-home crossfit workouts. I have them saved on my computer at home.

    Do you have any kind of equipment at home other than the treadmill? Dumbbells? Kettlebells? Or even bags of sand?
  • MVPJess
    MVPJess Posts: 20 Member
    There's a great app -- WODBox -- that posts the WODs from a bunch of CrossFit boxes including CrossFit HQ ("Box Feed"). It also has a hopper that lists all the named WODs with their descriptions. Another free one is XLog. It has a hopper too, it just doesn't have the Box Feed that WODBox has. Both have a journal feature where you can log your counts and times for the named workouts. WODBox Pro has a "Genius" feature where you tell it what equipment you have and it'll throw you a WOD using what you have.


    E.T.A.: These are Android apps. They're probably on iPhone too or you can find iPhone-specific apps that do the same thing.

    I found it! Thank you very much HTH : )
  • MVPJess
    MVPJess Posts: 20 Member
    I'm posting in here to try to remind myself to post some links I have to at-home crossfit workouts. I have them saved on my computer at home.

    Do you have any kind of equipment at home other than the treadmill? Dumbbells? Kettlebells? Or even bags of sand?

    just dumbbells. I can go for a trip to a large city and pick up some things like a kettlebell and what not. I'm extremely limited to things here. I live very Northern Canada. There's not many company's that want to bother with our small community. I would be so grateful for you ideas : )
  • MVPJess
    MVPJess Posts: 20 Member

    Awesome! thanks for the links : )
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Hey MVPJess, its nice to see another homeschooling mom on here :)

    I've been looking at CrossFit for the last few days, and want to do it! I can't afford the prices at the local CrossFit box, so I'm planning on adapting WODs to use at my gym. The only problem is that my gym doesn't have barbells or kettlebells, so I'm wondering if there are substitutes?

    I attempted two WODs a couple of days ago, but then realized I didn't have all the equipment to make it halfway through several of the other WODs lol.
    That is exactly what I am doing. I actually create my own and I am living it!
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    Bump. So I can come back and try these links.
  • Charles4Jesus
    Charles4Jesus Posts: 89 Member
    When I started, I found a 2week CF at home starter. Then I started going to the local boxes website and following there WOD's.( as close as possible with limited equipment) I also downloaded Wodbox and the X-fit app(This posts the WOD from the mainsite). Now I use either the local box's website or CF Mayhem's( RIch Froning's Box)

    Also, if you do WOD and don't have the equipment or cannot safely perform the skill/movement call or email the box and ask for substitutions or scaled movements for that exercise. Or just Google: "substitute for rowing" ( I dont have a rower so it is Sumo Deadlift High Pulls-SDHP) IF you don't know what that is......YouTube it! This is what I do and how I got started. I am also blessed to stay in contact with the local box and have an invitation to stop in for FREE and workout with them. They are supportive of me working out at home.
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    bump. love crossfit!!!