Water is disgusting



  • Latona38
    Latona38 Posts: 111 Member
    Add fruit to your water.
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm not a fan of water at all but I am getting into the infused water
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    You don't need to drink straight water. You can hydrate yourself just fine with milk, tea, coffee, diet soda, ect.

    You can not hydrate yourself with diet soda, please don't try to tell people this. I mean I can understand that this might be better than drinking nothing at all but it certainly doesn't replace water. I used to live on a 12 pack of diet cokes a day and my legs were so swollen that my socks used to cut into my legs if I wore them for too long. Guess what cured it and made the swelling go down.... WATER.

    to the OP, If you're not used to drinking water then it's gonna suck for awhile. You're not used to the flavor and you're body and mouth are like WHOA... lol. You'll get used to it in time but the way that I did it was to use crystal light, mio and the sugar free flavored water things until I could get used to not having the carbonation... that helped too. When it came to drinking the water just plain, at room temp and a half cup at a time really quickly was the answer for me. I hope that this helps you. It will get easier with time.
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    This is going to sound funny, but you may be what's called a "super taster." (Some people can detect tastes that other people are "blind" to perceiving.) I know that I am really particular about taste and i can not drink any water from a plastic water bottle. Can't do it. Not happening. I swear, I can taste the plastic. I also can't drink water in some regions of our country because I hate the taste.

    Here are my tips:
    1. drink cold bubble water on ice or w/o ice to get you off soda (aka Mineral Water / brands: perrier, saratoga, voss sparkling, whole foods 365)

    2. drink out of a filtered water source and only use glass water bottles to take on the go (I buy 1 Voss glass bottle every six months ($3) and reuse it for months and months. I also have some fancy glass water bottles with "big mouths"; the large opening encourages bigger swigs!)

    3. temperature changes everything when it comes to water; some days I may not be up for cold water but the idea of a warm cup of water is totally appealing or vise versa. Add a squirt of lemon to warm water to make it really healthful! lots of experts encourage this warm water and lemon as a good routine habit for many reasons.

    4. go cold turkey w/ eliminating soda in order to develop a place in your routine for water. Regardless of the argument about diet soda, no one would argue that consuming soda is more beneficial than water. You NEED water. You must make a place in your routine where water dominates. We are made of water (not soda). Likely, the artificial sweeteners (or the sugar in the regular version) interferes w/ your interest in the appeal for water. Again, use mineral water to get you off of the soda.

    5. Up your cardio and you'll crave water all day long! On days when I don't get heavy duty cardio in, I forget to drink enough water. On days like today when I do a long cardio, I am drinking oceans all day instinctively! Get your exercise to a place that your system demands more water and you'll be flushing out your pores and organs and everything will get cleansed by the replacement of fluid in your system!

    good luck! That's my best advice...hope it helps.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I always find these posts to be ridiculous. Only in the good old USA would you find people *****ing about drinking water. Just drink your water, it isn't difficult.
  • windyrobotham
    windyrobotham Posts: 19 Member
    I just started drinking a flavored water called sparkling ice. They come in a variety of flavors. They have that little bit of fizz plus they contain some vitamins and green tea extract. I like them better than a lot of the other varieties I have tried.
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    I think water is disgusting as well. But I drink water throughout the day in the form of iced tea, coffee, flavored water, etc. HOWEVER, after exercising or working outside for a few hours, water is the only thing I want. The body knows. Don't beat yourself up about this. You are getting water from foods as well, and unless you have ZERO INTAKE OF FLUIDS, I highly doubt you'll find yourself dehydrated.
  • mdhughes33
    I always find these posts to be ridiculous. Only in the good old USA would you find people *****ing about drinking water. Just drink your water, it isn't difficult.

    This is just so insanely true!!!!
  • Tiffany1432
    Tiffany1432 Posts: 3 Member
    wylers lemonade and pink lemonade packs for water. its the only way i could drink water for awhile
  • trishylocks
    I to Cant drink just plain water, unless im working out The taste is so boring I just hate having to drink it. I tried & tried to do it & I just couldnt...I used to drink a ton of diet pepsi but now I drink carbonated flavored sparkling water try doing that.
  • Mom4Liz
    Mom4Liz Posts: 55
    This is going to sound funny, but you may be what's called a "super taster." (Some people can detect tastes that other people are "blind" to perceiving.) I know that I am really particular about taste and i can not drink any water from a plastic water bottle. Can't do it. Not happening. I swear, I can taste the plastic. I also can't drink water in some regions of our country because I hate the taste.

    Here are my tips:
    1. drink cold bubble water on ice or w/o ice to get you off soda (aka Mineral Water / brands: perrier, saratoga, voss sparkling, whole foods 365)

    2. drink out of a filtered water source and only use glass water bottles to take on the go (I buy 1 Voss glass bottle every six months ($3) and reuse it for months and months. I also have some fancy glass water bottles with "big mouths"; the large opening encourages bigger swigs!)

    3. temperature changes everything when it comes to water; some days I may not be up for cold water but the idea of a warm cup of water is totally appealing or vise versa. Add a squirt of lemon to warm water to make it really healthful! lots of experts encourage this warm water and lemon as a good routine habit for many reasons.

    4. go cold turkey w/ eliminating soda in order to develop a place in your routine for water. Regardless of the argument about diet soda, no one would argue that consuming soda is more beneficial than water. You NEED water. You must make a place in your routine where water dominates. We are made of water (not soda). Likely, the artificial sweeteners (or the sugar in the regular version) interferes w/ your interest in the appeal for water. Again, use mineral water to get you off of the soda.

    5. Up your cardio and you'll crave water all day long! On days when I don't get heavy duty cardio in, I forget to drink enough water. On days like today when I do a long cardio, I am drinking oceans all day instinctively! Get your exercise to a place that your system demands more water and you'll be flushing out your pores and organs and everything will get cleansed by the replacement of fluid in your system!

    good luck! That's my best advice...hope it helps.

    I'm pretty sure I'm a super taster too. Foods and drinks other people like taste like poison to me. I have to spit it out. Coffee is one example, grapefruit and licorice too. I used to have a pretty serious Pepsi habit. I couldn't even stand the taste of Diet. Forget water. Eventually I quit Pepsi and started to get used to Diet. I still didn't like water. Then I stopped drinking diet pop and got used to water. I can't stand warm water but when it's really cold it tastes good. The ice takes away the chlorine taste. Sometimes I add a slice of cucumber and that's really good too. Basically what I'm saying is if you make a commitment to it and cut out the pop you will acquire a taste for water.
    I just have a huge variety of teas (blueberry, raspberry, peach, cherry, etc....) ANY type of tea works, and put them in cold water !!!! It is just fantastic, tastes great, and makes drinking water enjoyable! .....There are SO many options with tea! GOOD LUCK~* (my favorite is 'Perfect Peach' by Bigelow)
  • mamabearconrey
    LaCroix water... it's carbonated water with flavors so it tastes bubbly like soda. I couldn't have quit soda without it. As far as regular water, super ice cold helps and I always put slices of lemon in mine.
  • valligal
    valligal Posts: 18 Member
    Smart Water
  • startheory
    I'm totally not a fan of water either. But I use a water infuser.. and I put frozen fruit into it. Or I'll squeeze an orange or lemon into water and put the wedge into the bottle. This thing has made me drink SO much water. I use it daily!

  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    Water's taste comes from the salt and minerals in it which is why water tastes different in different places. Our drinking water here (Melbourne, Australia) is excellent and clean but I'm not a fan of the taste. I usually have filtered or bottled water with ice, and even then, I don't drink a lot. I found that fresh mint leaves and a little sweetener (not sugar) left to infuse in water over a few hours makes the water taste nice, if you like minty things.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Sometimes it's a mental thing. The more you think about how much you hate water, the worse it will taste to you.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member

    I have one of those filled with water and right next to me at all times. The straw really does help.

    I have 2 of the ones in the first picture, and I have noticed that I drink more water out of them then I do normal cups!!! Not really sure what it is,
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    you also get some hydration from fruits and vegetables, so load up on the veggies and have some fruits every day
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I still don't like water for the most part... but I do like Fiji. Give me a frosty Fiji water, and it'll be gone within the hour (depending on what size).