Lose 5 pounds in a day? Colonoscopy time!



  • i had one done, did nothing for me...
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Miserable. The prep, and the after effect of having your bowels pumped full of air (nice painful gas).
  • msleanlegs
    msleanlegs Posts: 188 Member
    Oh and one more thing you have to Fart before you go home too lol I dont know why but you do Its kinda funny becasue when you are laying there getting prepped there are people behind curtins that are in the recovery stage of it and youcan hear everyone farting hahahah

    LMAO. My husband was farting away after the procedure and where did they put him? In the middle of a busy area of the hospital, with just a curtain cloth separating him and everyone else. I wondered if the staff do that purposefully for the laughs. We all a laugh at work, right?
  • msleanlegs
    msleanlegs Posts: 188 Member
    Best wishes, OP. Colon cancer runs in my family, but after seeing what my husband went through with the prep I'm feeling iffy about getting a colonscopy any time soon.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I have had a few my first was about 20 years ago and that was difficult as all I could eat was clear soup for 3 or 4 days along with water.

    The 2nd was about 10 years ago and the 3rd was about 5 years ago.

    Times have changed and it was real easy just the day before of clearing the bowels a sedative on the day. All I remember of it is being asked to move this way and that way and I could see the whole thing on the monitor although I was a bit blurry eyed lol.

    It`s only a small procedure, I shouldn`t worry too much about it...a couple of days after you will have forgotten all about it.

    A bit of bloating, some gas and it is all done with. The most important thing to think about is if it can diagnose some thing important, then that is the meaning to it all and we are lucky that a mildly uncomfortable small procedure can do that.

    Don`t lose any sleep over it!!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    The actual procedure is not bad at all.

    But they gave me a choice of the drink or the pills to.... clean me out.... and I took the drink. DON'T TAKE THE DRINK. You will vomit and deficate at the same time for more than one hour.... It's not a smart move to make.... Just take the pills.

    Oh and follow all of those instructions to a tee.

    But other than that everything was fine. procedure went good. You can eat whatever you want after the procedure, nothing will upset your stomach or anything.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    The morning of the procedure - after all the "prep" - will be an ideal time to weigh in. You will be empty. EMPTY.

    I had hoped to live tweet my colonoscopy but had pulse monitors on my fingertips, which was a little disappointing. It's hideously undignified, but I enjoyed the drugs.

    And have some gatorade for after, you'll feel better when you rehydrate.
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    I am 30 and have had 3 in 10 years. The worst part is drinking the nasty stuff they make you drink, that and being on the toilet all day long!
  • I had one last year and it wasn't bad. I was put to sleep so I didn't even know... the worst part was the meds the day before.... my bottom was awfully sore... I made my husband go get baby wipes.
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    As most are saying here, the prep is the worst part. First, before the prep, you have to have clear liquids, i.e. broth, tea, jello (not red!). No Dairy!! That afternoon I had to take laxative pills and then a few hours later I had to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate (lemon) and the fun begins!! The next morning I had to drink another bottle and my procedure was around 11/12 that day. Was knocked out so I didn't feel anything! I am good for another 10 years! Yay!
  • MamawChristy
    MamawChristy Posts: 30 Member
    I am having one on Friday! Looking forward to the day off and the nap, but not really looking forward to the prep. Had one about 10 years ago and the test itself is easy. I'm just thinking I'll be losing some weight the next couple of days!!
  • ceeiyalater
    ceeiyalater Posts: 2 Member
    I had colon cancer and have a colonoscopy
    every year. Here are some tips to help you
    Through the prep(which is the only hard part).
    First get some balmex and put it on your
    Butt before the first bowel movement. Second
    Get a straw and drink the prep drink with the
    Straw on the Back of you tongue. If you have
    A lemon flavor mixture eat some lemon
    Italian ice before and after drinking it.
    Don't worry about the actual colonoscopy
    They put you out and it seems like seconds
    And they are waking you up. Hope this helps.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Ugh, good luck. I will be having my first (of many) in within the next 6 weeks too, not looking forward to the prep. At all.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I have not had mine yet but my Dr. is bugging me. I am so afraid of the undignified part it keeps me from scheduling. After reading this I don't feel so hot about the idea either. Hope it goes great for you.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    Well, I bought the dulcolax, Miralax, and Gatorade today.... thanks for the well wishes.
  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    I had one last year. I second the soft toilet paper and the baby wipes the previous posters mentioned. Lol!
    I enjoyed the sedation. I had some fun dreams. :ohwell: I was nervous about it too, but now that I've gone, it's no biggie.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    No one told me to be a bit careful about my first meal afterwards and I had an omelet with cheese and onions with bacon and toast on the side and by the time I got home I had awful gas pains. I called my doc and he said to lie on my left side and the gas would dissipate. That felt much better!
    I'm getting one tomorrow and I will be eating lightly and blandly till all the gas is gone!
    Please do not put off your colonoscopy! Last time I had a polyp that was removed but doc said it could have turned cancerous.
    Having a colonoscopy could save your life-no ****! (pun intended)
  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
    Easiest thing I ever did - peaceful sleep and woke up no problem. The prep is really the awful part!
  • kurklk
    kurklk Posts: 1
    My doctor had me put cyrstal light (lemonade) in the prep solution. That took some of the bitter taste away. I set an alarm for every 1/2 hour to drink a quart of the stuff... otherwise would have procrastinated all night and not drank it all. Otherwise it is fine, like everyone says.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Just a heads up, the Magnesium citrate tastes HORRIBLE!

    But other than that, it is a breeze. You go in, they give you an IV, put to you to sleep. Then you wake up acting like you just drank 10 margaritas and get sent home.