Has your job played a part in your weight gain?



  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    I work in a call centre too...and did put on weight when I started there but was already big. That said while still working at a call centre (been in the same job for nearly 12 years) over the last 6.5 years i have lost 188 pounds while working there :)

    That's seriously amazing. Good job!
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    Desk job also + I had a gaming addiction for a few years -> I used to spend most if the day on a chair

    I have a gaming addiction too so I'm on a computer for majority of the day. But with games I forget to eat;
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    I have an office job and most people gain weight due to sitting and people bringing in tempting treats. We call it the "secretary spread". I walk around the building 9 to 12 x's a day, it is massive- 3 x's around = 1 mile. My husband has a physically demanding job and he needs his meat and potatoes supper to refuel so it is hard to cook for both our needs.

    I'm actually that person at work who brings in treats for people. I bake every weekend cause I enjoy it but I don't eat it myself. My thing is cupcakes so I'll eat one to try it but thats it. I leave some for my fiance and then bring the rest to work for people. As long as it's not me eating them lol
  • Kellllog
    Kellllog Posts: 81 Member
    Absolutely - my last job was under massive stress.
    Hopefully new one will continue to be much better (and I can actually go out and walk at lunch now!)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I've had a desk job for years and was fairly lean. What contributed to my weight gain?
    I quit smoking.
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    Yes definitely!, At my old job I worked as a breakfast Attendant at a hotel , surrounded by food. My downfall were the waffles I could make everyday on the waffle maker and danishes
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    In Montana as an estimator and in New Mexico as a paper pusher on a construction project I definitely noticed it was harder to keep a deficit due to boredom eating and office snacking. In Ohio as a field engineer... there are some snacks in the office I've had to fight hard to avoid but I spend 4-8 hours underground everyday lugging around 40-60lbs of gear so that has helped keep my deficit high enough to start losing weight again. Part of the reason I LOVE field work over office work.
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Depressing job and it's a desk job as well so I haven't gained but I haven't lost a lb since I started and that is about a year ago.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    I'm playing devil's advocate here.

    If bored or stressed at your job...............................................what do the lean people at the same job do when faced with the same?
    Point I'm making is that even lean/fit people get bored, stressed etc., but didn't resort to food to help solve those issues.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    No. If anything it has kept me from gaining. I'm a teacher and I stand up 90% of the time.
  • jacknblack
    Ugh yes. I give out free food. It's a fairly active job but... still.
  • danglarity
    danglarity Posts: 31 Member
    Actually, my lack of a job right now has contributed to my weight gain. I need a job like ASAP!
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    It played a role in me making excuses like i'm stressed / the commute is long / i have no energy.

    All were pretty weak excuses
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    Yes - I am a minister, and after church on Sunday we have coffee hour, and I thought people's feelings would be hurt if I didn't eat what they brought. Someone else could have eaten a little bit, and then returned to healthy eating after getting home, but being a carb addict I'm not good at the moderation thing, so once my cravings were primed then I would do things like eat cupcakes out of the freezer when I was working late without dinner. Eventually I was just honest with my parishioners about my attempt to lose weight and my problem with carbs, and now they understand if I just eat the cheese and fruit and admire the cake.
  • CougNurse2011
    Not blaming my job for my weight gain (its more my lack of self-control)... But I am an RN so I'm on my feet for 12-13 hours and dont have time to sit down for 30minutes to eat lunch so it turns into a "run into the break room, eat a cookie/muffin/cake that my wonderful co-workers have brought in and run out" situation. Mindless eating, really. I dont feel satisfied at all and then when I get home at 7am I eat all my calories and go to bed and sleep all day and wake up and do it all again. Not sure if I was on day-shift if that would change anything.
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    I work in a call center so that means sitting at a desk for about 7.5 hours. A lot of people I know who have worked here for years actually started the job slim but have slowly gained weight over time. Even I have in the past seeing as you sit and eat and then are locked to that chair for hours afterwards. Boredom eating is another problem with this place. I know what you eat plays a part in it but could your job be part of the issue as well?

    Anyone relate to this issue or have opinions?

    I worked at a call center for a little over a year and they were okay with us doing things at our desk (like squats, etc), as long as we were in between calls. I would suggest packing some veggies and squattin' it out! :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I have a no eating at my desk rule! Helps a lot! Take the stairs always, lunch timewalks. You can make it work if you want it enough. If you must have some of the chocolate etc that's on offer just have a little!
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    I gained 10kg in 3yrs at my last job, i went from working on the floor as an RN, to having an office and loads of computer related work. My daily activity could no longer make up for my crappy eating it seemed.
    Im back working on the floor again now in a new job, eating loads better so technically the weight should be melting off!
  • CillitBang
    CillitBang Posts: 33 Member
    Most definitely. I'm a Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 office girl and a busy day for me means sitting at the computer all day without getting up much. A quiet day means sitting at my desk and tryng not to boredom eat! I'm trying to keep sensible things to snack on through the day in my desk like Ryvita crackers and pate or peanut/almond butter but it's hard when there's a vending machine on my floor filled to the brim with naughty but nice things!

    This is a quiet day and even thought I had porridge at 8am, I'm thinking about what I can eat next and it's only 10am!

    I'd love another job where I moved about more and then I wouldn't need to work out JUST so much!
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    Desk job also + I had a gaming addiction for a few years -> I used to spend most if the day on a chair

    ahaha me too, for that reason I work out!