Learning to let the scale stay hidden!

My name is Catie. I'm 21, I weighed 183 lbs at my last weigh-in last monday (which was also my first weigh-in) I started Insanity, this is Day 6, my first rest day. I noticed I'm having THE hardest time not weighing myself daily. I really want to wait it out, and allow myself at least a week in between weigh-ins because:
a) I will see more dramatic decreases/increases in my numbers
b) I always fall victim to obsessing about every little oz gained once I start daily weigh-ins, and that discourages me which ultimately leads to me quitting whatever program I am attempting.

I really, really want to be successful with Insanity and make it through the full 60 days (only 54 more to go!) as I have tried the program before and given up.

Another problem I have is the lack of money to keep food in my house. I'm young and this is our first place out on our own. We NEVER have enough money to keep stocked, unless we buy cheap, gross foods. Is there any advice you can give us on how to keep healthy foods at home without breaking our bank?

Thanks again, this site has been wonderful for advice, motivation, and support <3


  • stephaniewedge
    stephaniewedge Posts: 12 Member
    I am exactly the same!! Ive learnt that if your looking to tone aswel as lose fat the scales lie as i have put on weight but I've lost inches.
    I have recently moved in with my boyfriend but were on such a tight budget (and he doesn't eat healthy) so its hard to buy for both of us, and trying to think of meals we can both eat as it is the cheaper option. we usually buy mince meat in bulk if its on offer, and turkey is cheaper then chicken so we buy that too. if you live near a market get your meat and veg there as its cheaper and you can haggle for a good deal! also another trick, if you buy your fruit and veg from a supermarket buy the loose ones as its alot cheaper then the already bagged lot!!

    I hope this helps!!
  • kelseyljones
    kelseyljones Posts: 4 Member
    I've actually gained weight on Insanity (day 27 for me today), but have lost inches every week. So I would go by inches. Try to find the video on team beach body about how to properly measure yourself.

    As far as cheap foods- frozen veggies and fruits are sometimes cheaper but have the same nutrtion, I go to the grocery store on Sunday nights when they mark down meat and bread ( and then use the bread ASAP and freeze the meat), go to farmers markets, and if you have a membership to Costco or SAMs club, you can buy giants bags of veggies and salad for cheap. Bananas are like .$2 for 5 or 6 bananas.

    I also coupon. I buy coupons on eBay (search for grocery coupons), print out online coupons (ppgazette.com aggregates all the online sites into one site), or get the day-old Sunday newspaper with coupons in it from Dollar Tree for $1.

    I hope that helps! Good luck!
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    thank you both !!! much appreciated!!!
  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    cheap foods? Dried beans. They take a little prep time, but I cook a ton up and then freeze them so that they are ready to go. They are super cheap and super healthy. Potatoes are cheap, frozen veggies, whole wheat pasta. Look for cuts of meat that cost less (ie, chicken breast with the bone, chicken thighs, big bags of frozen tilapia fillets). You can eat very healthy on limited money, but it takes some thought, planning, and some cooking.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    measuring tape and dollarstore
  • I have read in articles before that it's not "mentally healthy" to stop on a scale more than once a week! Plus, like you said, seeing the differences in the numbers is very satisfying. I like to weigh myself after using the bathroom first thing in the morning, because then I know it will always be under the same circumstances :)

    Plus, don't forget that EVEN if the numbers on the scale do go up slightly when you're trying to lose weight, the most important thing is feeling better about yourself, looking better, and having more confidence! :)