Is PB or jam/jelly worse? Please help!

Does peanut butter (crunchy and not organic of some sort) or strawberry jam have more calories? Which one is worse? Thanks in advance :)
P.S Both bought from woolworths.


  • chkn_WANG_Train
    I'd say the jam... Is worse.

    I like doing peanut butter and banana sandwiches! Maybe with honey!

    But it really all depends on your goal, if it fits in your calories, enjoy!

    If you're concerned with sugar/carbs I'd say skip the jam!

    Everyone always says almond butter is better.... But that stuff just ain't peanut butter no matter how hard it tries!

    Calorie counts should be on the packaging....
  • SkyeASmth
    SkyeASmth Posts: 2 Member
    Look on the bottle, they have the nutritional value. What you really should be looking at is the other things that are healthy for you too.

    Peanut butter is awesome, it is really good for you. The only thing that makes it bad is the oil they add to keep the oil from separating.

    Jam isn't that bad either, if you want to watch calories it might be better to get fruit and slice it and put it on the peanut butter instead.

    There are also a lot of sites, other than my fitness pal that show you the health benefits of food.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    As a pb&j addict:

    If I just buy regular (not sugar-free or high fibre or all-fruit) jam, and regular peanut butter (not reduced fat or all-natural or organic) a serving of peanut butter, 2Tbsp, has about 3 times the calories of a serving of jam, 1 Tbsp. However, the peanut butter may have some redeeming nutritional qualities, whereas I am sure the jam is all sugar. I don't care, though; I'm not giving up my pb&j sandwiches.
  • missswift13
    Okay thanks guys :smile:
    Sorry for wasting your time lol, I'll go check the back of the jars now!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    When in doubt, try the USDA calorie counts.