Anyone from UK? I need some buddies!

Hey! how are you?

I'm 22, working mum of 2 and my weight has yo-yo'd with each baby really.
I'm looking for friends on here to chat to n motivate :)

I have been exercising and dieting since November 2012 and I have lost 16kg so far (33lbs)
I have been down this road before and couldn't seem to maintain it. This time, I want to maintain it because I can't have anymore children and I'm in a professional career that I need to focus on so I'm hoping I won't have anymore massive weight gains.

I'm a nightmare for carbs, so my diet is strict to teach me some much needed discipline.
I follow Dukan Diet and I love it and it loves me (thank god)

I am a big build I think, my shoulders are much broader than some women and I have natural 34H boobs that REFUSE to go anywhere by dieting. I hate them. I'm 5ft 6in.

In 2008 I was 16st and UK size 20
In 2009 I was 11st and UK size 10
In 2010 I was 12st and UK size 12-14
In 2011 I was 15st and UK size 16-18
In 2012 I was 14st and UK size 14-16

In November 2012 I was 15st and fed up.
I started my beloved Dukan diet and by Christmas 2012 I was 13.5st and UK 14.

I am now 12st 4lb or 80kg. I comfortably wear a size 12.

If you've got this far down my post, well done!

The reason for the detail is because I'd like to get to know other yo-yo dieters that know their flaws and have bad habits etc.
I want people that have had similar journeys to me :)

I have the app so I'm always on there!

Hope to hear from y guys soon, add me and mail me :)

Jess ;)


  • Ashashleigh
    I'm from Northern Ireland! Add me :-)
  • Graham_077
    Graham_077 Posts: 67 Member
    From Scotland. FR sent.
  • Lyns1976
    Lyns1976 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm from Northern Ireland....feel free to add me as I'm back to day one today after being unwell as completely messing up my diet and exercise over the last 8 weeks :( stating a clean eating programme from today :)
  • beebop85
    beebop85 Posts: 49 Member
    Glasgow and big yo yo dieter! Not this time :) FR sent xx
  • baldric1331
    baldric1331 Posts: 30 Member
    well im in the UK well in sunny wales lol but i know what you mean with diets never fun but myself always had a problem with trying to loose weight it just never came off.

    But since working with a mate whos also my boss and hes a body builder too with his help ive started loosing weight, i think i listen to him cos of his body building and the fact hes been on TV a few times on body building and one year the tightist man in the UK for 2009 i belive.

    when i started my diet i was on 245 pounds and now droped down to 235 after only about 2 weeks so keeping it up and im always on each day
  • Silvervixen79
    Silvervixen79 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Jess, I live in sunny Bradford, West Yorkshire. My thyroid failed when I was 15, before which I was slim and muscular. From 15 onwards my weight crept up to 19st (UK size 24) and at 27 was diagnosed with arthritis in various joints throughout my body. Its taken about 7 years to get to my current weight of 14st 2lbs (UK size 14/16) thanks to the joys of hypothyroidism, and want to lose another 1.5st.

    So Im not exactly a yo-yo dieter but have tried just about every diet under the sun to find something that works for me, and I am a complete health nut and enjoy trying the latest health/fitness craze just to keep things interesting!
  • chezz
    chezz Posts: 69 Member
    hi there are loads of us in team uk look under groups
  • Razyb
    Razyb Posts: 4 Member
    HI I can relate to being a Yo-yo dieter.

    Taken a very different approach to it all (this time!) which seems to be working. Got the app too (invaluable isn't it?) but just starting to use the forums really. You'll find plenty of like-minded people and some great advice too.

    Good on ya keep it up. :)
  • ursiestar
    ursiestar Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there, I've yo-yo'd as far back as I can remember so can relate to everything u have said. My weight is coming off slowly now and heading in the right direction. Feel free to add me :0)
  • hannahbayls
    hannahbayls Posts: 53 Member
    I'm from England, UK so feel free to add me :)
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    I'm from the UK! Yorkshire if anyone is interested, so feel free to add me!

    I've always been a massive yo-yo-er. I stick to a diet, see results, and then think "oh I know what I'm doing" then start to slack off and let it creep back on again.

    I'm trying to see this as a lifestyle change. I hated weight watchers, I hated slim fast, I hated all the other diets I've ever been on because everytime I ate something that was high in points, outside of the plan etc, I would see it as a failure. But now its just part of what I eat - I eat it, and then I carry on. I have a bar of chocolate, I eat it, I enjoy it, and then I keep going. On other plans (e.g. Weight Watchers), I would eat a chocolate bar, and then skip lunch or something - it wasn't healthy!

    So come and join in on this lifestyle change - everyone on here is so friendly, and I'm a bit of a forum addict, so always on here :)
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member

    I have been exercising and dieting since November 2012 and I have lost 16kg so far (33lbs)

    I have the app so I'm always on there!

    Hope to hear from y guys soon, add me and mail me :)

    Jess ;)

    Lost almost the same amount as you have :laugh: though 2kg less ... :sad:
  • Rokosmummy
    Hi I'm from N.Ireland and also mummy to 2. My weight has fluctuated a lot after having my babies. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Lumen1505
    Lumen1505 Posts: 77 Member
    I am down by the south coast andn have yo-yod for the last 20 yrs (I am 34) . This is the year I will reach my healthy weight and maintain it:-)
  • luziferl
    luziferl Posts: 82
    im also 22 and from scotland :) feel free to add me :)
  • karaluisa
    well Im from the uk but Im currently working in france
    I've been a yo yo dieter since i was about 14/15 and i have got up to a size 14 which is ok except Im a dancer by trade and as people know you dont see size 14 dancers getting booked for jobs
    so Im trying to get to 66 kgs Im currently at 75 kgs and Im doing lots of different things
    30 day shred if i don't get up early enough to make it to the gym and then at the gym i do some cross training,biking,spinning and a little bit of running what ever machine is free haha i have 34G boobs which is a nightmare for running but this time Im determined to get the weight off for good
    Im 30 next year and want to still be working
    all tips and motivation are greatly appreciated
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  • abadmum
    abadmum Posts: 39 Member
    Hi!! UK here! right down on the South coast..
  • labtech666
    labtech666 Posts: 66 Member
    I live in south-east England. Happy to have new friends, so feel free to add me if you like. :smile:
  • SAMC1989
    SAMC1989 Posts: 32
    Im Midlands - Oxford, UK!

    Add me girly :)