For the past month I've worked out everyday. Monday-Friday one hour of cardio and 20 minutes of light weights. Alternating between upper and lower body for weights. Saturday and Sunday one hour of cardio only. I've been told, I shouldn't workout everyday, because it does more harm than good. Is it ok to workout everyday or not?


  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    You need to let your body rest, so 6 out of 7 days would be better.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I think it only hurts for when your working out the same muscles every day
    so one day focus on your upper muscles the next your lower muscles

    And I don't think cardio hurts anyone
  • MommaBelvin
    MommaBelvin Posts: 130 Member
    you dont have to work out EVERYDAY your going to wear yourself out and then stop all together so i agree with working out maybe 4-6 days a week but you need to keep up on your good eating when you arent working out.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Some weeks I will workout everyday, 7 days a week. Other times I am tired and sore and rest 1-2 days. Just listen to your body!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    With what you are doing, I don't think it would hurt. I think the heavy lifters need a day or 2 of rest, but not cardio and light weights. You are aternating the upper/lower weights, so that helps too. I take a day of rest only because I feel I need it. I did work out for 2 weeks straight last month, that was a bit much.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    That's not necessarily taxing on the cns. Now if you're doing heavy weighted compound movements it be wise not too. I went 30 days straight on a push pull split 3 days hypertrophy, 3 days strength and felt like I was going to die lol.
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    I work out every day - It has almost become an addiction.
    As I am a member of a 24 hour gym, I sometimes go very early (7am) or very late (8pm)
    Some days I don't even feel like it, but then suddenly i find myself putting my gym clothes on.

    Today Iw as at the soccer field all day, went home at 4.30 and while I decided that this day I was going to have break I went again at 4.30.

    I do it purely to loose weight and tone up a little so most is cardio. But as I do a lot varied exercises I don't get bored and enjoy it.

    But each to their own. It works for me.
    But I don't think anyone can tell someone else what to do.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    I tend to work out 6-7 days a week doing various cardio, and weights 2 - 3 times a week with a rest day (just cardio) beween them. If I feel like I need a break, I take one.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    If you like it and feel good, then do it. You will probably work out harder and become a better athlete if you incorporate rest and recovery days, but it doesn't sound that is your goal.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Much depends on the intensity. Try bringing a turtle to the gym. If he yawns, no need for a rest day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You need to let your body rest, so 6 out of 7 days would be better.


    I would look at the quality of your workouts not quantity as well. 20 minutes of HIIT will get you better results than 60 minutes of steady state cardio.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    I change it up...sometimes 7, sometimes 6, and sometimes 5 days per week. I just listen to my body and this week it screamed, "Five is fine! Five is fine!" :bigsmile:
  • treenuh_x
    treenuh_x Posts: 94 Member
    I, on average, work out between 6 and 7 days a week. Some days are much lighter than others, but I usually manage to get /something/ in every day. If you need a rest day, take it! It's not bad for you - it allows time for your muscles to heal and relax so you can push yourself harder the next day. Listen to what your body is telling you, and you should be fine. :)
  • Bssh
    Bssh Posts: 123
    I think daily cardio is fine but if you're doing weights heavy enough to make your muscles sore each time then you need to insert rest days between your weights sessions.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Try an "active rest" day. Engage in some mild cardio activity that works different muscles than your daily workouts. Go for a walk, a leisurely bike ride, etc. If you already have a variety of cardio, you may not need to do this every week.

    Listen to your body. If you are constantly sore, you need a rest day. If you aren't progressing, you need a rest day. If you aren't reaching your previous levels of intensity, you need a rest day. If you become exhausted, you are more susceptible to injuries!

    This month, I am in a Zumba challenge. All of that dancing and waving my arms around is starting to take a toll on my overall energy and specifically my shoulder muscles, so for a few days I chose the lowest intensity songs from my Wii games and looked up Zumba cool down songs on you tube. It took awhile to find appropriate ones, but now I can count my stretching towards my Zumba challenge, rather than having my body give out and limiting my activity for weeks.
  • munanabanana
    munanabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Wow, if you have the motivation and stamina to keep doing that, then by all means go right ahead!

    Moderation is key, though, so if you're working out every single day you should keep a close eye on how you're body is taking the strain.

    Personally, I'm freaking lazy =( If i can get myself to go to the gym 3x a week I'll be happy with myself.
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice:-) You learn something new about fitness/health daily and I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something crazy! I will keep the cardio light on the weekends. Also, for some weird reason, I eat a lot more when I don't workout.