30 day shred & couch to 5k

So I'm on day 4 of the 30 day shred and so achey.
Has anyone else started it? Need motivation to keep going as I'm so close to getting to my goal weight!

Thinking of starting the couch to 5k too, would anyone recommend it? :/

CW - 136.5lbs
GW - 126lbs


  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    While the couch to 5k is great, I tried to do it with the 30 Day Shred. It was hard for me to fit both in during the day. Grant it, I have two young boys, so I only had time to workout for 30 minutes a day. Also, I felt even more achey doing both than just the 30 Day Shred. However, that is just me. If you have more time, I'm sure you can spread the exercise out during your day. I definitely have heard some amazing things from the couch to 5k!!!
  • ldniz
    ldniz Posts: 13
    I'm on day 4 of the shred - today is the first day I have been able to go up and down stairs without nearly screaming! The before and after pics on here are brilliant motivation to keep going with it though!
  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member
    Starting this week I'm going to combine 30DS and Couch to 5k. I got all the way to Level 3 Day 2 and despite feeling a little thinner (I think!) with no weight loss I'm completely bored doing it everyday :( I know the program is effective and I love Jillian but I'm getting kinda burnt out and actually miss my treadmill, lol! I'm not going to do them both on the same day, I'm going to try this:

    M - 30DS (or other JM dvd)
    T - 30DS (or other JM dvd)
    W - Treadmill/C25K
    T - 30DS (or other JM dvd)
    F - 30DS (or other JM dvd)
    S - Treadmill/C25K
    S - Treadmill/C25K

    My plan is to do 30DS early in the morning before work and treadmill on weekends/Wednesdays so I won't disturb neighbors. Hopefully mixing things up will keep me going!
  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member

    CW - 136.5lbs
    GW - 126lbs

    Also... congrats on your weight loss!!! I just looked at your stats and your SW is my weight and your CW is my goal! If you don't mind my asking 'how did you do it?', how many calories per day? I know everyone is different, but I have the same stats and have been stuck in the upper 140's forever.
  • My initial 10lbs or so were a combo of a bad breakup where I ate very little but not I think it's with tracking what I eat - I was a fiend for eating bags of tortilla chips and huuuuge portions.
    I'm eating around 1200kcal at the minute (because MFP set it as that), some times a little over, sometimes a little under.
    I'm only on day 4 of the 30DS and I've already lost a few inches around my belly - I'd highly recommend it :)