Returning to MFP! 5'7" and 193lbs

Hi all!

I've recently returned to MFP having stopped logging for a couple of months...I'm currently 193lbs down from 203lbs since starting to log again, I generally eat around 1200-1400 calories and do 30 mins of cardio 4-5 times a week, plus some ab crunches and arm weight machines (never know what they are called!!). My first goal weight to reach by Jan 2014 is my pre-university weight of 154lbs which puts me just in the healthy BMI range for my height, but eventually I'd like to get to a BMI of about 22 which for my height (5ft7) will be 140lbs. Looking for friends with similar stats (or not, I don't mind!) to share tips with and keep me motivated, and I will do what I can to help you out too!

:smile: :smile:


  • c4rped1em
    c4rped1em Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck & welcome back! :) I will add you as a friend, I too am back on here after a while being off. Well, longer for me. I used MFP a few years ago then lost track of healthy eating. It feels so good to be back.