No taste buds after radiation treatments

sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
I still can't taste food after my cancer radiation treatments. This makes me NOT want to eat healthy. I crave sweets. Even tho I can barely taste them. HELP!


  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    Have you tried greek yogurt mixed with frozen fruit? Honey even? Great source of protein to help you recoup and fruit will help you with the sweet, honey has healing properties as well.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    are you sure it's the taste buds and not the olfactory connection? Can you smell your food still?
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Funny you mentioned that, I brought Greek Yogurt in for lunch (later) today. I'll give it a try. I hope this doesn't last long, I was unable to eat lots of foods during my treatments, and now that I can eat whatever I want, I can't taste anything. Even water tastes AWFUL! Mouthwash and toothpaste taste bad too. It's like I always have a bad bad taste in my mouth.
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, I can smell food. Actually, everything smells great, and when I go to eat it, it tastes completely different than I expect it to. I have researched it, and it seems lots of patients have experienced this. But it seems like I will never get the taste buds back, tho they all say it will go back to normal eventually.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Yes, a friend of mine had this exact thing happen. He said that mashed potatoes, his fav food, smelled SO GOOD and he couldn't WAIT to eat them...and then he did and they tasted what he imagined raw sewage would taste like. The only thing that tasted even remotely not vile was Vanilla Muscle Milk. Slowly, over time, his taste came back, but Muscle Milk saved the day in the meantime.
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    Funny you mentioned that, I brought Greek Yogurt in for lunch (later) today. I'll give it a try. I hope this doesn't last long, I was unable to eat lots of foods during my treatments, and now that I can eat whatever I want, I can't taste anything. Even water tastes AWFUL! Mouthwash and toothpaste taste bad too. It's like I always have a bad bad taste in my mouth.
    I had a really good friend that had the same problem during her treatments and she often splurged and ate whatever she wanted during those times and still lost a ton of weight, not that I'm encouraging that. You still need nutrient dense foods for your body to heal during this process and if you can some that will curb help with those bad tastes anything counts right.
    I have a yoannas machine where you can freeze any type of fruit especially bananas and then turn them into almost a sorbet and its wonderful. you may try and find one to help as well, we've experimented with many types and its fun.
  • dezcast
    dezcast Posts: 429 Member
    Its very normal for that to happen. Takes time for them to come back, but they will. Be patient and good luck
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    That happened to me after treatments, but it does come back. Sorry I don't have any suggestions to help you out, but please have faith that it will get better, because it will!!!
  • ksb1957
    ksb1957 Posts: 12 Member
    Your taste buds should return in time. Try to not indulge in processed sugars. Are your salivary glands working? Cancer patients should avoid sugars and concentrate on healthy fructrose. You may wish to indulge in some of the sugar free treats, like yogurts (add fruit) or puddings. Good luck........hope this returns soon.
    My husband had head and neck cancer, so I know a good deal about how difficult regaining a healthy appetite can be. Good luck!
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    This is definitely normal. The inside of your mouth feels a little burned too, I'm guessing?

    Your sense of taste absolutely WILL come back. It just takes a bit of time. Try to sit tight until then :) Best of luck with your treatment!
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I work in a radiation clinic, and my head and neck patients all complain of this same thing. We recommend protein shakes, like Boost or Ensure, even Glucerna, to keep your calories up and at least get something slightly nutritious into your body. Your smell/taste connection WILL heal, it will just take time. For some it never even becomes a problem at all. But your body just went through something crazy and tough, and as hard as it was, it was the right thing to do. Give it time (maybe more than you want, sorry), but you'll be able to eat the things you love again. And good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Had a friend who had the same thing happen. If methotrexate's in the mix, that's probably not helping with the food either.

    While it didn't completely return to normal (he still can't taste milk chocolate, of all things) it does apparently, eventually get better. For now, I suppose it's trial and error with the foods you are allowed to eat (he couldn't eat fresh fruit or berries) and time. .

    I wish you success with your treatment. :)
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    My husband said everything tasted like metal. He had to force himself to eat because nothing was tasting right. It did come back for him. Try to eat healthy still, lots of vegies, try some seasonings if that will help. I used a lot of spices in the vegies when I cooked for him. Hope every goes well with you! wish you the best!!!
  • camy1980
    camy1980 Posts: 2
    try to eat sweet thing but healthy , like pure honey with pancake , or dates ; they are verry healthy and suit especially with fresh milk .
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    this is interesting. if I can find it, I will try it. Thanks!
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    EXACTLY!! This is how it is for me. Everything smells soooo good, and then it tastes like crap. My daughetr said if I can't taste anything, then I should eat only fruits and vegs, to keep healthy. But I find myself wanting to taste EVERYTHING, just to see if I can! :tongue:
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    I haven't lost any weight, I just can't get motivated. But I am back on track this weekend :happy:
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Did you have RAI?? Thanks for the encouragement, nobody "gets" me around here. They think it's no big deal, and they are sick of hearing about it.
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the input, this helps me deal a little better. It is frustrating. It seems like sometimes I taste something and the next bite, I don't. It's wierd, and I don't like it! Here's to us being cancer free and healthy!!