No taste buds after radiation treatments



  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! Yes my salivary glands are working, I never had an issue with that, Thank Goodness. Once I was able to go off the Low Iodine Diet, I wanted pizza so bad. And it was awful. And the Easter ham and pineapples tasted rancid.
    I Hope your husband is doing well !!! Thanks for the input, I appreciate it :happy:
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks!! I will keep the faith! Did you go thru this too??
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    This is awesome news! Thanks!! I thought I was going crazy, because NOBODY told me this would happen. And when I went for my whole body scan, I mentioned it to the tech, and she said she never heard of that happening before. I really thought I was nuts!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Funny you mentioned that, I brought Greek Yogurt in for lunch (later) today. I'll give it a try. I hope this doesn't last long, I was unable to eat lots of foods during my treatments, and now that I can eat whatever I want, I can't taste anything. Even water tastes AWFUL! Mouthwash and toothpaste taste bad too. It's like I always have a bad bad taste in my mouth.
    I had a really good friend that had the same problem during her treatments and she often splurged and ate whatever she wanted during those times and still lost a ton of weight, not that I'm encouraging that. You still need nutrient dense foods for your body to heal during this process and if you can some that will curb help with those bad tastes anything counts right.
    I have a yoannas machine where you can freeze any type of fruit especially bananas and then turn them into almost a sorbet and its wonderful. you may try and find one to help as well, we've experimented with many types and its fun.

    you can do that without a fancy machine. freeze pieces of banana and then blend for a few seconds. maybe that wouldn't taste so fowl.
    you may just need to try different foods and see what isn't awful, and then work around that
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. Yes, it seems like it's hit or miss. Sometimes I tastes salty things and then all of a sudden things are bland again. The same with sweets. I have to be patient and wait it out.
  • selmafeki
    selmafeki Posts: 48 Member
    As a dental hygienist to be in the future, I recommend you to drink a lot of water and also to keep your mouth hydrated with ex oils, this to prevent caries. I hope your tastebuds will come back to normal sooner rather than later.
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, thanks for the input!! Fortunately, I don't have the metal taste. I've heard that a lot of people have that. I'm afraid that I am OVER SALTING everything, and worried about my blood pressure (which has never been an issue before). I just have to wait and see I guess! :happy:
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    I tried :ohwell: it was bland. I will keep trying. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it!!
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    that's basically what I've been doing, but I'm worried I'm eating more than I should. I just want to keep trying foods to see if I can taste them. Can't be good for weight loss :frown:
  • sk8momrbs
    sk8momrbs Posts: 21 Member
    I know I should drink more water, but water tastes awful. Not to sound gross, but it's like having "morning breath" and drinking water. It's nasty! But I do it anyway. Thanks for the advice!! :heart: