Binging and zoning out

Just don't buy the food, just don't buy the food, just don't buy the food. That is the only secret! I don't buy my trigger foods, or at least I do my best not to. I can feel the intense urge to binge. All I can think about is eating as fast as possible, until I'm ill. I take a nap, I go for a walk, I do whatever I can to try and take my mind off it.

Then I just "zone out," for lack of a better term. My mind just shuts off. I don't even realize what I am doing. I'm out, then I'm back home with the one pound Trader Joes chocolate bar. I eat the entire thing. Now I feel sick, my heart is racing, I feel like I'm on speed. I have a pounding headache from all the sugar.

I don't know how to stop that cycle. I don't expect many people to understand, only others with BED. The unhelpful comments of "just don't buy it" doesn't work. I don't know what happens to me. I literally don't even remember going to the store!

How can I stop this? Any info will be greatly appreciated.


  • Brownie_Monster
    Anybody?? Perhaps I should not have posted this.
  • SoLiveItUp
    SoLiveItUp Posts: 115 Member
    Lay the food out on a plate, maybe it'll show you what you're doing.
    Also write how you feel that second, ask yourself questions. Why am I doing this? Do I want to hurt my body

    : )
  • elmionka
    elmionka Posts: 5
    I know exactly how you feel, do you log your food?
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I'm battling the same demons myself.

    Planning flavorful meals with yummy snacks seems to help. It's hard when stress at work makes sugar and chips seem soothing and helpful. In the end, I just feel even worse!

    I'm finding that if my meals are planned in advance, have a lot of different flavors, and are generally tasty (if it's good for you but tastes like garbage, it isn't enjoyable to eat it, which leads to mindless binging), the mindless cramming of junk food is less likely to happen. Keeping busy also helps!
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    You're not alone. The cravings come and they come hard. I find it best if you find somewhere to quiet to sit close your eyes and focus your mind on why you are eating healthy. You really need "those reasons" vivid in your mind and it helps to beat the urge to binge. Well at least that's what I do.
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    I can totally relate to you. I would highly recommend the binge eating support group on here. Lots of threads that may help you.
  • Brownie_Monster
    Thank you very much for the kind and helpful replies. I just joined last night so I have not been logging food, but I am starting today. I hope that that will help.

    The suggestions about thinking about the positive reasons for eating healthy and physically writing down my thoughts and feelings about why I feel like binging seem like they could be quite helpful. I will give those a try next time.

    Thanks, again, I am feeling slightly better today.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I usually black out when I'm binging.

  • Saucytee
    Saucytee Posts: 31
    The only thing that helps me is prayer. Literally.
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    I understand the eating fast until its gone! Logging food is the best secret for me, makes me accountable for what I eat, and log EVERYTHING, don't hide it! Seeing it on your log will help u see the calories and the destruction u r doing! I love dunkin donuts Choc. Chip muffin...I logged it it was 590 calories! Guess what, I don't eat them, being aware is your first step to change! If I don't log, I'm screwed! Like it doesn't exist. I must be accountable for everything I do...its a shame but its the only thing that works! Feel free to add me as a friend :-) you can do this!
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    Amen! (No pun intended, it does work too)
  • Its_All_Gongfu
    Its_All_Gongfu Posts: 43 Member
    I usually black out when I'm binging.


    Ignore the protoypical wannabe fratboy with diarrhea of the keyboard.....Log your stuff, and fight the cravings...It's been done, and you can do it as well.
  • Toomanytwinkies
    Toomanytwinkies Posts: 42 Member
    I totally understand. If I get one of those uncontrollable urges I run right to my scale and weigh myself. It really helps. It reminds me how hard I have been working and that I'm just going to take a step backwards if I go for the binge. Then I will go eat an apple or banana and drink a huge glass of water. Another binge avoided. Hope this helps :smile:
  • lambchoplewis
    I am also a closet binger. It usually happens if I have a glass or two of wine. Before I know it, I have devoured 6 or more protein bars, nut and anything else that is hand held, small and I can eat without anyone knowing. Then, the next day - I regret it.
  • sweetiecorn
    sweetiecorn Posts: 115 Member
    I only suffer if it's in the house
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    What has been working for me for the past few months is something I rebelled against for years & years and that is eliminating artificial sweeteners and sugars from my diet. I do not mean a low carb diet, but I mean anything with artificial sweeteners (equal, splenda, etc.) and by sugars I mean desserts and such. If there is sugar in tomato sauce or bread, etc or if the sugar comes from fruit, that is fine. The benefit I have gotten from it is that I no longer crave sugary foods, or crave any food for that matter. I have read about cravings being reduced or eliminated by doing this but didn't believe it and didn't want to have to eliminate sugars but now that I have, it has made eating healthy so much easier. I also believe that nothing I do, I do without the help of God as He is the one who guides me and gives me strength and courage.
  • tqoura
    tqoura Posts: 6 Member
    Couple of thoughts, including things that have helped me:

    1. Quit any refined sugar completely. This includes the small amounts you find in most condiments and ready meals. Raw and natural sugars only!
    2. Balance macro-nutrients appropriate for your body type - I find I am far more likely to binge if I eat too many carbs.
    3. Understand the emotional and physical reasons behind binges and doing something different to break the cycle - are you bingeing when you're tired, stressed, if something has upset you? Step one is to know that that's a key danger flag for you, and step two is to develop alternative strategies. Buy fruit instead of chocolate, or a batch of nakd bars instead. Or skip Trader Joe's and go to the gym. :)
    4. If you are craving specifically *chocolate* there is probably something nutritionally that you are not getting from your other intake. Chocolate in its pure form is ridiculously good for you, and if you're eating pure dark chocolate with no nasty additives you won't binge on it (e.g., cocoa nibs or 100% cocoa solids chocolate). I've recently found a brand of flaxseed that has a cocoa based variant which is utterly delicious and really seems to help kick my chocolate cravings in the teeth.

    Where possible nowadays I tend to eat raw food, or food that I've prepared myself. The only things that are currently the exception are things like nut butters which I can't quite be bothered to make myself. It really does help with the binge eating as if I just want something quick and easy, by the time I've actually MADE my ice cream, I don't tend to have a binge 'itch' to scratch any longer.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I don't know how to stop that cycle. I don't expect many people to understand, only others with BED. The unhelpful comments of "just don't buy it" doesn't work. I don't know what happens to me. I literally don't even remember going to the store!
    In the most unsnarky way I can say this, I would consider speaking to a therapist if you are unable to remember parts of your own life. That is very disturbing.
  • Brownie_Monster
    I have thought about a therapist, but I always get anxious, or tell myself I can do it myself and quit the search shortly after I have started. Perhaps I should take the plunge.

    Now that I am logging food, I will also try to look more closely at what I am eating, specifically the added sugars, carbs and similar foods, as I do know that those are big triggers for me.

    I have tried fruit, or gum or sweet flavored tea (I love flavored teas, no sugar, cream or any other additives) but they never seem to calm the specific binge cravings. I will look for some of the 100% cocoa treats next time I am grocery shopping. Any other suggestions for food alternatives, as well?

    I love almonds, cashews and other nuts, but I find I eat the whole conatiner of those as well. Perhaps I will start buying them in the bulk section and only buy one or two servings at a time!
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    Also was taught in weight watchers to fill your fridge with healthy colorful foods, no bad foods. Yogurts, grapes, veggies and dip, cold waters, turkey bacon, lettuce, just things that u can grab that are healthy for you. It took a little while, but most bad foods are out of the house. I have a husband who loves food and a 15yr old daughter who eats pizza as much as possible, but I decided to do this for me and I find they are following my path, my daughter wants to eat what I'm eating..its so cute. Out with the old, in with the new lol