Chocolate eating unacceptale on lifestyle change...

sagithia Posts: 135 Member
I miss chocolate.... The P90X nutrition plan is very strict and does not allow for it, but I am a girl who loves chocolate, so what do I do. Do I take a day to sneak it in???

And can I make alterations to it like add onions to my food? I love onions....


  • Emi_the_dork
    i try not to eat too much chocolate but i do try to trick my cravings...of course i want chocolate! it healthy for you too but in moderation! So i still try to get something sweet or find something like a low cal chocolate granola bar or eat a tiny hersheys kiss...if you get a hersheys kiss it shouldnt be too much calories just dont go overboard...another thing i eat instead of chocolate is Yoplait yogurt's Key Lime Pie...OMG SOOOOO AWESOME and i know Yoplait has some chocolate flavors or Mousse yogurt or something that is low long as you have ONE not too many.

    You could also try to go for popcorn - Orville Redenbauchers had 100 cal bags, but the White cheddar that i get is under 200 cal and its alot so its filling

    Also Special K chocolate chunk cereal is good along with any Special K chocolate anything like the granola bars.

    Muscle Milk which i see at gas stations also is good for you and they have chocolate milk.

  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I miss chocolate.... The P90X nutrition plan is very strict and does not allow for it, but I am a girl who loves chocolate, so what do I do. Do I take a day to sneak it in???

    And can I make alterations to it like add onions to my food? I love onions....

    I've looked at their nutrition plan...even too hard core for myself! lol, I don't believe in any eating plan, that restricts any food type, including, crap. ..period. :wink: :tongue:
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    In my opinion a diet that is too strict only leads to binging. A ifestyle change should allow all things in moderation. I have been having a chocolate kind of week. As for onions, I can't imagine why a person would not be allowed to eat them. They are low cal and loaded with healthy antioxidants!
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I am very fond of the Trader Joe's 100 calorie dark chocolate bars. I break one up into about 8 small pieces and melt each piece individually in my mouth. Satistfies the chocolate craving that I get once or twice a week.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Definitely sneak it in at least once a week! :]
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    This heading really caught me eye.Call me stubborn but I can't - won't - refuse to give up chocolate. I have been eating heathy and as close to clean eating as possible for sometime now. I am currently on the Original Power 90 program - day 38. I eat Green & Black Organic Dark Chocolate. Sometimes I shave it over raspberries, strawberrie or just eat it plain. I also mix it up in my own organic trail mix or greek yougurt. I don't eat the artificial stuff or any really processed chocolates but I have my chocolate. That is just me - I can give up alot but not my chocolate. So in my lifestyle change I eat organic dark chocolate. That is my lifestyle change. I can handle that.
  • k8tb52
    k8tb52 Posts: 8
    You can have a one ounce piece of dark chocolate every third day. I buy the Lintz chili chocolate. The chili is great with the chocolate and it stimulates your metabolism too.
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    If you don't fit in something you love your lifestyle change isn't going to be for long. Our desires are to eat what we are "supposed to eat" but who said chocolate isn't what we are supposed to we are probablynot supposed to have a king size snicker bar but having a skinny cow or a couple pieces of dark chocolate is not going to destroy your healthy lifestyle plan!
    Good luck! (I had a skinny cow today! )
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Trader Joe's also has a small tin of Dark Chocolate Nibs... serving size is 1 tablespoon @ 70 calories, but the flavor is so intensely chocolate (65 percent cacao) that one or two nibs gives you a nice little burst of flavor and eases the cravings.. and it's only one calorie per nib. :)
  • sagithia
    sagithia Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks guys for the suggestions... but I hate dark chocolate, I like something smooth and milky. I've tried eating dark chocolate and it feel like I am eating chocolate flavored dirt.... Any other suggestions?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Thanks guys for the suggestions... but I hate dark chocolate, I like something smooth and milky.

    What about a chocolate milkshake. That's how I satisfy my chocolate cravings.
    Using a blender, put in some chocolate protein powder, some water, or chocolate mlik/soy milk for a treat.
    Throw in a 1/2 banana, some ice or frozen strawberries. Blend.
  • sagithia
    sagithia Posts: 135 Member
    Oooh, thanks. What do you use as a whey protein?
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I miss chocolate.... The P90X nutrition plan is very strict and does not allow for it, but I am a girl who loves chocolate, so what do I do. Do I take a day to sneak it in???

    And can I make alterations to it like add onions to my food? I love onions....

    I would be okay with chocolate if I could just have a little, but it never happens that way, so I have completely cut it out - totally. The longer it goes without me having any, the less I want any. Ironically, writing about it in this thread, is the first time chocolate has crossed my mind for a few weeks now.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    You do realize that the P90X nutrition plan is just a guide, right? It certainly doesn't mean that those are the ONLY foods you're allowed to eat...they're suggestions that won't jive with every single person on the planet.

    So...are you going to destroy your progress if you have a piece of chocolate? No. Now, if you eat 5 candy bars each day in addition to your allotted calories, then you're heading down the wrong path.

    I personally like the Endangered Species Extra Dark chocolate pieces. They're individually wrapped and 4 pieces=1 200 calorie serving. I enjoy one.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Oooh, thanks. What do you use as a whey protein?

    I use Dymatize elite chocolate. There are many out there, if you search the forums for protein powders you will see other people's opinions.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks guys for the suggestions... but I hate dark chocolate, I like something smooth and milky. I've tried eating dark chocolate and it feel like I am eating chocolate flavored dirt.... Any other suggestions?

  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    The whole point of a 'lifestyle change' as opposed to a 'diet' is that you don't have to cut anything out completely. I know people who eat chocolate very rarely because they would prefer other indulgences but I also know people (dietitians mostly hahaha) who eat chocolate every day. If you are the type of person who will eat a whole block if you buy a whole block (my hand is up for this one) then don't buy a whole block! I hate dark chocolate too... I don't see the point in having chocolate at all if I can't have the type I like. So when I do have it, I just have a freddo or other small piece (20-25g) that you can buy individually. If you are willing to go longer without treats in order to have a bigger treat when you do have one then so be it. Lifestyle change can be very flexible, that's the idea :flowerforyou:
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I used to be a personal trainer prior to getting sick on some medication. I was shocked that I could not change my eating habits and gained an exuberant amount of weight. A guy who taught others was now on the other end. Well, I am back and losing weight the right way and steadily.

    The key to diet is included in the word d-i-e-t or as I say you Die-Trying. I always taught a life style change over dieting. Making the right choices for a healthy lifestyle and a cleaner you. I also realized that people needed their indulgence until they could let ago (like a young child and a security blanket). The key to this is ensuring your idulgence does not rule you. We all know the food pyramid so live and die by it. That is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

    If you are excercising like you suppose to, counting your calorie intake, and losing weight - by all means treat yourself to a sampling of chocolate, ice cream, pie or whatever. However, think on 7 days instead of a day at a time. Work this into your goals so you can indulge weekly if you so desire. For instance if your plan requires you to eat 1500 calories a day along with exercise then that is 10,500 calories a week not including your gains from exercise. So, if you eat 500 calories of chocolate or a half tub of fat today make sure you make up for it the other 6 days to keep you on track.

    Myself, I have made a committment to lose all the weight first and gave myself 12 months to lose 70 lbs. I am over a third of the way there. I made a committment to save my indulgence until I meet my goal and then add it a little here and little there while maintaining a healthy life style.

    In conclusing the decision on whether to or not eat chocolate is yours. It is not a problem as long as you include it into your health plan. As long as you do not make it a norm and do it in moderation it is good for you. Like others stated, you do not want something to become so much of a punishment that you start binge eating.

    I wish you the best and you are making the right moves. Live long and prosper.