Birthday present ideas needed!!

Hey everyone. I need some birthday present ideas for a little girl who is about to turn one. She already has alot of Summer clothes, and toys! Although if I had to, I could settle with buying her another toy. Not looking to spend too much, but not trying to be cheap either. Anything between $50-$75 would be ideal!

Thanks in advance for your suggestions! I'm at a complete loss for ideas.


  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    What about a trip to the aquarium? My nephew loved watching the penguins there when he was 1
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I was thinking a potty chair...I started potty-training at 1 year old with my oldest and she was potty trained completely by 1 1/2 years. The aquarium idea is great!! I like zoo and aquarium trips with the kids :)
  • I like the idea of taking her somewhere. She loves animals. But shes so young, she wont remember it when shes older. So I feel kinda like it's a waste?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Any one of these should do.

  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have a ton of photos from when I did that and he loves looking through them and had a blast while we were there.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    Books! Sturdy cardboard books with fun, colorful pictures for baby to learn the names of. I can't help it, I'm a teacher and books are important!

    I also second the idea of a trip to an aquarium or zoo, especially a place where they can pet goats and horsed and stuff. Take lots of pictures and put them in a special book for her. She will enjoy it for years to come.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    I have a ton of photos from when I did that and he loves looking through them and had a blast while we were there.

    I Agree! Take your camera cause you're going to want to take pictures, lots of pictures! :happy:
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    I'd go with books as well. If not that, do the parents have an RESP (registered education savings plan) fund? or anything set up for her future schooling? Why not put some money towards that, rather than something she might outgrow in a month or two.

    Just a thought.
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    I like the idea of taking her somewhere. She loves animals. But shes so young, she wont remember it when shes older. So I feel kinda like it's a waste?

    She's not going to remember a toy or an outfit or anything else you buy her either. I struggled with this concept too (like, why throw a birthday party, it's not like they're going to remember it) but with little kids, it's all about joy NOW. If they think something is awesome and have a great outing or a toy that they love playing with for weeks, that's a success. It doesn't matter if they don't remember it three years later, it's about the NOW.
  • Try to find her a handmade gift like a sweater and hat set or a big giant stuffed animal that she can love on.
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    My big recommendation at this age, depending on where they live, is something to enjoy outdoors. At that age, a little ride in car (like a cozy coupe), an outdoor swing, a slide, etc would fit right into your price range and provide for hours and possibly years of entertainment. My now three year old son plays on his swing and with his flinstone powered cars every day when the weather is warm and he's had them since he was 1.
  • RedM93
    RedM93 Posts: 64
    If you were to get her a toy I would consider the leap frog toy my pal violet. It is a plush puppy, you can personalize it to say her name, her favorite food, play her favorite song and more.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I like the idea of taking her somewhere. She loves animals. But shes so young, she wont remember it when shes older. So I feel kinda like it's a waste?

    This is why I never do anything for my 15 month old that might make him the least bit happy. Ever. I firmly believe that every child's smile before the age of six is completely superfluous. Because he won't remember it and it would be a "waste". Best to keep small children miserable at all times.

    :huh: :noway: :huh:
  • xoxoial
    xoxoial Posts: 3
    I have two kids and it can get really nuts with all the toys and clothes at birthday times. Therefore, I really like giving something that the kid can go do (in addition to some small little immediate present) I once gave a friend's boy a gift certificate to a paint it yourself pottery place. I think he was two but I think he would have liked it as much at one. The kid LOVED it (as did mine- we made it a playdate) and then the mom/kid can have something seriously cute when its all done - a plate, piggy bank, ornament, whatever. Hope this helps. One is such a cute age!
  • I like the idea of taking her somewhere. She loves animals. But shes so young, she wont remember it when shes older. So I feel kinda like it's a waste?

    This is why I never do anything for my 15 month old that might make him the least bit happy. Ever. I firmly believe that every child's smile before the age of six is completely superfluous. Because he won't remember it and it would be a "waste". Best to keep small children miserable at all times.

    :huh: :noway: :huh:

    The closest aquarium is almost an hour away, in boston. Not to mention that it is pretty expensive. So yeah. I'd rather wait til shes a little older.

    ETA: She's also not my child, just thought I'd add that in there in case you got the wrong idea.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Whatever you give her, she won't remember it. You're looking for something that will mean more to you than it does to her.

    Buy her a premium bond or something. It might be worth a bit towards her education when shes older.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I'd either take her somewhere, get a savings bond, or make her a sock monkey. Or heck, all three.
  • If I get a toy, I was thinking a Cabbage Patch Kid. I had some when I was young and still have them. Its a gift she can have for a long time
  • cngarland
    cngarland Posts: 6 Member
    that's what pictures are for! i like the aquarium idea. i know what you mean, though. shopping for kids, especially toddlers, can be difficult.
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    I like the idea of taking her somewhere. She loves animals. But shes so young, she wont remember it when shes older. So I feel kinda like it's a waste?

    This is why I never do anything for my 15 month old that might make him the least bit happy. Ever. I firmly believe that every child's smile before the age of six is completely superfluous. Because he won't remember it and it would be a "waste". Best to keep small children miserable at all times.

    :huh: :noway: :huh:

    The closest aquarium is almost an hour away, in boston. Not to mention that it is pretty expensive. So yeah. I'd rather wait til shes a little older.

    ETA: She's also not my child, just thought I'd add that in there in case you got the wrong idea.

    Try the Ecotarium instead of the aquarium? Its in Worc. Also Bean is only about 30 to 40 mins from here if you jump on the pike at the right time of day! Totally worth the drive for the aquarium IMO. :)