Studying - What to Eat and How Much?

Hey guys,

So I have two weeks until my college exams and I am literally going to be sitting at my desk all day, every day ( apart from eating, bathroom breaks, etc.)

Should I be eating at my BMR at this time since I won't be moving much? Or would that have an effect on my concentration levels?

Finally, would anyone recommend and good snacks/drinks/supplements etc. that have helped you during study time?



  • weightlose88
    weightlose88 Posts: 37 Member
    same position, im looking for an alternative too for now i have some baby carrots that i munch on just to keep myself busy and occupied but need something a lil sweet lol
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I like no oil popcorn (air popped or microwave popped with no oil - I have a microwave popper bowl that works a treat) as a snack when I need to deal with "hand to mouth disease". Lots of coffee or tea is not necessarily totally healthy, but if you can drink it black, aids alertness with no added calories - getting up periodically to fill/make a cup also ensures some physical activity. You could get a computer program or phone app that reminds you to get up and do something at regular intervals - doesn't make much difference what you do and you could even combine motion with studying at times (like a thespian learning lines - whatever it is you need to memorize/ get clear in your mind). Plan some real meals for while you're studying (make and freeze ahead if you can so you just need to nuke em or plan for some easy to put together things that are still healthy) - you have to maintain your macros to maintain your health - doesn't help to study hard if you're too yucked out or otherwise ill to get to the exam
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    THIS. Studying = boredom eating for me. I'm going to snack on hummus and carrots/cucumber, then frozen berries if I want something sweet. Brain food :)
  • diaryofaskinnygirl
    I like no oil popcorn (air popped or microwave popped with no oil - I have a microwave popper bowl that works a treat) as a snack when I need to deal with "hand to mouth disease". Lots of coffee or tea is not necessarily totally healthy, but if you can drink it black, aids alertness with no added calories - getting up periodically to fill/make a cup also ensures some physical activity. You could get a computer program or phone app that reminds you to get up and do something at regular intervals - doesn't make much difference what you do and you could even combine motion with studying at times (like a thespian learning lines - whatever it is you need to memorize/ get clear in your mind). Plan some real meals for while you're studying (make and freeze ahead if you can so you just need to nuke em or plan for some easy to put together things that are still healthy) - you have to maintain your macros to maintain your health - doesn't help to study hard if you're too yucked out or otherwise ill to get to the exam

    Yes, I am not a big coffee drinker, but I've been relying on endless cups of tea and Diet Coke to keep me awake!
    I hate not being able to move around, I am naturally very active so I feel awful sitting still and studying for 12-15 hours a day.
    Thanks for all your advice!

    But should I be eating at BMR or above? My BMR is 1,300
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I would eat above BMR, but less than you do when you are active still. Maybe research what you sedentary TDEE is and eat at that.
  • wiseeliz
    wiseeliz Posts: 50 Member
    Eating aside, take a long study break and go for a walk! (Or a run, or whatever type of movement you feel inclined to do.) I'm in graduate school, so I feel you on the misery of exam week, but I find that when I'm working intensely on something (studying, writing a paper, etc.), trying to squeeze in some exercise is as important to my mental health as to my physical health.
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm preparing for finals as well, and while I do try and go out and take a walk or have an actual "exercise" session, I know it can be impossible sometimes. Leslie Sansone (Walk Away the Pounds) has a 2, 3, and 5 minute mini-walk video available on YouTube, and I try to do that at least once every hour when I'm sitting (like I'll get up to go to the bathroom, get a drink, and do the short video). It isn't much, but it gets you moving more than you normally would.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    cucumber slices with salt, pepper, and lemon juice

    raw broccoli - strong flavor, crunchy... perfect study food
    (I keep a ziploc bag in the fridge with washed, raw broc always)

    Eat way above BMR, brain power uses calories too.
    I am 1300 as well, and would eat at least 1600 if I were you.
  • diaryofaskinnygirl
    I'm preparing for finals as well, and while I do try and go out and take a walk or have an actual "exercise" session, I know it can be impossible sometimes. Leslie Sansone (Walk Away the Pounds) has a 2, 3, and 5 minute mini-walk video available on YouTube, and I try to do that at least once every hour when I'm sitting (like I'll get up to go to the bathroom, get a drink, and do the short video). It isn't much, but it gets you moving more than you normally would.

    It's torture isn't it? That is a great idea, I will check it out! I hate being confined to a desk for 12 hours a day!
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    Struggling with this atm too! My dissertation is due on Monday and I am not very close to finishing it yet (as in.. at least 4000 words short. the more I try to write the shorter it seems to get!) I managed a really good 7 days and now have just resorted back to biscuits and things. BUT for those good 7 days I didn't snack while I was working (or if I did on grapes or breadsticks) and had a 300cal meal every 3 hours. this seemed to work really well. The only reason it failed was because I realised how far behind I was, and that was cos of other stuff, not because of trying to be healthy.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I would eat above BMR, but less than you do when you are active still. Maybe research what you sedentary TDEE is and eat at that.

    ^This. :drinker:
  • dedicated2014
    dedicated2014 Posts: 36 Member
    Coffee has few calories (without all of the added stuff)
    Diet sodas

    Celery + peanut butter
    English muffin (around 100 calories) w/peanut butter + raisins OR
    English muffin + light cream cheese
    Slices of bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, and broccoli
    Homemade oatmeal bites (I have a recipe if you're interested)
    Tortilla chips (serving size) + salsa (alternatively: veggies + salsa!)
    Apples, oranges, berries, grapes
    Avocado slices
    Cheese sticks
    Oil-popped popcorn
    Hard-boiled egg
    Baby carrots
    Almonds, peanuts

    Just a few things I snack on during finals. I'm planning to eat above my BMR. I find it hard to fit an actual meal in during finals, so I usually have to snack more often to get enough calories.

    And of course, just a little bit of dark chocolate for when you get really stressed. ;)
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    My dissertation is due on Monday and I am not very close to finishing it yet (as in.. at least 4000 words short. the more I try to write the shorter it seems to get!)
    That sounds painful... I know the pain! Good luck with the writing!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hi, I'm an older person who went back to college for another degree last year. I have exams in two weeks, too.

    I'm drinking a Slim Fast shake for breakfast, but use them for snacks once in a while. They're 190 calories, come in different flavors (I like the milk chocolate), and really fill me up.

    Also, you can cut up veggies ahead of time and keep them in plastic bags in the refrigerator until you need them either as snacks or part of a meal. Apples are good, too, and so are boiled eggs.

    Good luck on your exams, everybody. :)
  • blondee2005
    blondee2005 Posts: 3 Member
    Pretzels are very yummy and good snacks. 53 pretzel sticks is 100 calories. The FUZE drinks are sweet and delicious and only 10-15 calories per bottle.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I would eat at maintenance so you can concentrate on doing the best possible job during you exams :flowerforyou:
  • FluffyMcNutter
    I have a hard time believing that you are going to be completely sedentary while studying for exams. I graduated less than a decade ago (closer to the half-decade than full decade) from a BCS, major state university and Dead Week = Drink Week. And I was working.

    I understand that there is a lot to do and a lot to study, but your brain needs a break. If you aren't taking those breaks to go out and have fun, then at least give your brain a break by walking to the grocery store or convenience store to buy an apple. Or take a walk around the block with your friends every few hours. Moderation doesn't only work with food and booze; it matters for studying, too. There have actually been studies that show that an increase in the number of hours of studying has little to no correlation with the ability to recall information. You know the information or you don't, and it IS possible to over-study.

    Yes, finals are stressful, but manage the stress...don't let it consume you. At a minimum, 4 hours of studying deserves a 20-30 minute break. Be nice to yourself.
  • Flan656
    Flan656 Posts: 24 Member
    I went through this last year, not a fun time! I did get into a little routine though and found it worked really well in the end, my day went like this:
    30minute run or power walk before breakfast as soon as I woke up- I'd set my alarm earlier as this really got me up and ready to start my day.
    Egg White omelette with spinach for breakfast, or Greek yoghurt with a few berries/nuts etc.. Protein for breakfast keeps hunger locked up for hours!!
    Coffee or green tea is amazing to keep you alert and satisfied during the day and in between meals.
    Then I would have protein based lunch, maybe lots of chicken, salad, with a slice of wholemeal toast. I would then go for a little walk after lunch -literally just 15 minutes to get some air.
    I would go back to studying, after 2 hours it's snack o'clock, this could be anything- some more Greek yoghurt, some nuts, some fruit- protein based is better because it's more satisfying and it stops your mind from straying back to food within 10 minutes!
    Then for dinner - lots of vegetables, chicken or fish.. maybe like a nice big stir fry or something? Make it something healthy and satisfying that you love, if I could afford it I would treat myself to a lovely salmon fillet with stir fried Asian lettuce wraps!
    I would usually try and do some excercise after dinner as well- prob just another walk, nothing to strenuous, just to get your head away from the books.

    For snacks during the day- popcorn (make sure low salt etc), houmous and carrot sticks, cooked vegetables ( I love broccolli and cherry tomatoes so always have a supply cooked in my fridge), almonds, walnuts (careful with the calorie count on these though, egg whites, boiled eggs, fruit, berries..

    Hope this all helps, certainly worked for me, I think it was about not feeling that your deprived, the studying is enough stress without being annoyed at what you 'can't' eat!
    Good luck!
  • Persephone7676
    Persephone7676 Posts: 91 Member
    Yep I certainly can relate to this post. I am a coffee drinker so for the next few weeks I am planning on every other cup of coffee having sugar and cream. For me I need a balance of carbs and protein but I do eat a lot more protein right now to stave off cravings. I try to ride my bike to class to get in some kind of exercise. Good luck everyone. Glad to know I'm not suffering alone :-)