
I am in my 2nd week of doing C25K, I have never been able to run, can do aerobics and bootcamp for an hour without any problems but running, or I should say a slow jog for 60 seconds is a killer.
I would love to hear any stories from anyone that has completed the C25K programme, how did you feel when you first started, good and bad stories. And does anyone really enjoy running after first dreading the first few weeks of doing the programme.

I need some encouragement. :-)


  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm not done yet, I'm going to do Week 6 Day 3 today. But, I am starting to really enjoy running. I personally only found that to happen with the 20 minute run on Week 5 Day 3, at the very end. I kind of forgot my exhaustion and felt like I was flying. It definitely took a while though. When I started I hated it just as much as you. But by the end of each session I wanted to leap for joy because I was so proud of myself. If I can do this, so can you! I don't know if you're running inside or outside, but if you're running on a treadmill, then I would highly recommend going outside if the weather where you live makes that possible. I run outside and all the stuff going on around me really distracts me from my actual run. Also, this might sound kind of silly, but whenever a car drives by, I kind of have this instinct to want to impress the driver by showing that I can indeed run! I pretend the drivers are all people who have made fun of me in the past for not being fit, and I mentally say to them, "Just look at me now!" I don't know if that helps you at all haha but I'm sure you can do this! You totally have it in you; just push through and keep striving for that moment when you're done and you feel like you're on top of the world.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I am one run from finishing the program! I have to say it's one of the hardest things I have made myself do. I am coming right in at 3 miles in the 40 minutes on the treadmill. I think it's a very good program that builds the runs up slowly and it's something that I have been able to do. I don't know if it's just by chance but seems like I have had a little better luck in the weight loss coming off. Keep going and I am sure you will finish it.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I am in my 2nd week of doing C25K, I have never been able to run, can do aerobics and bootcamp for an hour without any problems but running, or I should say a slow jog for 60 seconds is a killer.
    I would love to hear any stories from anyone that has completed the C25K programme, how did you feel when you first started, good and bad stories. And does anyone really enjoy running after first dreading the first few weeks of doing the programme.

    I need some encouragement. :-)

    I felt a lot like you. prior to c25k all my cardio was cycling or walking.

    I tried and gave up on c25k 5 times.

    I tried one more time and forced myself to see it through.

    A year to the day I started c25k for the last time is the day of my first full marathon in 3 weeks time. you have learned early just how deeply psychological running is.
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I successfully finished the C25K programme mid last year. Before I started I was a horrible runner - I couldn't run or jog for three minutes without hyperventilating and I was determined that I was not born to run or be a runner. C25K changed all of that. I figured out that I liked running and it helped me out of a plateau. After finishing C25K I did a few parkruns and signed up to do a 10K and followed the 10K bridge programme, which I successfully completed at the end of February in 55 mins and 17 seconds :). I now run all the time - at least 4 times a week anyway - and I have signed up to do a marathon in October. I ran 13 miles yesterday and 5 miles today - something I would NEVER have even thought I would be able to do at this time last year and it is all thanks to C25K. I am a major endorser of the programme to all of my friends on here. It's fantastic :). Good luck with the rest of it, I'm sure you'll do fab and feel free to add me if you want encouragement :)
  • Me too!!!! I've started and stopped it more than once--or twice! I'm starting it again today. I did a two 5Ks in December of last year but couldnt' run all of either. My time was really slow--46 ish minutes. I am thinking of doing one end of May and want to be able to run.

    I'm new to the forums and on and off again with MFP. I'd love to "follow" along with you and maybe we can share our successes this time! Good luck.
  • bgardiner49
    bgardiner49 Posts: 86 Member
    I am in my 2nd week of doing C25K, I have never been able to run, can do aerobics and bootcamp for an hour without any problems but running, or I should say a slow jog for 60 seconds is a killer.
    I would love to hear any stories from anyone that has completed the C25K programme, how did you feel when you first started, good and bad stories. And does anyone really enjoy running after first dreading the first few weeks of doing the programme.

    I need some encouragement. :-)

    Thanks for posting - I am in exactly the same boat, in my second week after a lifetime of hating running. The encouragement people have given so far is great to read. So thanks for posting and thanks to all those who have replied
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm starting week three on Monday. I can get on the elliptical and go at 5mph for 40-50 minutes like it's nothing. I try to run for a minute and a half and it's so hard! I have also found that it is much easier to run on a treadmill than on my own at the park. I can run for 10 minutes straight on the treadmill. Granted that's because I don't have to propel myself. I won't do the app on the treadmill because my 5k race isn't going to be on one. It's hard, but I want it bad enough that I'm gonna keep trying! Good luck!
  • samjones6734
    samjones6734 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on week 7 now, and I honestly could not run for 60 seconds at the beginning!! I also suffered with shin splints, but I have stuck with it and today I ran for a whole 25 mins and felt I could of carried on. Just keep with the programme and if u still struggle repeat the week, I did week 1 twice and week 2 three times! It is honestly one of the hardest but most rewarding journeys I have been on :)
  • sarahhorrigan
    sarahhorrigan Posts: 64 Member
    I am in my 2nd week of doing C25K, I have never been able to run, can do aerobics and bootcamp for an hour without any problems but running, or I should say a slow jog for 60 seconds is a killer.
    I would love to hear any stories from anyone that has completed the C25K programme, how did you feel when you first started, good and bad stories. And does anyone really enjoy running after first dreading the first few weeks of doing the programme.

    I need some encouragement. :-)

    I completed C25K a couple of weeks ago and when I started could not run at all. 45 seconds and I thought I was going to die... my chest felt like it was going to explode. I stuck with it and amazed myself at the point I suddenly went to 20 minutes. And then onwards and up to the full 30 minutes. And last weekend I ran over 7k... and that's from not being able to run at all at the beginning. And what's more... I really enjoy it! And that's the bit that blows my mind most of all!! I used the free NHS C25k podcasts (http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k-plan.aspx) and they were brilliant.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm not done with the C25K. Today I start Week 4. I grew up player soccer and basketball, but was never a "runner." But this March my bf and I signed up for a 5K and decided to train for it with the C25K. I'm not head over heals for jogging yet. I actually jog REALLY slow, but it's the pace I need to go to complete the program. Last week, I didn't think I could jog for 3 minutes, but it is amazing that I could pace myself. When I felt tired I peeked at the program and found I was almost done with the jog and pushed through.

    If you need to, repeat days or weeks. Go at YOUR pace. But one thing that people have told me that has helped me is to TRUST THE PROGRAM.

    Best of luck!
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm not done yet, I'm going to do Week 6 Day 3 today. But, I am starting to really enjoy running. I personally only found that to happen with the 20 minute run on Week 5 Day 3, at the very end. I kind of forgot my exhaustion and felt like I was flying. It definitely took a while though. When I started I hated it just as much as you. But by the end of each session I wanted to leap for joy because I was so proud of myself. If I can do this, so can you! I don't know if you're running inside or outside, but if you're running on a treadmill, then I would highly recommend going outside if the weather where you live makes that possible. I run outside and all the stuff going on around me really distracts me from my actual run. Also, this might sound kind of silly, but whenever a car drives by, I kind of have this instinct to want to impress the driver by showing that I can indeed run! I pretend the drivers are all people who have made fun of me in the past for not being fit, and I mentally say to them, "Just look at me now!" I don't know if that helps you at all haha but I'm sure you can do this! You totally have it in you; just push through and keep striving for that moment when you're done and you feel like you're on top of the world.

    Hi, I am running outside, the air is quite damp at the moment so hasn't help with my asthma but I would rather run outside than on a treadmill.
    Also I am so with you about the cars going by. When I hear a car behind me I turn into this amazing marathon running, ok I know I certainly don't look like one, more like a 90 year old running for the bus but in my mind I am flying along. :laugh:

    This week I am running for 90 seconds and walking for 2 minutes, next week I have to run for 3 minutes. Dreading that already but I will do it!!! X
  • bwatso02
    bwatso02 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Amanda,
    I completely understand. I have always been the same way as you are (no problems with aerobics, boot camps, combat classes) but running seemed impossible. I'm happy to report that yesterday I graduated C25K yesterday. I felt that each week was impossible but forced myself through each week. Running, like the previous poster had written, is deeply psychological. What I had to wrap my head around is that often pain is psychological so I just needed to learn how to ignore the "pain" and just push through week by week. My running had been hurt by my weight when I started I was almost 90 lbs overweight and I had a lot of knee pain, my feet were falling asleep and my calves were seizing but now with a good dynamic stretching routine and with a bit of weight loss I have found everything has become a bit easier. I wish you the best of luck, and you are welcome to add me if you would like to chat further.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    These stories are amazing, after reading them I want to go out and run, run and run. I won't though as I am going to bed soon but a huge thank you all for your postings. They have given me real hope that I can run, albeit a bit slow but I will be a running ( one day ) :happy:
  • annab1684
    annab1684 Posts: 36 Member
    I finished it today! Points I particularly hated it and thought I was going to die were: week 2, week 4 day 1, week 5 day 3. I repeated week 6 day 2 lots of times before trying week 6 day 3 after the disaster that was week 5 day 3. My advice is take it slow, make sure you have proper fitted shoes and do NOT give up, even if you think you can't do it! It doesn't matter if you can't do it at the pace of the programme - any run is better than no run - you're lapping everyone on the couch as they say! I tried the 20 minute run so many times and just kept going until I couldn't do it any more and tried to add on a minute each time. Today I finished the last 30 minute run and was definitely most of the way to 20 minutes before the 'feeling like death' feeling kicked in AND I was running faster that I had previously been doing.

    Good luck! :)

    p.s. just re-read your post and thought I would add that I was always the most unfit person there ever was at school. When I'm running I kind of wish I could get my old P.E. teacher to see me - I really have come from nowhere. Week 5 and 6 were the most challenging for me. When I was finding it really hard I found this: http://www.c25k.com/finishing.htm and decided that I simply was not going to be someone who gave up. I have already downloaded the bridge programme to 10K, but plan on repeating week 9 of couch to 5k probably twice, before starting it. It has actually changed my life :)
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I've just got the app and am thinking about starting. I've never been a runner buf want to do something to improve my fitness levels. But worried I will die after 30 seconds!!
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    Love all these comments
    I'm currently on week 3 about to do day 2 tomoro.

    I never thought I'd be able to do this. But like others said get outside there is more to distract u - I think I'd be bored on a treadmill

    I do take it at a slow pace - my thinking is speed will come later.

    Come on u can do this- I've never stuck at any exercise b4. So in determined to do this

    Good luck xxxx
  • xtonson
    xtonson Posts: 6
    I've started and stopped the orignal C25K program a few times, however as soon as they made the C25K Zombie Run app I fell in love. I just finished week 3 today (5 min walking, 5 min running, 1 min walking, 1 min running, then two 8 min free form runs) and I finally feel like I'm becoming a runner. As someone who competitively danced until they were 18, I never ran. In fact, I would get notes from my ballet teacher to take me out of running the mile for gym class during competition season. Needless to say, I sucked at running.

    Just give it some time, it's totally work it in the end. I'd also suggest finding a 5k your interested in. I recently found one for August (the Run for Your Lives Zombie Run, obviously) and I've been training even harder since signing up. Good luck!!
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    I was ALMOST done before I got pregnant this last time. I HATED HATED HATED running.... it was so hard to run that 60 seconds. but it got easier. I was able to run for 20 min. it was amazing. I actually don't totally mind it now.

    I started over recently now that I am back to getting on track. it was MUCH easier this time around to pick up where I left off. I actually am on week 3 but it is too easy. so you will get used to it and it gets easier and better!