Trying to lose weight, hoping to get pregnant



  • DianneMoreno
    This is the same reason I am loosing weight, I want to get preggers! My hubby and I have been having unprotected sex for 4 years, but not "trying". We started "trying" in January, and nothing yet. I decided to just stop concentrating on it, and start concentrating on ME. My OBGYN did do a blood work-up, and found that my insulin was high. She didn't say I had diabetes or PCOS, but I feel I have other symptons of PCOS and may have that. She put me on Metformin, 1000mg a day, and that has brought my insulin levels down to normal levels. With the insulin in check, it should increase my fertility. The next step would be to add chlomid, but I am going to work on getting fit with the Metformin assisting me - and only add the chlomid as a last resort in 12 to 18 months.

    Metformin also works to help me loose weight, as the insulin problems were causing me to gain in my mid-section. My goal is to get down to 180 (started at 235) before we start "trying" again...however, if it just "happens" somwhere along the journey - I will be okay with that!

    I have posted pictures of babies on my fridge and at my desk (where I eat my lunch). Everytime I take a bite, I look into about 12 prying eyes that I wish belonged to me! The baby pictures have been winning over whatever bad choice I was going to make, so far! :) Best of luck to everyone....
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Best wishes to all of you who are trying to get pregnant (including those of you who are 'not trying' but trying).... I wish upon each of you the blessing of a child.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS as a teenager, and fully expected to have difficulty conceiving later in life. However, I was very lucky, and got pregnant for my first child soon after I went off my birth control to see if I could regulate my menstrual cycle before 'trying' to get pregnant. I never did get my period, but I did get pregnant - ha ha! I often wonder if it's because some of the 'fake' hormones were still coursing through my body. The second pregnancy was also easier than anticipated, after I figured out that I had a 40-day cycle. I took a lot of Omega-3 and Omega-6 supplements during that time, which helped me even have a cycle in the first place! I'm now the proud mom to two beautiful girls.

    I am truly grateful, and I know you will be too WHEN it happens for you.
  • jenjerwey
    jenjerwey Posts: 8
    Welcome! I just joined a few days ago and have found this site to be incredibly helpful. I too am trying to get pregnant. We have been trying for several years now and last year I finally got pregnant but it was an ectopic pregnancy. Totally devestating! We have been trying since but nothing yet. Add me as a friend if you would like some support through this journey from someone who is going through it too. It's tough but we can do it! I don't know what exactly it was that made me decide to finally make a life change with eating and exercising.......but so far I have stuck to it! With support from this site I know that I (we) can stick to this and make some real changes in our lives.:flowerforyou:
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    The healthy habits you build now, will serve you well WHEN you get pregnant. I did get gestational diabeties years ago when I had my first child. By being on such a good diet (somewhat similar to what I am following now), I didn't need to take insulin nor did I gain much in baby weight. (14 pounds).

    So don't think about it as "trying to loose weight to get pregnant" but more like "building healthy eating habits so I will do the best for my future child WHEN I get pregnant." Learn to love all those folic rich leafy greens and drink some skim milk to build bones.
  • laurar1203
    I wish you the best of luck. I tried for four years to get pregnant before the doctor put me on birth control for three months to get my cycle regulated (I have PCOS). Then the month I went off birth control I got pregnant and now have a beautiful little girl. She's 2.5 and I would like another child but no luck, I hope that losing weight will help me in this process.
    Good Luck with Everything! Laura
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    Well, it worked for several friends of mine! Nothing to lose (except pounds) and you will likely be much more healthy and feel better :smile: which can only help when you have a baby at home! Good luck and let us know if and when you get pregnant
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    Do try to keep a positive outlook. It is great to lose weight but you may need to work on your mind and spirit too. Weight loss and yoga seemed to do the trick for my best friend. Best of luck
  • Natalie7227
    Hey! I've been trying to get pregnant for 2 1/2 years. The doctors say there is absolutely nothing wrong with my husband and I and there is no reason why we shouldn't be pregnant yet.
    I have two cousins who were over weight, like myself, lost some weight and were able to get pregnant very soon after. So that's where I am. Trying my hardest to lose this extra weight in order to start my family.

    You may want to get a second opinion from another Doctor. I have had a hard time getting pregnant and Dr's seemed to say the same thing until I got a second opinion and it shows in my blood work that I have PCOS. This is very common in overweight women and with many different side effects. It is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. You may want to look into it.
  • zazaz
    zazaz Posts: 36
    I'm with you! I have difficulty to get pregnant too. I can understand how you feel!!!
  • BrandiPants
    BrandiPants Posts: 41 Member
    I just joined too and am trying to lose weight so I can start a family within the next couple of years. Good luck to you!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I would like to invite you to join our group:

    We are are like minded women with similiar motivation, but from different backgrounds. Feel free to join us - take a peek through our thread and introduce yourself if you decide to stay with us :)

    If you join, or not - I wish you the best of luck!!!!!