Looking for Low Calorie Buddies!

Hey guys!
Recently I've started a diet where I eat less than a thousand calories for six days a week, and then a little more than a thousand every Saturday. I've lost two pounds already after like 3 to 4 days of doing it. I was wondering if anyone else was doing this or if anyone wants to join me and be friends? I'd love someone to talk to about this.
I've found that it's actually not that hard. I'm drinking a lot of water and Diet Coke, trying to eat small meals throughout the day, chewing slowly, and using other tricks. I'm also doing cardio and ab exercises, sometimes weights, every day. I've been looking for a community to join, but the only ones I can find are pro-anorexia communities, where they eat less than 500 calories a day, binge/purge, and generally hate their bodies. I love my body and am committed to keeping this weight off once I hit my goal weight. Is anyone else interested?


  • Sexythang20
    hey there, you sound kind of like me! for the most part my diet is generally low calorie, Because of all the veggies and salads I eat, the count is low, but I have energy and usually don't get sick.

    There are days where I do try and reach over twelve hundred calories, (I find it hard) but on those days I add almond butter and flax seed bread to my diet.

    I want you to know that eventually you're body will get hungry and you will look for those (not so good for you foods). Each time It comes around I get better and better at handling it.

    I don't believe in purging but binges do happen. Ill be happy to go on this journey with you, as I usually come in under my calorie goal as well.!!111
  • nicoleknapp754
    I am not eating the way you are talking about but would recommend that you stop diet coke consumption and drink water or herbal tea instead. This is from someone that was hooked on diet coke for decades. It will make a difference in your weight loss quest as the artificial sweetener in diet coke makes you want more sweets. I eat over 1200 calories every day ....I eat back a portion of my exercise calories and have lost 56 lbs . I'm diabetic on insulin so the weight does not come off easily.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    I'm not into that type of diet, but you might want to look up intermittent fasting or the 5:2 diet. I believe it follows similar principles.
  • MrsWitt01
    MrsWitt01 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me!!! I am lower calorie (1000 net per day generally, doctor recommended) and some days I eat back my exercise calories. I log daily, eat fairly healthy, exercise regularly and I have lost about 18 pounds in the last 12 weeks approx.:smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Don't want to be a downer, but give it a couple weeks and you'll stop losing with eating so few calories.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    I eat pretty low cal 2500/day add me if you do too
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