Help - P90X and Weight loss

I know P90X isn't officially a weight loss thing, but I do want to lose the last 15lbs AND get toned up nicely. I couldn't afford the whole P90X system as its very expensive here in the UK but I have the DVDs and I think I have enough info to get going.

I know the calendar and am following the lean program. I have followed the 50% Protein, 20% Fat and 30% carbs during the first week and I have been wearing my HRM to know what I burn and adding those on to eat as recommended.

My question is how many calories as a deficit to lose weight. The information I got from a friend was that we can give ourselves a deficit, but I am not sure how much to give.

I am 143lbs, 29 yrs old, 5ft 1inch and am 34% bodyfat. My BMR by this site is 1320 and my daily amount without losing is 1740. I don't care how much I lose per week as long as I lose! And I don't care if I don't lose straight away, but I don't want to be doing this for lots of weeks and realise I am eating too much or too little. So I am asking for peoples suggestions please and then I can have an idea!

Thanks guys!


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    PLeia, May I please piggy back and would you like to become friends. My official date to begin is on Monday but I started the DVD's yesterday doing the yoga.

    I am also short, 5 ft 1 and 1/2 inches, I currently weigh 128 and I am trying to shed those last 8-12 pounds. (I would love to see the teens and stay there). These last few pounds and the desire to tone up my legs are my main reason for doing this. If you go to my profile you will see my before pics. (look for the 5 pics of me all in black)

    I have been unsure as to what percentages to follow and like you, I want to be sure that I am eating enough.

    I am doing the Lean program and also wear a HRM.

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    To figure out your caloric deficit, you first need to determine your caloric needs.

    To start, determine your RMR (resting metabolic rate) which is weight X 10. So, if you weight 143 lbs, your RMR would be 1,430 calories your body needs to survive. These numbers are general, so could be tweaked a smidge. Then, you need to consider your daily activity burn...what your body burns by your lifestyle. If you're on your feet moving a lot, your daily burn will be higher than someone who sits at a desk. We use 20% as a general number. So, we multiply RMR X 20%, thus 1,430 X .20 = 286. We add RMR with daily burn...1430 + 286 = 1,716 calories. On top of that, you have calories required for your exercise needs. The P90X book adds 600...I think this is too high, especially for women. If you're following the Lean plan, I'd add 250-300 calories...

    So, by now we have RMR + daily activity burn + exercise calories...1430+286+300=2016 calories. To get your weightloss deficit, subtract 500 from that to get a weight loss of 1 lbs./week. So, 2016-500=1,516 calories per day. For women, you should NEVER go below 1200 calories or you put your body into that 'starvation' mode and defeat your goals. For women over 5'9", the number if 1500.

    Hope that helps!
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Has anyone been successful at losing weight on P90X?
    Cos I've done nearly 2 weeks and have lost nothing, no lbs, no inches nada! Please inspire me!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I lost 19 lbs. in my first round...truly, it's ALL about the nutrition.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Options week down and no weight loss. I eat fairly well. I try to stick with whole grains, lean meats, some dairy everyday. Lots of fruit and some veggies. I avoid artificial sweeteners but will use stevia. My weakness is my 90% cocoa chocolate.

    My baseline is1300 and I am eating most of my exercise calories. I try not to leave more than 100 per day.

    I am hoping that the sore muscles thus extra water are the reason.

    I do so want to see the scales budge.

  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Has anyone been successful at losing weight on P90X?
    Cos I've done nearly 2 weeks and have lost nothing, no lbs, no inches nada! Please inspire me!
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    I have been doing p90x and I using this site diet.....I have been eating around 1400 Ca a day the only changes I made to this diet is I uped my protein and downed my Carbs...I have lost 5 ilbs in 3 weeks and feel fine...I am even doing some walking in addition to my p90x everyday......I started in Feb with power90 finished that in may and started p90x....I have lost 30 ilbs....going from 185 to 155....still want to 20-30.....I am week 8 of the program.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    One thing that a lot of people find is that when doing P90X, they need to up their calorie intake by a few hundred calories/day in order to actually lose weight. I can't imagine doing P90X on less than 1500/day (minimum).
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    glf...when you say that do you mean that your starting calories are 1500 and then you eat your exercise calories in addition or that your totals are 1500?

    Right now my base is 1300 and I am focusing on eating almost all of my exercise calories which generally puts me around 1400-1600 depending on the day.

  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I didn't lose. I toned up and got big biceps and nice shoulders. I loved it but it's hard on my schedule and my kids and husband.
    I didn't finish the last month. I thought it would be easier during summer but turns out it wasn't. I had 3 weeks left! Kind of bummed I didn't finish!
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Lost 35 lbs on my first round, but nothing on my second round. You need to check your measurments more than the scale. Went from a 39 inch waist to a 32. Have currently put on 10 lbs, but still look lean. Going to start another round, just needed some time off for the body to rest.
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I have now lost 2lbs in the first 3 weeks so am feeling better about it. I have set my basic calories to 1300 (which is my BMR according to MFP) and then I eat my exercise cals on top of that, so averaging about 1500 calories per day.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    glf...when you say that do you mean that your starting calories are 1500 and then you eat your exercise calories in addition or that your totals are 1500?

    Right now my base is 1300 and I am focusing on eating almost all of my exercise calories which generally puts me around 1400-1600 depending on the day.

    D's a difficult question for me to answer because I don't use MFP that way (I don't log my exercise in). I wear a Bodybugg, so I know fairly accurately my calorie expenditure, which is right around 2700 on the day. I plan to eat 2000 calories/day, so just by doing that, I maintain a calorie deficit. In general, I burn 400 calories walking my dogs and average another 400 working out. Thus, I do eat a small portion of my exercise calories back, but not much.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I didn't lose. I toned up and got big biceps and nice shoulders. I loved it but it's hard on my schedule and my kids and husband.
    I didn't finish the last month. I thought it would be easier during summer but turns out it wasn't. I had 3 weeks left! Kind of bummed I didn't finish! might consider ChaLean Extreme as a possibility. It's similar in nature to P90X, but more 'mom friendly' with regards to time (workouts are 35-45 minutes), and I feel the strength training days have more focus on the typical woman's 'problem areas.'

    Message me if you'd like information...