weekend bomb!

ok why is it so hard to stay on track on the weekends? both my husband and I kill our selfs on weekends with the extra calories, how do we get over this? Anyone else have the same problem? It happened even when I stay within my goal calories or over by 300 each day, but gain like almost 3-4 lbs!!!


  • I almost always go over my allotted calories on the weekends too, but once Monday rolls around, I'm usually good. For instance, I gained 5 pounds over this past weekend. This morning, it was all gone again, and I was back to what I weighed Friday morning. I find it's best not to weigh yourself over the weekend. Only reason I've been weighing myself every day lately is to get a rough idea what my monthly fluctuations are.
  • cnslrvle
    cnslrvle Posts: 1 Member
    Weekends are tough. Most people's lives are less structured on the weekends. This allows for variances in diet as well as exercise. I had been doing pretty well on the weekends = until this weekend (actually just yesterday). I wanted to spoil my husband because he worked overtime on Saturday, so I got up early on Sunday and made him omelet, hashbrowns, bacon, toast. Of course, I had to join him, but I tried to limit the amount I consumed (was only partially successful), then I had a beef roast in the crockpot, which we had for dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, etc. I ate way too much of both the beef and the potatoes. I just find it is way more difficult to maintain when there is little to no structure in my day. During the week, my days are very structured, so I do better. I don't have as much "down" time during the week as I have on the weekends either, so there is less opportunity to indulge my cravings. If I could only find a way to be more structured on the weekends, I think I would be more successful.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I stay within my goals, plan ahead to stay on track. If you eat out, don't eat the entire meal. Put some on a side plate and get it out of sight. If its takeaways, do the same and pile your plate high with veggies.
  • mrsjoyw
    mrsjoyw Posts: 80 Member
    I hate weekends as it relates to me staying on track with eating/exercising. I love the work week because I'm great at staying on track with eating/exercising LOL! I agree, weekends are hard to stay on track. It's not that I over eat on weekends, I under eat, way under eat. I dont even log my foods on Saturday and Sunday because it's pitiful.
  • sylf1966
    sylf1966 Posts: 52
    If I know there is a special event comming up on the weekend and I plan on eating over my calories, I just save up my calories by not eating all my burned calories during the week. I lost 51 lbs before joining MFP, since signing up, I now have a clearer understanding of why I had a 7 year "plateau" :). Watch your salt intake especially if you plan on over eating, I went thru the 5lb water weight gain and thankfully lost it by the next day; it can be depressing. I find that if I fill my weekends with alot of activities, I think less of food;. You can do this!
  • sylf1966
    sylf1966 Posts: 52
    I hate weekends as it relates to me staying on track with eating/exercising. I love the work week because I'm great at staying on track with eating/exercising LOL! I agree, weekends are hard to stay on track. It's not that I over eat on weekends, I under eat, way under eat. I dont even log my foods on Saturday and Sunday because it's pitiful.

    LOL, maybe we need to work 7 days a week?! :)
  • nmh52
    nmh52 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, weekends are less structured for me and we tend to go out to eat or get a frozen yogurt. It's the little things that add up. We try to combat this behavior by doing something active like hiking, but it's difficult to cram everything into a weekend. I need to be better about cooking and eating out less on the weekends.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Some ppl use weekends or days off as an excuse to log in the next day or week after week and be dumb founded that this has happened or continues to happen. NOT SAYING THIS IS YOU...so dont start bunching your panties or protract your claws lol
    What I am saying is......if you find this to be a repetitive behavior and it is not working in your favor and it makes you feel like ****, take the proper preventative measures to stop it.

    I have a few ideas but I dont know if they could be applied to you and yours or not but here they go anyways.
    1.Eat before you go out. I never go shopping hungry or out of the house now for that matter, if I do it is a sure disaster to use as excuse to grab something I shouldnt and shove down my gullet. By eating before leaving I leave no room to justify bad choices.

    2.Take acceptable snacks with you or keep some in your cars glove box. Having a healthy snack like nuts or a dark chocolate bar, fruit anything good for you is a deterant to just driving through a drive thru or picking up a bag of chips or candy bar at the corner store to end a rumbly in your tumbly.

    3.I find that order and structure in my life goes hand and hand with success. Before you leave plan your day and go online and find places around where you will be and check their menus online so you can pre-log a meal and see where it will put you by days end. Always have a 2nd option back up meal in case they are out of the 1st one.

    4.If you know this is an ongoing issue for you on the weekends you can allot for it through the week.

    That's all I can think of atm (need more coffee) There are many ways to resolve this issue but it takes self discipline, self control and motivation to do so. There is nothing wrong with going over but if it is hurting your progress or you are feeling bad about it, it is time to fix it. Hope this helps
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I used to have this problem...now I have the opposite problem, I find myself consistently under on calories over the weekend...the difference is that I started scheduling activities on top of my weekends - no more lazy days for me...somehow when I have x,y, and z that I must accomplish on Saturday then I just don't have time to eat and I actually find myself forgetting to eat...it helps that I have 2 acres that need attention (weeding, raking, planting, seeding, etc) so I have no shortage of activities to fill the weekend with...however, I would bet most people have SOMETHING they can fill the weekend with...closets that haven't been cleaned and organized in quite some time...spaces under beds and dressers that can be sorted and cleaned...maybe old projects that never got finished...scrapbooking, quilting, beading, etc...for me, I try to write it down and stick to it...last weekend for example...Saturday morning was "hook up the wireless router" time, at noon I had to get my daughter ready for ballet, at 12:30 we left for ballet...while she was in class I had a list of items to pick up at Target and Food Lion...when she got out of class we had to go to Wal-Mart for a grill and the spring planting supplies...at home the schedule became "assemble the grill" and "do the spring planting" with pots and seeds plus cleaning out the pots from last years use...Sunday was breakfast, cook for grandparents birthday, drop off food, ballet, birthday party, home, baths, laundry, etc.

    I for one am totally a boredom eater...if I stay busy I don't spend all weekend eating...hope it helps!!!
  • I have the same darn problem! come friday ... it is like a light switch! pizza, beer... and all my hard work goes right out the window. It is a never ending struggle. I need to figure a way when friday hits, I start my weekend on a more healthy/postitive way. I need to realise that having a beer and pizza is holding me back from getting my weight off. Any advice would be welcomed! Thanks!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I have the same darn problem! come friday ... it is like a light switch! pizza, beer... and all my hard work goes right out the window. It is a never ending struggle. I need to figure a way when friday hits, I start my weekend on a more healthy/postitive way. I need to realise that having a beer and pizza is holding me back from getting my weight off. Any advice would be welcomed! Thanks!

    Beer and pizza is not holding you back many ppl eat pizza and drink beer and still stay within macros and cals. The problem is lack of self control,moderation and the willingness to exercise those calories off. You can have all that stuff..