What is Zumba? Please let me know…

Hi all…. I am 29 and doing cardio and following diet to reduce my tons of weight. Before starting working outs I didn’t consult any physical trainee, I just gone through internet. While googling for weight loss tips, I am coming through zumba. I would like to more about zumba, how it shows effect in weight reduction.
Thank You…


  • Naywifey07
    Naywifey07 Posts: 74 Member
    I know its a dance areobics class. It is very fun. I just took a Zumba class this week and I plan on going every week from now on. It doesn't matter if you have 2 left feet (like myself :bigsmile: ) you can still burn a lot of calories.. Just follow the instructor!!
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    Zumba combines all sorts of dance, but mostly Latin style, like salsa, merengue, Cumbia, and reggae. It's a lot of fun, once u get the hang of it. There's classes out there everywhere or u can buy DVDs on www.zumba.com. Its even on the wii and xbox kinect, and the DVDs are also on eBay. If you've never done any aerobic dancing before, you might have a hard time at first. But, their motto is no worries, just feel the music, and keep trying.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Zumba instructor here.

    Zumba is a high intensity, interval training dance workout that is comprised of 70% Latin music and lLatin dance moves. The workout is a full body workout, with emphasis on building the core muscles -- so expect a lot of hip shaking. The average calorie burn range is 450 - 600, with higher calorie burn based on the intensity level of the work out. I am not a hardcore instructor, but my burns average around 550-600 cals.

    As for weight loss, it has helped me tremendously, and has become my major form of exercise, because I absolutely LOVE it. I have also gained a lot of muscle tone from it -- as you use all muscle groups and try to use them in opposition to each other -- for example arms up, down, side to side, etc.

    Be prepared to sweat profusely at first, sore as heck for a day or two, and have a little fun. It's not for everyone, BUT anyone can do it -- and you don't have to be coordinated to do it, only have to keep moving. The dance routines are fairly easy to learn, and we do the same routines to the same music.

    The picture in my profile is from a Zumba class I attended last Monday night. As you can see, I appear to be toned. I weighed 182 lbs on January 1st, and am now at 165. This was achieved mostly through Zumba and eating right.
  • I had gone through your information about zumba. Through zumba we can increase our pulse rate as it is in cardio. Am I right guys. You people gave me valuable information and thanks for giving your time to this.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I blame Christian Bale for this recent trend of Zumba participation.

  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    It's not for everyone, BUT anyone can do it -- and you don't have to be coordinated to do it, only have to keep moving. The dance routines are fairly easy to learn, and we do the same routines to the same music.

    That's just not true, not for the zumba classes I go to anyway, and I've seen 4 different instructors over the last half year. I've got no sense of rhythm and can't remember any of the songs, let alone the dance moves that go with them. I still spend at least 25% of the classes looking puzzled about what I'm supposed to be doing when everyone is doing the same moves at the same time in the same direction.
  • Tonijking
    Tonijking Posts: 18 Member
    I looove my zumba classes its a good cardio workout that anyone can do in my class there are ladies of every age size and shape and we all have a laugh
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I like Zumba. It's great way for me to get cardio with my bad ankle. Though I look like this 99% of the time

    I don't care. I have fun and keep going back.
  • Tonijking
    Tonijking Posts: 18 Member
    Just to add if you do try it and like it I would recommend getting some dance shoes I've got ones from Bloch they have a split sole so its much more comfortable
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    It's not for everyone, BUT anyone can do it -- and you don't have to be coordinated to do it, only have to keep moving. The dance routines are fairly easy to learn, and we do the same routines to the same music.

    That's just not true, not for the zumba classes I go to anyway, and I've seen 4 different instructors over the last half year. I've got no sense of rhythm and can't remember any of the songs, let alone the dance moves that go with them. I still spend at least 25% of the classes looking puzzled about what I'm supposed to be doing when everyone is doing the same moves at the same time in the same direction.

    I'm sorry you have experienced that. I tend to talk my participants through it, even the regular ones. Perhaps the level of difficulty is too high? I tend to be very mid range, and before we even do a new routine, I show the basic moves they will be doing.
  • I'm not one for those classes either. They disguise all sorts of group dances and sell them to you, if I wanted to dance, I would have signed up for dance classes.
    Some time ago I went to body combat, it was just moving on music. The instructor is yelling at you, music is very loud. That doesn't motivate me at all.

    A lot of people come to the gym just for those classes and seem to have a lot of fun, I guess it's also better if you go with people you know.
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Zumba is AMAZING, it's pretty hard work to begin with, but it's really fun. I honestly don't see it as exercise, I see it as socialising and having a laugh :)
    I used to do Zumba alongside weight watchers, and I was losing 2-4lbs each week :) Hope this helps
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    IMO, Zumba was created so that women could have a good time dancing it up since their SO's don't take them anymore! But it works since it's exercise activity.
    Fun for many and you don't have to be a great dancer based on some of the participants I've seen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Jamie430
    Jamie430 Posts: 8 Member
    Love Zumba, but it IS about dancing. So, if you aren't looking to dance, then I wouldn't go. For me, I hate exercise. I love to dance though. So, Zumba is perfect for me. I am getting in a workout without hating it!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    It's not for everyone, BUT anyone can do it -- and you don't have to be coordinated to do it, only have to keep moving. The dance routines are fairly easy to learn, and we do the same routines to the same music.

    That's just not true, not for the zumba classes I go to anyway, and I've seen 4 different instructors over the last half year. I've got no sense of rhythm and can't remember any of the songs, let alone the dance moves that go with them. I still spend at least 25% of the classes looking puzzled about what I'm supposed to be doing when everyone is doing the same moves at the same time in the same direction.

    Finally!!! Validation that I'm not alone :-) I get so annoyed when people say "anyone can do it" blah blah blah :noway:
  • weese17
    weese17 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi all…. I am 29 and doing cardio and following diet to reduce my tons of weight. Before starting working outs I didn’t consult any physical trainee, I just gone through internet. While googling for weight loss tips, I am coming through zumba. I would like to more about zumba, how it shows effect in weight reduction.
    Thank You…

  • jessichri
    jessichri Posts: 81 Member
    I blame Christian Bale for this recent trend of Zumba participation.


    He is my inspiration.

    But really..Zumba is great. I agree that anyone can do it IF they stick to it and don't let themselves get frustrated when they can't quite catch a routine at first. You will mess up. You will likely feel stupid at one point or another. But everyone who has ever danced in public has felt this way at one point so you are in good company.
    Its a great way to get started losing weight. This is how I'm starting and intend to up my workouts as I get in a little better shape. If you don't want to join an actual class or buy a DVD, YouTube has a million videos. I recommend grabbing a friend for motivation and added fun.

    Good luck on whatever routine you choose!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    IMO, Zumba was created so that women could have a good time dancing it up since their SO's don't take them anymore! But it works since it's exercise activity.
    Fun for many and you don't have to be a great dancer based on some of the participants I've seen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    That's gender bias. I've had men in classes I participate in (but not teach). AND it was created by a man. And, my certification instructor was a man, who put me through the most rigorous workout of my life.
  • hi all have any of you tried hip hop abs it is fun too . i have been working out to it .