Starting Over

Hello! I was on MFP for about 5 months and really just lost my drive and stalled out on my weight loss. I started my journey at 260 lbs and am down to 235. I'm 36, 5'7", and female. This weekend, I went clothes shopping and chopped my long hair off. I've decided it's time to start anew and really do this! I just need to make sure those horrible internal voices don't come back to me, telling me that I can't do it.


  • ACoehick
    ACoehick Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome back! Way to go on loss so far! Feel free to add me if you'd like some support.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I am right their with you i have failed misserably, weekends been jackin me up especially this last weekend so today i am doing this right no more drinkin till i reach my goal the drinkin is what kills me on the weekend if i can just lock myself in the house i would be ok haha