What to have for a healthy lunch during the week?

I have just started 'seriously' using MFP this week and have found that my lunches so far have been quite high in calories (around 300), so then I don't have much for dinner after breakfast and fruit throughout the day. I was hoping that you would be able to help me out, I have a turkey salad a couple times a week but I would like a little more variety.

I don't eat fish/seafood so please dont' suggest that. Something quick and easy to make either in the morning or the night before would be best too.

I am going to the gym 3-4 times a week after work so suggestions on 'bigger/fuller' lunches would be great as well.

Thanks for your help :)


  • MissGlover
    First off, welcome to MFP!

    Secondly - 300 calories is a LOW cal lunch - not a high one! Remember - it will be harder to keep the weight off if this isn't a new lifestyle and is a fad!

    Soup is always good. Quick to heat up, I have rye crispbread instead of a roll - only 30 cals each. And if you have a nice chunky veg soup the whole lunch can be as low as 250 calories AND fills you right up!

  • laurenmartel90
    Thank you!! I do LOVE soups, but as it's getting warmer I wanted something cooler. lol
    I thought 300 was alot, given that I'm only allowed 1200 a day, but ok, I don't feel so bad now.

    Thanks :)
  • ParrosFan
    ParrosFan Posts: 77 Member
    2 Wasa crisp bread with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, 6 slices of turkey, cucumber and tomato. Like and open face sandwich.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    300 is not a lot at all. Try salads.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    For a person that only has 20 lbs to lose, I have a feeling your goal is aggressive. It should be set at no more than 1 lb per week. Also, if you exercise, you get to eat more calories too since the deficit is already built into the number. Every women I know that exercise 3-4 days a week eats 1500+ calories and if it's 5-6 it's 1700+ calories.
  • onthelam67
    Thank you!! I do LOVE soups, but as it's getting warmer I wanted something cooler. lol
    I thought 300 was alot, given that I'm only allowed 1200 a day, but ok, I don't feel so bad now.

    Thanks :)

    Please don't forget that you should be eating BACK your exercise calories. So if you have 1200 calories a day, but burn 350 at the gym in the evening, you need to be eating those back. Too few calories will stall your progress. Working out in the morning (if possible for you) helps you know exactly what you have extra for the day.

    Lunch ideas - eggs. I often put two egg whites and one whole egg in a container then scramble them with spinach and tomato using the company microwave. I also make a pita pizza using the toaster oven - a whole wheat pita, a little sauce, a light string cheese pulled apart and tons of veggies I've prepped the night before. Cottage cheese with fresh veggies to dip.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I agree 300 cals for lunch is on the lower end. I like to have:
    Smart Ones: my favorites are Santa Fe style rice and beans, 3 cheese ziti marinara, lasagna florentine, or Lean Cuisine paninis. Just make sure to watch the sodium and drink water. I usually drink 20oz before lunch and 20 during/after, plus all my other water throughout the day, I'm usually over 8 cups a day.
    Campbells Chunky Healthy Request soups: you can eat a whole can for less than 300 calories. I also like to add cooked quinoa or ground flaxseed to bulk them up sometimes. Again, watch the sodium.
    I like those pita pockets from Arnold, they are 100 calories a pocket and you can fill them with chicken, turkey, ham, veggies, hummus, whatever. Pair it with some Wheat Thins and a cheese stick. (these are also great for a quick breakfast: scramble 2 egg whites and a whole egg with a slice of american cheese, microwave 2 slices of turkey bacon and put it all in the pita).
    Grilled chicken with steam in the bag veggies or over a salad (I like to go t the salad bar at Farm Fresh or Harris Teeter).
    Wraps: make a sandwich using a tortilla and pair it with a one serving bag of Baked Lays or Quaker Popped rice snacks.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    300 is reasonable for lunch - you could have soup and 2 slices of nice bread for that.
  • nhouse3417
    nhouse3417 Posts: 105
    You could also make quinoa and roasted veggies and eat off of that all week. I do a lot of wraps, or boca burgers for lunch as well. Chicken tacos is something else I make for dinner one night and eat the rest over the week. It is just chicken in the crockpot with salsa, shred it and enjoy on a tortilla. Good protein!
  • lagringaloca1
    lagringaloca1 Posts: 22 Member
    I make a (4 oz) chicken breast wrap with Tortilla -Tomato Basil - Xtreme Wellness! Wrapole Mexican Foods, 1 Tortilla (its only 65 calories and has 12 grams of FIBER) and you can either make or buy salsa, and add a couple of romaine lettuce leaves. I always put sour cream as it tastes more satisfying but if you skip that its even less calories. Without sour cream it is 215 calories, with it is 245.
  • gregwhitley
    gregwhitley Posts: 26 Member
    If you can make your lunch and bring it in, I like ground turkey taco wraps.

    Make the 93/7 turkey taco meat the night before with taco seasoning (you can get lower sodium seasoning, if you are watching your sodium). Put it in one container, and some lettuce leaves in a ziplock bag, low or no fat shredded cheese, salsa, ff sour cream, cliantro and lime juice in another container. For me, I don't care if it is all mixed together. When you get ready for lunch, heat up the taco meat while you spoon the rest into your leaves and top with the taco meat. wrap 'em up and enjoy!

    I eat pretty large portions, and a "full" dinner portion for me is about 600 cal. My wife can only typically eat about half of that, so it should get you close. Hope this helps!