Is it really that important to drink water, I hate it.



  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Then don't drink it, keep drinking juice or soda or whatever Crap you drink but don't come crying to us that you cant lose weight
  • Vicki8524
    Vicki8524 Posts: 33
    I always say that water is one of the healthiest things I am consuming! I swear that water has been a major contribution to my weight loss.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I will have to disagree with this one...A lot of drinks have a Diuretic effect such as caffeine,soft drinks,alcohol etc and negate the benefits of water.
    Maybe I should have been more clear...the person who I quoted was talking about replacing water with substitutes, and yes caffeine in moderate amounts is unlikely to cause loss of fluids but if you are replacing water with 8 cups of caffeinated beverages this is no longer moderate thus causing the diuretic effect.
    So not really a myth busted more a miscommunication on my behalf...Nice to be kept informed though thanks. :)
    Source for your numbers?
  • angelamcmillan2008
    how much water to drink.your weight divided by 2=the ounces of water you need to drink a your feet swelling caused probably by either salt intake and you dont sweat enough.this is what most doctors will say.i say your acid levels are to need to eat more alkaline foods and drink alkaline can get your some ph strips i recommend the urine ones cause you want to know how much acid is coming out of your body.but no less water will make you swell more.more water will delute what ever is causing you to swell.cheers
  • effronte
    effronte Posts: 5
    Don' t forget you can always add sugar free diluting juice to your water. I hate water as well it's really dull but it is so good for you for everything from your kidneys to keeping you feeling fuller to helping with back problems and joints etc (advice from a sports massage therapist) and it usually cures headaches if you drink enough of it when you get one! I'm not blagging honestly!
  • rubypond
    rubypond Posts: 41 Member
    I never was a big water drinker myself, didn't like it. But have recently started drinking at least 6 8 ozs a day if not 8. It absolutely does help in my opinion. What I did to start kick drinking it was taking lemons and putting it in the water. No sugar, just lemons, at least it was a better taste then just plain water.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Water is important, drink it. You don't have to like it. It's tasteless anyways, what's to hate?
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    I'm genuinely confused how someone can "hate" water....its nothing....its tasteless....I don't get it?

    That being said I used to not drink a lot of water just because I wasn't in the habit. Learning that several UTIs and a full-blown kidney infection were the result of my chronic dehydration set me straight! Makes my skin better too.

    There are about a billion sugar-free flavored waters out there if its really so terrible for you. Or a green tea bag tossed in the bottle will do it.

    This question is so confusing to me. Do other people "hate" water as well? That just sounds crazy!
  • rubypond
    rubypond Posts: 41 Member
    Water is important, drink it. You don't have to like it. It's tasteless anyways, what's to hate?

    I think my reasoning behind it I never drink anything, or never did drink anything without sugar in it. I hated it because it was tasteless.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Drink your damn water.

    Ultimate first world problem... *sigh*...
  • Joshalynn
    Joshalynn Posts: 12 Member
    If your body doesn't get enough water from food and drink it takes it from your colon. Causing constipation. You can't lose weight if it can't get out of your body. Water was always a hard thing for me, but once you start it gets easier and easier. I add apple cider vinegar to my water. Gives it some flavor and has great health benefits.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    If I am retaining fluid in my feet could drinking more make the problem worse?

    I do drink a lot of water. My feet swell up quite badly from time to time but it's hard to pin down exactly what helps/hurts the situation diet wise.

    Try tracking your sodium and carbs, as well as water, and keeping a "swell diary" in the notes section.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    If you dont like it dont drink it. You can get plenty of hydration from food and other fluid.

    With that being said, I keep 100oz Big Gulp filled every day. I hate the taste of water too I'm sensitive to the minerals in it like chlorine. I cold steep a bag of herbal tea in my water. The tannins help to cover the taste. I drink water because it does help me to feel better and less hungry.

    Water sure as heck has a taste. Different cities different sources all contribute and some taste better than others. Anyone who says it doesnt have a taste just has insensitive taste buds.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Drink your damn water.

    Ultimate first world problem... *sigh*...

    IDK when I lived in Africa the poor kids would scramble for bottled water that was truly sad to see. You can believe me if they had the sources they would not drink the water. Most of it is boiled or used for cooking and cleaning. You rarely saw someone just drinking water unless it was a clean well. And those who were more well off never drank water instead preferred hot tea w/ sugar and cream from the UK colonization or coke.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Drink your damn water.

    Ultimate first world problem... *sigh*...

    IDK when I lived in Africa the poor kids would scramble for bottled water that was truly sad to see. You can believe me if they had the sources they would not drink the water. Most of it is boiled or used for cooking and cleaning. You rarely saw someone just drinking water unless it was a clean well. And those who were more well off never drank water instead preferred hot tea w/ sugar and cream from the UK colonization or coke.

    right because how people live in a UK colonization in Africa is exactly the same as how the indigenous peoples live... (see your first sentence)
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Eight glasses of water a day an urban myth'?

    Water and a well-balanced diet 'do far more than water alone,' Australian researcher says

    CBC News

    Posted: Jun 10, 2012 12:51 AM ET

    Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012 12:48 AM ET

    The common advice to drink eight glasses of water a day doesn't hold water, say nutrition and kidney specialists who want to dispel the myth.

    "What drove us to drink two litres of water a day?" asks an editorial in this week's issue of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

    The recommendation was driven by vested interests rather than health, suggests author Speros Tsindos of the department of dietetics and human nutrition at La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia.
    Other beverages also help us meet the body's fluid needs, say nutrition specialists. (Aaron Harris/Canadian Press)
    "Humans need to maintain fluid balance and need to drink water when required, but should also consider fluid in unprocessed fruits and vegetables and juices. There is further evidence that water and a well-balanced diet does far more than water alone," Tsindos wrote.

    "Water is important for health; however, the recommendation of eight glasses of pure water per day appears an overestimation of requirements."

    Even a baked potato is 75 per cent water, said nutrition Prof. Susan Barr of the University of British Columbia, who sat on a Canadian-U.S. committee that looked at fluid intake.

    "There's nothing magical about water from a glass of water as opposed to water from a food or any other beverage," Barr said.

    Drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee do not lead to dehydration, said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a nephrologist at the University of Pennsylvania who reviewed research claims on drinking eight glasses of water and studied how the kidneys handle it.

    Let thirst guide you

    "Drinking the coffee will count towards your total water intake for the day," Goldfarb said.

    Goldfarb said despite the common idea that it's important to "drink eight glasses of eight ounces of water" a day, "There’s no evidence that benefits health in any real way and it really represents an urban myth."

    There's no evidence you need to drink more water than what thirst dictates, Goldfarb added.

    Studies on desert nomads showed people can consume minimal amounts of water in harsh environments. The military has also looked at how much water soldiers need to take with them when patrolling in hot climates without harming their performance.

    "If one is just playing a game of tennis in an indoor facility, for example, or having a short run on a treadmill in an air-conditioned gym, the need to maintain hydration during that is just non-existent," Goldfarb advised.

    People have died of dehydration and from drinking too much water too quickly.

    A good guide to tell if the body’s finely tuned fluid balance is to check the colour of your urine. If it's very dark, you're on the dry side; if it's very light or translucent, then you need to drink a bit less water, said Dr. David Price, head of family medicine at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Drink your damn water.

    Ultimate first world problem... *sigh*...

    Internet high five for this guy!!.....Smartest damn thing I have read on post in ages, no sourcing, no pretension, just plain common sense and the truth.

    Dude you rock!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I drink coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, and water when I'm outside.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Is drinking water important? You're kidding, right? It's not merely important, it's absolutely essential.
    If you can't stand the taste, get a good water filter. Add slices of fruit or a tea bag.

    Of course any 0 calorie beverage can count toward your water intake, but nothing hydrates like pure water. Get the habit of drinking it that way; you won't regret it.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Water is important, drink it. You don't have to like it. It's tasteless anyways, what's to hate?

    I think my reasoning behind it I never drink anything, or never did drink anything without sugar in it. I hated it because it was tasteless.

    Well a big part of what you're trying to achieve is to change your habits, no? You don't have to like everything you do to achieve the results, fitness or otherwise, that you're trying to achieve.