It's time for a change!

I joined a while back but had given up on trying. Im tired of starting and stopping! This time Im going to make it a complete lifestyle change for the entire family. I know it may not be fair but I give into temptation A LOT and if I sit and let the kids and my husband have cookies or ice cream in the house I will start to break. Looking for some friends to help me stay motivated. I just cut someone from my life that I thought would be my motivation and inspiration b/c I realized they were only dragging me down and making things worse for me. Add me :)... Would also be amazing to make local friends to have company at the gym or even park or something, Im for the SouthEast Texas region.


  • Heather032190
    Heather032190 Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome back! I have had the same problem with falling off the horse this is also my 2nd time being back at MFP and I have been going 15days strong. I love to have more motivational friends because as you said some just dont seem to feel your pain and just bring you down.

    Feel free to add me. And good luck w/your journey!
  • SkySnav
    SkySnav Posts: 7
    Good Luck to you as well. And no they do not