is this a stall/woosh or water weight or what?

So I've noticed a pattern.

I am one of those people who weigh myself every day. I noticed that on Thursday, I weigh 130* and on Friday it goes up to 131* stays there on Saturday and Sunday and Monday it goes down to 128*. Next day, up to 129* stays there three-ish days, then drops two pounds again. Next day, up a pound again.

*not my real weight

It happens every week, enough for me not to stress when the scale is higher one day than it was the previous day. I KNOW I didn't eat 3500+ cal over my goal so I KNOW it's not real weight gain. I also know - since I weigh every day and I can see the pattern - that when it goes up, it will go back down by 2 lbs in a few days.

So is that a stall/woosh? Or water weight? (are they technically the same thing?). I don't have cycles so it's not a TOM thing.


  • gregwhitley
    gregwhitley Posts: 26 Member
    Yes, it is likely water weight. Do you eat the same meals or at the same places habitually? I know some of my coworkers do. Place "A" on Monday, "B" on Tuesday, etc. If so, one of those meals before your "gain" is either higher in carbs or sodium, I'd bet. Either way, you want to focus on the trend, not the little spikes and valleys. If you are moving in the right direction over all, then keep on keeping on!