I sabotage myself

I'll be doing good for about a week, really feel like I'm tracking well and working out then next thing I know I'm ordering fast food and eating more than what I should be. I understand what I'm doing and while I'm doing it I feel like I'm literally outside my body screaming at myself which just makes me feel guilty and I end up eating even more.

It's enough to drive a person crazy, I know why I do it and it's because of the way I was raised and how my family would use food to cope with everything. I've analyzed my behavior and have tried multiple things to stop sabotaging myself but in the end I fail.Even writing this I feel ridiculous here I am complaining that I force myself to sabotage myself...sounds just whiney and immature.

Does anyone else do this and if so what are some ways you were able to curve or prevent it all together?


  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Unless you don't log everything, you probably aren't eating enough; especially for a dude. You're binging because your body is telling you you need more fuel.

    How many pounds are you looking to lose? Do you exercise?
  • RedneckMomma77
    RedneckMomma77 Posts: 85 Member
    Will you open your food diary for everyone to see it please.

    I would imagine that a lot of what is happening is you may have drastically cut your calorie intake, and you body is not getting enough to curb the hunger. So you binge on fast food, because you have felt deprived on a daily basis, and when enough is enough you go get what you're craving. Try upping your calories, by maybe 100-200 a day and see if it makes any difference.

    Good luck and God bless,
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I thought it was open, I'll try to check it again.It says its set to Public am I missing something?

    Yes I exercise, I'll either go to my Gym (Kickboxing and just started back) or run on the elliptical. I've been sick for the last two weeks roughly and haven't worked out like I normally do. I was a lot bigger than I am currently am and did great losing 40-50 lbs already just frustrated with myself.

    I'd agree with everyone in looking at my food log it makes sense.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    You need to finding some coping mechanisms that don't involve food. What works is different for everybody. Can range from high energy activity - running, sports, weight lifting, martial arts to meditative - bubble bath, yoga, music, poetry, funny movies, etc. You might want to consider some counseling - doesn't necessarily need to be long term, but some times a couple of sessions with a more or less impartial listener can help you find your path. Change is scary, even if it's good change.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    -I'm going to say limit the fast food/takeout. I understand it's hard (I struggle with this a lot).
    -Increase your vegetable consumption. You'll get more food for fewer calories.
    -Plan out what you want to eat for the week and shop for those ingredients.
    -Cook large batches on the weekends for grab-and-go meals during the week.
    -Increase your fiber and protein intake and toss more healthy fats in. These things help you feel more satisfied.
    -You should be netting 1890. So if you exercise, you'll eat those calories back. There's debate on this, but since you have yours set so low for a guy, I'd recommend it.
    -If you want more help with calorie intake, check out this group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/10118-eat-train-progress. The people that run it are very knowledgeable.
    -If you want more help/support with binging, check out http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/726-binge-eating-support-group
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I had the same moments when I started; I did good for a few days and went back to my old ways(fast food and soda drinking etc). The motivation to get up and change wasn't all there yet. The dedication to go to the gym and change my eating habits wasn't there either. It was only when I sat back and finally thought of the RESULT that I would have after the hard work did everything finally fall into place. Don't be hard on yourself, change does require work, be proud of what you have done and have yet to accomplish.
  • hulkklogan
    hulkklogan Posts: 77 Member
    You're not alone bro. I do the same thing. I've at least been able to taper the binges to healthier stuff, but I have problems with snacking and binging. Like watching a movie and mowing down a whole bag of celery stalks and hummus. Or when I'm bored I want to snack, etc. I've been at this for 2 years and I still struggle with it. It's a constant battle.
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Unless you don't log everything, you probably aren't eating enough; especially for a dude. You're binging because your body is telling you you need more fuel.

    How many pounds are you looking to lose? Do you exercise?

    Nah he's eating enough, its just that at those margins its hard to fit things in that you liked eating, its a Mental thing but not about fuel...
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Maybe you could try revamping some of your favourite fast food things at home. I love butter chicken so I make it at home and it ends up being substantially less calories than the full fat restaurant versions and I think it's just as tasty.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'll be doing good for about a week, really feel like I'm tracking well and working out then next thing I know I'm ordering fast food and eating more than what I should be. I understand what I'm doing and while I'm doing it I feel like I'm literally outside my body screaming at myself which just makes me feel guilty and I end up eating even more.

    It's enough to drive a person crazy, I know why I do it and it's because of the way I was raised and how my family would use food to cope with everything. I've analyzed my behavior and have tried multiple things to stop sabotaging myself but in the end I fail.Even writing this I feel ridiculous here I am complaining that I force myself to sabotage myself...sounds just whiney and immature.

    Does anyone else do this and if so what are some ways you were able to curve or prevent it all together?

    Yes, I understand. I've had periods when I've approached the kitchen all the time thinking: You're not hungry, you don't want this, think about the consequences. And I ate it anyway.

    Intermittent Fasting helped me. I did a form in which I had a prescribed eating window and the rest of the time I mainly had black tea and sugar-free drinks. I ate the full amount I was supposed to during my window. IF gave me some distance from eating and I realized that I could resist eating when I wasn't hungry.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    You're not alone bro. I do the same thing. I've at least been able to taper the binges to healthier stuff, but I have problems with snacking and binging. Like watching a movie and mowing down a whole bag of celery stalks and hummus. Or when I'm bored I want to snack, etc. I've been at this for 2 years and I still struggle with it. It's a constant battle.

    Alcohol often makes it worse for me. I relax and overindulge.
  • MistressAella
    MistressAella Posts: 99 Member
    Maybe you could incorporate more protein into your day? Quick digesting carbs would leave me ravenous :D My goal is to cut fat and then build some muscle and my macros are split 40% pro- 40% carbs- 20% fats. lol. I eat about 1605 calories a day so that sets my protein/day to 161 grams. That's 100 over yours ;) That's just my $0.02....
  • Lisidy
    Lisidy Posts: 130 Member
    You're not alone. In the past I have had all the same behaviors as you describe. I'll be doing great, then I'll let myself slip and before I know it I've given up completely.

    I've done a few things differently to cope this time around.

    1. My food journal is open for my friends to see and I've made a promise to myself that I will log everything (with one important exception - see #2).

    2. I do not log my dinner on Saturday night. I get to have one meal a week when I don't have to worry about calories. I don't go crazy, but getting to have one meal when I can relax has helped tremendously. Instead of sneaking through a drive thru, I just tell myself to look forward to date night on Saturday.

    3. I've lowered my per week weight loss goal so I can eat about 200 more calories per day than before. This will make my weight loss take longer, but that's okay because I feel like I'm much more likely to stick with it if I'm not so restrictive. I was really demotivated by days when I would eat over my calories.

    Maybe some of these strategies will work for you. Regardless, stick with it long enough to figure out what does work for you. I regret all the times I quit after a bad day or a bad week. Keep coming back!
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I let MFP set all those number's I'm not even sure how to change them and if I knew I'd have no idea what to change them to.

    I'd really like to thank everyone for their support, I really felt stupid writing this out and just felt like I was complaining and being stupid. Thanks again!!
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    I totally do this. It is awful.. it is like I seek out opportunities to undo any good choices and kill any motivation I might have. I am a total addict to bad food... Ahh!! I am still working on it, but I have two strategies that have helped me a lot.

    1) I wake up and do a light, short workout first thing like a walk or a bike ride. I hate AM workouts, but doing something light usually gets my mind right for the rest of the day.

    2) Have you tried upping your protein intake? Every body is different, but mine responds well to high high protein diets... ie 50%+ of protein in my diet per day. It really keeps me feeling full and like I can't fit ANYTHING else in my tummy. When I start letting my carbo intake creep up it totally opens the floodgates and next thing I know I've had way more food than I need.

    Good luck!
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I let MFP set all those number's I'm not even sure how to change them and if I knew I'd have no idea what to change them to.

    I'd really like to thank everyone for their support, I really felt stupid writing this out and just felt like I was complaining and being stupid. Thanks again!!

    I left MFP set my numbers too and quickly found out that I was starving my body. 1,200 calories worked at first but I was totally obsessed with working out and logging so much that it stressed me out. Sleeping at night became difficult because I was so hungry. The weight started to come off quickly but then it stopped. Research became the name of the game. I started reading what worked for other people, using the recommended websites like fattofit radio, scooby's workshop and the road map. Someone suggested I get a book about lifting so I did and read it all in about 2 days. It's amazing what we don't know and how much we learn from doing what is suggested. I haven't really lost much more weight because I am 131 lbs. as it is so that last 6 lbs. is moving very slowly but I have started to lift and every piece of clothing I own is too big. When my husband suggests pizza for dinner, I say ok....but then I stop and get a salad at Subway. When he calls and says he is going to pick up Taco Bell, I say.....I am going to make tuna salad. Find healthy foods that you love. Use the calculators from those websites and find out how much you need to be taking in. Go to My Home (on your page), find goals, change goals, and choose custom. If you find out you need 1600 calories per day then just change the number. You can change your macros too. Find healthy foods you like and make sure you keep them in the fridge. Don't leave the house hungry because this ENSURES you will stop at a fast food joint. Absoluletly don't starve yourself!!! It's the worst thing you can do for your body. Be kind to it!! I could go on and on...like I just did. The bottom line is IF YOU DO THE WORK, THE RESULTS WILL SHOW!! Hang in there.
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    I've been there so many times, you feel like you're doing well just to mess up. There is this saying in AA (not that I'm in AA, but I like their mantras) that anything worth doing is worth doing badly. You just have to keep trying, even if sometimes it doesn't go well, and eventually that type of self-sabotage will start to fade away once you trust yourself more. Just keep trying, you'll get there :-)

    As for quick fixes, whenever I over eat I definitely try to go for a walk to do some light exercise after just to digest. Sometimes I drink some seltzer too and I imagine that it's cleaning out my belly like it does for a stain, but that's just for my brain. Really, just keep trying to do the best you can the next day - making good choices makes you feel good and will be the best way to get over mistakes. Just stay committed!
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    I let MFP set all those number's I'm not even sure how to change them and if I knew I'd have no idea what to change them to.

    I'd really like to thank everyone for their support, I really felt stupid writing this out and just felt like I was complaining and being stupid. Thanks again!!

    Yup when you're given a Low number what you eat is important, but personal to you too, a lot of it is down to what your mind can take, your body can take 1200 calories if they are healthy and well balanced, but if that is going to make you binge every couple weeks you might want to change something. If you put your calories up but then you don't really lose anything then you might want to change something, It's all about what feels easier to you, as your mind will always go towards Sabotaging you.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I do it from time to time. Here are ways I exert control:

    I try to keep my weight low so I always have a comfortable margin when I eat in a way inconsistent with my stated goals;

    I try, to the extent possible, to structure my environment to avoid junk food or too much food (this is the hardest for me);

    I occasionally do things to break up the routine and provide a new perspective, such as Intermittent Fasting or a limited, healthy, low-calorie diet;

    I explore things that teach the redirection of focus, such as Insight Meditation;

    I weigh myself several times a week. Observing what I'm doing to myself prompts me to action.