Macros (Low Carb, High Fat?)

xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
Hey everyone. My weight loss has hit a snag, so I've decided to change things up a bit by focusing on my macros.

Using a topic that was recommended to me ( I calculated my macros. Unless I did my math wrong, here is the breakdown:

Carbs: 30%
Fat: 40%
Protein: 30%

I've been pretty good about getting my required protein, but this is quite a bit higher in fat than I'm used to. Essentially, I'm moving toward a low car, high fat diet.

Any thoughts on this? I'm not entirely sure where to start.

Thanks in advance.


  • bmcmur1
    bmcmur1 Posts: 9
    I’m far from an expert but based on my own experiences and what I’ve learned…

    While a low carb, high fat diet can definitely work, this just looks off to me. I’m not saying this can’t work, but what I have seen done is more like 50% protein, 30% fat, 20% carb. This type of approach works best with resistance training based plans instead of cardio-heavy plans for a few reasons: One, high protein and resistance training builds muscle (which then burns fat). Two, you are limiting excess carbs which your body would normally store away as extra weight. Three, low carbs means lowered energy (it’s not easy to do heavy cardio work when you are tired).

    In either case it’s going to be a shock to your body if you are reducing carbs by a good bit…your body relies on carbs for energy. And the most difficult part about a high-fat approach is where you are getting your fat. To get a diet like this to work for you, you’ll need to get your fat from the right places. That means eating meats, nuts and avacados, and olive or fish oils. Unfortunately it means NOT eating any the tasty fatty stuff—cookies, cakes, ice cream, donuts, chocolate.

    My advice would be to keep the carbs down to 30% or less and then add more protein instead of fat. Everyone is different, but you might try something like 45%protein, 30%carb, 25%fat. I know doing a 65% protein, 20% carb, 15% fat even for just a few days or a week has helped me break through ruts by losing weight quickly. 65-20-15 is pretty extreme and makes me feel worn down for a day or two, so I’m not recommending it. But you might want to find somewhere in between that is low carb, high protein, and low-ish fat.

    I’m curious to see what other advice you get. Best of luck in whatever you do!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    what are your fitness goals? simply fat loss? retain muscle? endurance?

    depending on your goals, your nutrition can maximize your results. without knowing what your goals are,
    it's hard to say if this will work well for you are not.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    What caused your current plan to hit a snag?
  • I Don't know anything about macros but I do about low carbs. First you can do low carbs without dong high fat. You do need some fat in your diet and how much depends on your personal system. Same as with any aspect of dieting. Second, low carbs should be a short term program. Are you planning on following Atkins, South Beach or one of the other low carb programs? If not at least read up on them, if you have not done so, to get an idea of how to get the most for your effort. When you step down from low carbs gradually add carbs back into your diet just until you start to gain weight then back down to the last amount before and that will tell you how much carbs you can maintain with out regaining. Don't do like I did. loose 100lbs then stopped low carbs and regret it.
    This is my 3 day with MFP and still leaning all the features MFP has to offer. Wish you all the best.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    What caused your current plan to hit a snag?

    Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure. Nothing has changed in terms of my workouts, water intake or diet, but I've gone from losing a pound-a pound and a half a week to maybe losing .2, but most likely gaining some. This week, I am up three pounds and I'm not sure why.

    Some of it could certainly be water weight from my workouts this week, but I am still drinking at least 8 cups of water. And my workouts aren't any more extreme than they were a few weeks ago.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I think it depends on your goals... my fitness trainer has told me to eat 50% carbs, and then 25% protien and 25% fats.. you will probably get alot of different answers here... and alot of them will probably be really low carb... but my trainer told me that I was hitting a platue because I was eating to few carbs.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Yeah, with the lower carb comes higher fat... but I have found it works great for me and I've lost 30+ lbs effortlessly since i started, last september..
    Good luck!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I read somewhere that eating under 40% carbs isn't neccesary unless you're in figure competitions or something and are trying to let all your cuts show.

    I was recently on 30% protien, 30% fat and 40% carbs, but my trainer told me to up my carbs to 50% and send my fat down to 20% since I exercise a lot every day. Her reasoning, "The carbs will help with energy and strength- your muscles need carbs, and carbs help burn fat. Since you're increasing carbs, we had to decrease another macro- better fat than protein, so you don't lose too much muscle. "
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    I appreciate all of the advice, everyone.

    Right now, I am focusing on losing weight, but also becoming healthier overall. Most people tell me that losing weight is mainly calories in, calories out, but I want to make a change that will keep me energetic and healthy as well.

    I'm considering dropping my fat down to 25% and upping my carbs.
  • sarahsamuels82
    sarahsamuels82 Posts: 51 Member
    I too hit a plateau. I switched it to 40 carbs and 30 protein and fat. Have been doing this for two weeks and already seeing results. Only lost a pound a week, but I only have around 7lbs to lose. I'm seeing more
    Of a difference in the mirror though! :)
  • eva78
    eva78 Posts: 16
    I run 5+ miles two or three times a week, do pilates twice a week and spinning once or twice a week and eat 60% fat, 30-35 % protein and 5-10% carb. I know a lot of people will shake their heads at the low carb % but my doctor was all for this. I have never had more energy, I don't need to count calories like before, the pounds are melting away and best of all my blood pressure has gone way down. Am off medication that I needed even with the exercise routine. I will up the carbs when I've lost a bit more but I seem to function best on low carbs. I recommend looking into lchf or the sweedish diet, f. ex on It isn't for everyone of course but carbs have always made me bloated and kind of sluggish, and yes that's all carbs. I did manage to lose alot by calorie counting before but this fits me better, I feel better, am never hungry and get to eat really good, yummy and clean food.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Hey everyone. My weight loss has hit a snag, so I've decided to change things up a bit by focusing on my macros.

    Using a topic that was recommended to me ( I calculated my macros. Unless I did my math wrong, here is the breakdown:

    Carbs: 30%
    Fat: 40%
    Protein: 30%

    I've been pretty good about getting my required protein, but this is quite a bit higher in fat than I'm used to. Essentially, I'm moving toward a low car, high fat diet.

    Any thoughts on this? I'm not entirely sure where to start.

    Thanks in advance.

    Those are the same macro percentages I'm experimenting with right now. I don't have a problem getting the fat in (my daily is around 80 a day and I'm over again today, yesterday I was over by like 20 grams lol). I had 4 ounces of sausage today and that was 30 grams right there :)