Will You Use MFP Forever?



  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I agree...I think I will need to use this tool to help keep me accountable forever....lol...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I will definitely use MFP for maintenance. Plus, I love all the challenges and posts about new things to try. I need to keep switching it up to challenge my body.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Goals should never stop. Weight loss is the most common goal, and once it is achieved, we must set new goals for ourselves. Whether it is running a 5k, increasing strength or endurance, losing body fat, etc, goals are what keep us moving. I always tell my clients that it is easier to stay running when you can see the finish line. That is why I always recommend short term goals, anywhere from 4-12 weeks. Keep up all your hard work, it sounds like it is definitely paying off! And never stop asking yourself, "What am I going to do next to challenge myself?"

    Love this answer. I think that with the use of MFP and a heart rate monitor I will start to program my mind as to calories in and calories out automatically. Like, off the top of my head I now know that an El Pollo Loco chicken leg is 90 calories. It's now great to know what a meal should average and what a snack should average. These are great tools for sure.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Absolutely :bigsmile: I''ve lost weight in the past with WW and lost interest in the meetings so therefore lost interest in the whole idea :grumble:

    Since joining here I have met some really wonderful people who I would hate to lose contact with :wink: their support has been priceless :bigsmile:

    While I am here I am being held accountable for my actions so yes I think even when I reach my goal I will definitely stay here :heart: I have now gotten into the habit of daily tracking of my foods so why would I change something that is working :drinker:

    My motto : If it ain't broke don't fix it :bigsmile:
  • donghaeboong
    Probably not. There's a big chance I'll end up forgetting about the website, haha. I mean, I'm almost 19 (6 days!). Forever is a long time away, so...
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Like most everyone else, I will likely stay here for a very long time. I have been here for about a month, have gained/lost the same 2lbs over and over for the entire month, but I refuse to stop and give up. I have a long way to go still to reach my first major goal, so it will be a long time before I get even close to "maintenance."

    I love that everyone here is so positive and full of amazing support. Once my first goal weight is achieved, I know I will have a ton of other goals to reach. This is the perfect environment for putting your goals out there and having people help hold you accountable for reaching them, or just the extra needed boost to get there sometimes. I agree with a previous poster. We should always be challenging ourselves to try new things and going just one step further. Aging is hard on our bodies if we let it, being healthy is the best thing we can do to stay strong.

    Thanks to Mike and all the other people who stay here and offer up their wisdom, this place is an amazing FREE resource for those of us who need it. I will probably be here for as long as the site is.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    Well, I don't know about forever, ever! But definitely will use it for a long time. Yes, if you do research, it's been said that the people who are the most successful are the ones who write it down...not just WHAT they eat but when and why.

    However, I think I will keep on with MFP because of the support and encouragement I've been receiving. It really is an addictive site but the comraderie I've come across, well, it's amazing! I feel like I've "met" some really great friends. I know that I can and will get to my goal weight, with MFP and "with a little help from my friends." :-)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I am not sure about forever but I do believe that I will need to do something in order to keep this weight off. I do fear that if I "stop" the weight will slowly creep back on.

  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    I'm in it for as long as it's here! I learn so much every week. I think it's a tool that helps in so many more ways than just counting calories. The reports, the people and support I don't know what I'd do with out it!!

    Maitenance is just as important as weight loss and I think it will take awhile to understand how to truly maintain my weight. Plus I know out of sight is out of mind for me. That will lead to weight gain so.....I plan on being an MFP member for life:)
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,619 Member
    Well, I'm old enough that forever isn't as long as it used to be :smile:

    I've lost and gained and lost and gained and lost and .... so many times that I've lost track. When I'm at goal (or close to it), something always happens - an illness, death in the family, get pregnant, lose a job, start a job, start school, graduate. And while I adjust to the change - good or bad - I lose track of what I'm eating, I get too busy to exercise. I give it up to get through the adjustment. The worst thought I have is: It doesn't really matter right now. I'll skip today, I'll skip this week, I'll start tracking what I eat when this is over. I'm too tired, depressed, busy or whatever to do it now.

    Well, tomorrow never comes, as they say. But the weight gain does. And unless this is the first time you've ever tried to lose weight, you know what I mean.

    I know I'm going to get tired of tracking all my food. This is a lot easier than writing it all down as I've done in the past. I'm on the computer every day so it's not so hard to log in and enter what I've eaten. But, still, I know I'm going to get tired of it. I'm going to think: Hey, I'm at goal, I don't have to do this anymore!

    I've been on MFP for six months now. I've been lucky and haven't hit any life challenges yet but life is no bowl of cherries so its going to happen, sooner or later.

    Nobody really knows how weight losers successfully keep it off. But I think it comes from giving up on paying attention. Whether its continuing to weigh yourself, continuing to track what you eat or continuing to exercise every day or a combination of all three, if you stop doing those things then you're going to gain the weight back. And the longer you stop doing them - a few days, a week, a month, then the more likely you'll gain enough that you'll have to work hard again to lose it. And that can be so discouraging, that you give up all together and then, slowly, the weight will come back.

    So, yeah, I plan on logging in and tracking my food forever. I plan on weighing myself weekly forever. I plan on exercising three to five times a week forever even if I'm dragging myself around the nursing home at 105. I'm going to have one year MFP anniversaries, five year MFP anniversaries, 10 year, 20 year - hey 50 years if I'm lucky!

    Those are my goals and I'm keeping them.