Anyone else on weight watchers?

I am just wondering if their is anyone else who is on weight watchers?
I have been told that the price is too high, they don't allow you enough calories etc. but, I had wonderful results a few years back and I am interested in starting it again. I am going to the weight watchers building and getting my monthly membership and going to my first meeting in the morning! :)
I am just wondering if there is anyone else who is doing weight watchers who would like to keep in contact about our progress? We can text, add each other on the WW site, email, whatever you would like to do! :)

I am not staying on this site after tomorrow so, I'm not accepting friend requests but, I would be very grateful to receive messages! :)


  • leishamaree
    leishamaree Posts: 62 Member
    I do WW, but here in NZ we have our own website. I have been doing it for 2 years, and have lost 29.1kg (about 64lb). Its not as amazing as some of the WW success stories, but it works for me and I still get to live a life outside of watching my eating & exercising. Happy to be an email buddy :)
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    there was recently another posting about ww you might want to look for.
    I have done Ww in past, good program - expensive.
    At times found meetings better than others, nice support.

    I am currently counting calories, watching fat grams and plan to begin 30 day shred "30DS" soon. Having hip issues so must get in the pool or on an eliptical and try yoga/pilate.

    best to you at finding what will work for you!:smile::heart: