Hemsby Fitness Fiesta is anyone going there?

I'm going to Fitness Fiesta in 4 days, I was wondering if anyone more FF lovers here?

I have been first time last Sep and is great party and gives a great boost to exercises and those hot fitness instructors... makes you motivates even more

I'm hoping to do 16 class during the weekend :)


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Sounds like a dance exchange. We go for the weekend, take classes all day long, party all night and start again the next morning for three days straight. At the well organized ones, the classes start progressively later each morning, so that by Sunday, classes start around noon.
  • kasiek8209
    kasiek8209 Posts: 27 Member
    This one is more fitness orientate although they are some dance-fitness classes as well :)

    But mostly hard core fitness like box fit, body combat bod attack, mostly by less milles fitness instructors.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    What country is this in?
  • kasiek8209
    kasiek8209 Posts: 27 Member
    is in UK but I think not only here is link to it http://fitnessfiesta.co.uk/