what is your favorite food to indulge on?

Mine is probably a any desserts my grandmother makes.

Usually apple crisp,lemon cake,or strawberry shortcake. My FAVORITE is apple crisp a la mode:p

I know everyone on here is healthy but don't post calories/size/or something that isn't a "indulge" ex:strawberry smoothie. That's too healthy.


  • babybop15
    babybop15 Posts: 3
    its funny that you say that because i was just about to say cherries lmfao

    i eat way to many of them if i get my hands on them. urgh you know that is an indulge to because to much of any good thing is still bad for you. and i can put on weight like that. lol

    btw how much do you want to lose?

    i want to lose like 50 lbs
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    A huge spoonful of peanut butter with chocolate chips on top. (See how I got into this mess?)
  • Jesusfollower72
    Shouldn't that be plural?
    I love warm french bread, ice cream, pizza, twizzlers, but above all my favorite is kettlecorn. But because I don't have an ounce of self-control, I do better not having any.
    So know I indulge in cherries!
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I am bad because I love everything. Not necessarily fast food/junk food, just excess. I love butter and anything with it. And good cheese and wine. I am a foodie for sure and my BF is an executive chef...so pretty much any gourmet type foods, which typically are not the healthiest!
  • cowboybrown
    awe yes food, snack for me that would be peanuts in a shell with a nice cold bottled beer. Hmmmm good. Especially football season.
  • Precious_Nissa
    my over indulges were pizza, oreos, reeses and mcdonalds.....I have chosen to stay away from these items right now because hoenstly i have no control with eating them....
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    My favourite things were/are fresh fruit pies/cobblers, my mom's cheesecake tarts, and good old cheese and crackers. However, I discovered that what I thought was a portion of cheese was actually about 4! Oops. LOL
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    coconut cream pie....ugh i've been craving it so much....i was even looking today for an individual serving thinking maybe I could treat myself,but all the sell is the whole pie and that is just bad news in my house cause its only me and two kids.

    Aside from that ice cream and cake or Mr. Goodbar.....sigh I try not to think of these to much....I'm just building my will power LOL
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Ranch, french fries, cheese.... Cheese fries with ranch! Haha. :) Kidding.

    Oh, and there's this blondie brownie at a restaurant down on the coast of Mississippi (we're going down for a mini vacation) that I'm going to have on my cheat day next week! Covered in whipped cream and melted milk chocolate. Lol. I'm salivating. Best cheat day ever!!
  • crazy4him4552
    Oh wow!! Where do I start? These are a few of my favorite things:love: .....Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Snicker's bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup & Oreo Blizzards from Dairy Queen...and yes, CHOCOLATE DIPPED CONES!!!! YUM!!! I am proud of myself though....I haven't had any of them in a while. I may try a small dipped cone this week. Then burn off the calories by walking my dog. An extra mile...he he
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    Once a month there's an open mic held at my favorite coffeehouse. So, I treat myself and get a cup of Breve (haha, the description on the menu for it is "heaven in a cup") and a yummy, yummy scone to go with it :D
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    My biggest weakness is mexican food. I love to eat rice and beans with tortilla chips. When my hubby and I have a cheat day we will get just an order of rice and beans with some chips, and share=) Other then that I love Heath bar sudaes from Baskin Robbins (havent had one in 2 years!!) Also love those ice cream and chocolate covered brownies from TGIFridays....yuuummy=)
  • Jeanmom
    Jeanmom Posts: 3
    It's bad but I just discovered oreos. mmm But my fav is peach cobbler my mom makes yumm...
  • bikinibrooke123
    its funny that you say that because i was just about to say cherries lmfao

    i eat way to many of them if i get my hands on them. urgh you know that is an indulge to because to much of any good thing is still bad for you. and i can put on weight like that. lol

    btw how much do you want to lose?

    i want to lose like 50 lbs

    I'm not trying to lose anymore:) I'm maintaining my weight. Every weekend I indulge on something. Btw I'm 14,that doesn't give me the rights to eat unhealthy. I do eat unhealthy things too sometimes. I stay slim though. I just play outside,walk with friends,and stay active. I font have special meals/workouts.