A hello and a ask for help

siany01 Posts: 319 Member
First off Hi

I have been on here for a couple of years but never really used the forum bit.

A bit of history of me.
Until 2.5 years ago I was slim, not tiny but within a healthy range, apart from post pregnancy (3 at this point) I had always been this way and always got back to it within a year post pregnancy.

Then, 2.5 years ago, I gave up smoking :happy: but got really fat in the process :sad: (substituting smokes for ginger nuts was a bad idea) 6 mths & 3 stone later a happy bunny I was not. I got my butt back to the gym and started a weights routine, recommended by the PT as the best way to lose weight and tone, and I loved it. In 2 mths I lost a stone by going 3 times a week and banning ginger biscuits from ever coming near me again. Then life got in the way and my son got ill with a bug for a couple of weeks then my daughter and then me. 8 wks of not being able to go and I was out of the habit and then I fell pregnant queue cancelling gym membership.

So one year and one baby later I was the heaviest I have ever been, straight after baby it would of been about 230-240lb (guessing) I didn't weigh myself until about 6 mths after and I had been seriously reducing calories for about a month and was 215lb. I have got down to 179lb now with some bumps along the road.

Why do I need help? Because how I lose weight is not healthy. I drastically reduce calories to lose the weight and then go back to eating normally. (I know this is bad) I know how to do it the healthy way, eat lots of healthy food and veggies, fruit etc trouble is I hate it all. I eat a few veg and a few fruit but on the most part I don’t like any of it. I don’t like most ‘healthy’ food I would rather (and do) starve than eat it.

So this is where I am at a loss. I have read around the forums and I know how most people do it but that doesn’t work for me, I can’t force myself to eat food I detest. So how do I be healthy? Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t live on a diet of fast food and takeaways. I eat ok homecooked food normally, probably not whats counted as healthy but not in the really bad range either.

I don’t know how I personally, can eat this healthy way.

Wow - that ended up longer than I expected, Sorry.


  • violinkeri
    violinkeri Posts: 212
    Make a list of changes you would like to make (SMALL ones!) and change one thing at a time, every 2 weeks or every 20 days or whatever time frame. get used to one before you add another.

    Make sure you can maintain ALL of them. If its impossible for you to give up chocolate, DONT. Gotta have that diet soda? do it up! just allow for some of it in your daily calorie allotment.

    Calculate your BMR and TDEE (search for the Road Map forum post) and make sure you eat enough! Lots of people cut too drastically and their body rejects it, besides being dificult to maintain.

    Good luck!
  • joshuadavisped
    I have a friend who hates running or any cardiovascular exercise. I basically told her "well don't start running now because of course you'll hate it." I told her to start walking and jogging in place. This same concept applies to diet. Even I hate some healthy foods, most notably veggie dogs BLEH! But I did find out that I really liked vegetarian mushroom burgers lol Just go to the grocery store and buy some health foods that you've never had before, personally I like the vegetarian chicken patties. Same thing goes for fruits and veggies. Just try new recipes to incorporate some of those things and I'm sure you'll find something that you'll like. :D